Chapter 249
Jiang's mother blamed: "You child, what's the matter with Xiaochen? He came all the way to celebrate the New Year with us, how can we let him go out alone? What if something happens along the way?"

Seeing Xi Chen's complacent look, Jiang Ci wanted to defend himself but didn't dare, what could happen to him as a 21-year-old man?

Who dares to do anything to him?

He looked like a three-year-old kid.

Facing the majesty of Jiang's mother, Jiang Ci did not dare to resist, "Understood, I will take him there."

When Jiang Ci looked at Xi Chen, he saw him laughing wantonly, it was really Mother Jiang who protected him 'lawless' to enslave her.

She was angry, very unhappy kind of. ○`Д○
Jiang Ci returned the cat to Xi Chen, "The third to last room on the left is the guest room, you pack up and live in it yourself."

Xi Chen looked up at her with light in his eyes, and said with a smile, "Xiao Jiangci, where do you live?"

"Where do you care about me? It doesn't matter where I live."

"I want to live next to you, or just opposite the Xi family."

live opposite? ? ?
This Jiang Munian quit.

He refused in capital letters: "No, it's impossible. The door opposite my sister is my room. It's not bad for you to live in a guest room. You still provoked it?"

The left side of Jiang Ci's room is the master bedroom of Jiang's parents, the right side is the study room, and the opposite door is Jiang Munian's room. There is only one vacant guest room in the house, and it is really impossible for him to live elsewhere.

Jiang Ci looked at him with raised eyebrows, as if to say, look, accept your fate, you have no choice.

Xi Chen looked around, and it seemed that there was indeed no more spare bedroom, so he got up and followed Jiang Ci, raised his eyebrows and said, "That's all right, then let me see how about the bedroom Xiao Jiang Ci prepared for me?"

Mother Jiang urged Jiang Ci upon hearing the words, "Xiao Ci, quickly clean up Xiao Chen's room, I'm going to prepare lunch now, and when your father comes back later, he will buy you some of your favorite food."

Hearing Jiang's mother's words, how could Jiang Ci dare to neglect this young master again.

He has no sense of existence in Xi's family, but in the eyes of Jiang's mother and Jiang's father, he is so favored. Even after reading Jiang Ci, he wonders if he has made a mistake with Xi Chen?

But Jiang Ci wants to know more, does Xi Chen not match the post-00s with the surname Jiang?

He didn't deal with her first, and now he doesn't deal with Jiang Munian. No, it can be said that Jiang Munian doesn't like him. After all, Xi Chen is three years older than him, so he doesn't care about a little brother.

Jiang Munian looked at Xi Chen who was following Jiang Ci, the man was really tall, he could set off Jiang Ci as a petite wife, his figure was really nothing to say.

But Jiang Munian clearly knows that this thing is uneasy and well-intentioned!
Jiang Ci took Xi Chen to take a brief look at the bedroom, and it was just an ordinary decoration. Compared with Xi's house, it was completely different. go home.

Jiang Ci teased him, "Young master, have you been wronged for a few days? The small house is really a shabby hut, which is incomparable to the Xi residence you live in."

Xi Chen glanced at it casually, it was indeed very ordinary, but he didn't care about it, the most important thing was seeing Jiang Ci when he got up and went out every day.

He rested his chin in thought, "I think we can change our parents to a new house if we have a chance in the future. After all, there are not enough guest rooms for the Spring Festival when we come back at the end of the year, and when we have children, the house is too small for them to play."

? ? ? ?
Jiang Ci was slightly startled.

Who told you our parents? ?
You are so familiar! !
Does having children matter to you? ?

"Xi Chen, those are my parents. Our family has very few relatives. Now this house is easy to live in. Don't worry about being a philanthropist when you are old. As for the children"

"It's too early for you to think, who loves this thing?"

"Xiao Jiang Ci, you don't want to have children? But I heard from my mother that she has always wanted to hug her grandson."

"I like children, and I can raise them, but I don't want to have them."

If she had to give birth, she wanted to leave her father and keep her son.

(End of this chapter)

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