Chapter 289 She Chooses Three Grandchildren

Lin Ying's words made Wen Xi dismissive. Was the money Wen's mother got from the Lin family really spent on her and Wen Zhuo?
I did give some in the first two years, but later
Think about how much she has plundered from her. Over the years, she has flourished in the entertainment industry, and the money she gave to Wen's mother is worth hundreds of millions. She can rely on herself to achieve her status today. Little by little, she became an internationally renowned actress. At the beginning, because she had no capital behind her, people in the circle looked down on her. Some male directors and producers even used the excuse of discussing the script to openly reveal her at night. Intruding into her room, if it wasn't for her female assistant who knows how to guard against wolf, I'm afraid it would be
Wen Xi retorted at her: "Then you have to ask her how much she has lost in gambling over the years, if it wasn't because I can make money and I have the money to pay her off, do you think the money in her hand was really earned by going to the casino? She can lose several million in one night, and if she loses too much, she dare not tell your Lin family to come to me, but I admit it, who calls her my mother, but last year the Lin Group's financial crisis, the hundreds of millions of liquidity Who took it out, do you want to be this white-eyed wolf?"

"She is a pampered vase who is used to eating, drinking and having fun. How can she have such a big coffers to help your Lin family? I know who eats whose and who drinks whose."

When Lin Ying stepped down from the stage, her whole face showed unbearable anger, because she lost to Wen Xi again, and she couldn't even quarrel with her!

Wen Xi finished her skirt, sat in front of Limai, holding the pipa borrowed from Lin Ying in her arms, her posture was very professional, her white and slender fingers caressed the strings, and played a few notes at random, from the professional The sound came out from the loudspeaker, and it rang throughout the hall. She could clearly see every face in the audience, and everyone had different expressions on their faces, some sneered, some held back their laughter, some shook their heads and sighed
"Can she play it anyway?", "Did she play it?", "This is the beginning? It's so ugly? How thick-skinned is it to be so indifferent and lose face on this occasion?", "I didn't even learn Dare to play her favorite pipa in front of the eldest wife, I can already imagine how angry the eldest wife is by her.".
Lin Ying stood under the stage, showing a smile of victory, and when it came to playing the pipa, she was determined to beat her.

"Ma'am, this person can't play at first sight, I'll let him now."

Before the servant finished speaking, the eldest lady raised her hand to interrupt her, her tone was affirmative, her eyes flickered, "No, she can play."

She clearly knew that the people on stage were just auditioning.

Wen Xi listened to the discussion in the audience, feeling helpless, she was just trying to hear the sound, look at how impatient to see her make a fool of herself.

The corners of her mouth slightly curled up, her eyes showed a sense of confidence, and her five fingers slightly opened on the strings, which was no different from when she was playing just now, but the difference was that the sound of the piano this time was so pleasant, like a slow stream. It flows slowly through everyone's heart, bringing them into the wonderful sea of ​​sound, and everyone is mesmerized.

The eyes of Wen Xi and Qin Si collided in the air, she suddenly smiled, Qin Si's whole heart couldn't stop beating, how many secrets did he not know about his little Wen Xi?

He likes such a surprise so much.

The smooth and beautiful tunes poured out unreservedly from her fingertips continuously, coupled with her ethereal and melodious voice of nature, the obviously boring and difficult ancient poems, under her humming, they are full of charm. At this moment, her whole body Like a musician who traveled from ancient times, the entire music world respects her as the king.

The eldest lady listened to this beautiful piano sound, her expression was as intoxicated as everyone present, she watched Wen Xi's eyes explode with great joy, what kind of little vixen, whoever is not a liar, this is the successor she identified !

No, no, she wants her to be her granddaughter-in-law!

She has three grandchildren to choose from!
As long as she is willing to marry into the Qin family!

Dowry gifts of tens of billions are not a problem!
Just a little bit, can you play the pipa for her every day?

 It's really nice to be calling someone a little vixen one second, but slapping her in the face the next second.

  Grandma Qin: What little vixen?This is my granddaughter-in-law! (*^▽^*)
(End of this chapter)

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