Chapter 273

"Nonsense, what kind of career? What kind of career is that? It's not doing business properly." Mr. Huo scolded, "It's serious business to come back early and take over the family. After a year or two, his career will be gone, so don't we have to find another source?"

"I think it's better to come back now, don't go back to play any profession, it's a waste of time."

Huo Chao lightly adjusted his glasses, not daring to speak back. He knew his old man's temper. He was stubborn and old-fashioned. He was an out-and-out antique.

"Dad, Xiaochao is older now, the times are different, young people have young people's thoughts, and they can't come by force." This time it was a woman who spoke, a daughter of Mr. Huo's old age, Huo Qin , and is currently the only Huo family member of the Huo family who did not practice medicine. He studied law and is a well-known justice in China.

Huo Kai and Huo Qin are the two most beloved children of Mr. Huo. One is regarded as the heir of the family, and the other is regarded as the jewel in his palm. Qin became a lawyer, but fortunately, it was a decent career. She herself was very successful and well-known in the industry. As time passed, Mr. Huo didn't bother to care about her anymore.

But Huo Chao is different, he is the son and grandson, so we can count on him.

Mr. Huo looked at his precious daughter and snorted coldly, probably because he was too lazy to argue with her.

"Okay, okay, you mother and son just came back and went upstairs to pack your luggage, come down later to have dinner with everyone, and I will take Xiaochao to visit this teacher the day after tomorrow." Mr. Huo said arbitrarily, "If If you can really be favored by him, then don’t play this competition next year, just come back to study medicine obediently.”

Huo Chao's mother lightly patted him on the shoulder beside him. After her husband passed away, her position in the Huo family was like a transparent person, with almost no right to speak, but she just watched her raise Huo Chao, the grandson Some credit for supporting her.

Huo Chao narrowed his eyes, knowing that what his mother meant was to tell him not to quarrel with the old man, and to be more obedient to him when the Chinese New Year is approaching.

He studied medicine for two years before playing professionally. He studied medicinal chemistry at the world's number one medical university abroad. He returned to China as an exchange student by chance, and then came into contact with professional leagues. During the time in the chemistry room, the only thing that can accompany him is games, all kinds of games, he is born with no desires, he doesn't like to deal with women, and he never wastes time on women. According to Jiang Ci, the mother and child are single, But he's having fun.

It's just that he later met a very special girl like Jiang Ci, which gave his world a different color. It wasn't a bloody love at first sight, but a close brother who hit it off at first sight. He saw a part in her. This kind of yearning for life and enthusiasm for dreams, he didn't like studying medicine at first, but he was forced by his family to go to medical university. She told him that life can't let you down, you must find the value of your life.

He, a cold person, was melted by her passion. He saw the first female professional player in the history of KPL who led the team and went all out on the field. Her pride, her glory, she proved to the world who said Are women inferior to men?

She has climbed to the top and fell to the trough, but he admired her attitude of never admitting defeat and never surrendering to the world.

At the beginning, she and Jiuyue picked potential rookies at national competitions. He originally went with her friend, but he was picked on. Most of the willingness to join the LNG team was due to Jiang Ci's face, because she There is a very attractive feeling that she will be a very good friend.

Huo Qin nodded lightly, listened to his mother's warning, and said to Mr. Huo, "Well, good."

 Write about the relationship line of the deputy CP in these two days. If you don’t want to read the CPs of Shiwu and Huo Chao, Qin Si and Wen Xi, just skip these two days. It won’t take up too much space. The main line of the e-sports competition, but during the Chinese New Year, Master Ci and Brother Chen still have candies! !
  rest assured! !Since it's e-sports, there must be competitions to come! !The previous World Championship must have!

  A new map will be opened later, and then there will be new characters, as well as the real male second who I will forget! ! !

  Oh, by the way, I will explain about the LNG generation later, and Brother Chen will help Master Ci untangle this knot, and the LNG generation will appear later~~
  Master Ci is a bit hard-spoken. He clearly said that he does not forgive the players of the LNG generation, but he is still soft-hearted. After all, we trained together and won the championship together. The relationship between teammates is very deep, and this kind of relationship is very pure friendship. I don’t like that kind of All the men in a team like the same woman, because it will really affect the unity of the whole team and the winning or losing of the game. Feelings are taboo in the arena, and Master Ci is very serious about e-sports, so it is dust Brother likes Ci and never puts water on the field.

  Master Ci can lose, and she admits that her skills are not as good as others and she loses the game, but if she wins the game because she is handed over, she will never be happy.

  It is not easy for girls to play e-sports, so the competition must be fair and fair!

  Watching the KPL Summer Games recently gave me a little enthusiasm, and I can't wait to write about the game, but the plot of the outline has not yet been written about the game, so I have to wait! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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