The whole network is eating me and the CP of the e-sports wild king

Chapter 26 Girls shouldn't be called old!

Chapter 26 Girls shouldn't be called old!

The fans in the live broadcast room couldn't bear to watch it any longer. This is simply too much tea!

Let a professional player give way in the game? ?

Although this is just a friendly match, it is completely challenging the bottom line of being a professional player!

How can the game let it? !

The host handed Jiang Ci a microphone, and Jiang Ci could only be forced to explain: "I'm really not bullying you, I just want to get a blue because you have blue on your body."

If you want to blame, you can blame Xi Chen, who told him to give you Lan, isn't it wishing that you would be chased and beaten to death? ?

The hostess moved up to Wen Zhuo and asked him how he felt: "Xiao Zhuo should have fulfilled his wish, today he played a game with Ci Shen, how do you feel?"

Since Wen Zhuo met Jiang Ci, the smile on his face has not stopped, and it seems that Xi Chen really wants to beat him up.

"Of course I am very happy. Being able to protect Sister Ah Ci in the game, and being able to fight side by side with Sister Ah Ci, this feeling is really unforgettable."

Jiang Ci was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Wen Zhuo, and when she turned her eyes away, she happened to collide with Xi Chen.

I saw that the host was still interviewing here, and the two of them were full of gunpowder in private.

After all the interviews are over, today's live broadcast is over. However, this program will be recorded for two days, and tomorrow will be the highlight. It is said that there will be a lot of 'physical work' tomorrow.

The host waved goodbye to the audience before the live broadcast: "This is the end of today's Jingren happy. I know everyone is very reluctant to part with us, so see you tomorrow."

The moment the live broadcast is closed, it is a carnival for migrant workers to get off work.

What could be happier than getting off work? ?
Without the camera, Wen Zhuo's clinginess is even more presumptuous.

"Sister Ah Ci, will you play games together tonight?"


Just as Jiang Ci was about to speak, he was dragged away by Xi Chen.

"Are you crazy? What are you doing?"

"Don't stay with dubious men, men's sweet words are the most untrustworthy, be careful that you will help count the money if you are sold." Xi Chen taught with seemingly righteous words.

Jiang Ci didn't take it seriously. In her eyes, Xi Chen's words were the most unbelievable.

"You care about me? Men's words can't be trusted. Could it be that you are not a man? Since you are also a man, why should I believe you? Unless you tell me that you are not a man, I will listen to you."

"You!" Xi Chen was stunned speechless.

Can he admit that he is not a man? ?

No, he is a man! !

The two are both Scorpios, and no one will spare the other when they get black-bellied.

Jiang Ci continued to fan the flames: "Xi Chen, tell me, are you a man?"

Xi Chen was furious, Wen Zhuo's appearance made him angry enough, but Jiang Ci was still a 'short-hearted', how could she get so close to a man? ! !
No matter if it's Wen Zhuo or Huo Chao! !

Xi Chen approached her with a playful smile on his lips: "Why? Do you want to know if I'm a man? That's easy. If you follow me, you'll know? Don't worry, I'm much better than some male high-ranking men. This kind of thing is still popular with old men and has experience."

Jiang Ci, who was originally in the upper hand, was defeated in an instant, and the tm theory of .sao. had to belong to Xi Chen!
Can't compare, really can't compare.

Without saying a word, Jiang Ci stepped on Xi Chen's feet hard, trampling on the expensive white sneakers he just bought dirty, and never forgot to confront him: "Don't talk too much, why are you talking about it?" Do you know that you are very powerful? What is so great about an old man, and the male high school student's younger brother is younger and more energetic than you?"

At this moment, the despised Xichen gritted his teeth: "Jiang Ci, don't forget that you are only one year younger than me, you have the face to be with your underage brother? You are a 20 years old aunt."

"Who are you talking about old aunt?!" Jiang Ci was a little impatient.

Girls can't be called old, we don't accept it! !
(End of this chapter)

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