Chapter 3 Our LNG makes three chase four!

"What is the best era? Teenagers are working hard for their dreams and chasing for the championship. This is the answer! This is the era of e-sports!"

"They are such a team. They regretted relegation when they first entered the league. They are such a team. It is a pity that they won three championships a year after relegation. They are such a team. They are controversial and go forward. This team has hope. There are disappointments, but never despair, with the heart of a champion, there is a way to compete for the championship, time will change and the dynasty will never die, there has never been any chance coincidence in this field, all success is accumulated over time!"

"The wind and thunder at the fingertips are moving thousands of miles away. I am an unruly young man, and I never ask questions!"

Amidst the impassioned voices of the three commentators, the LNG players came to KA to shake hands.

Heroes are unyielding, soldiers are unyielding.

Different from the carnival of LNG, KA is unwilling, lonely, regretful, and disappointed, and his heart is filled with mixed feelings.

But this is the game, this is the charm of e-sports!
Losing is not scary, losing is not shameful, losing is the first step to success.

Standing on this field, everyone wants to win.

But you have to get used to losing before you can win.

When you fill yourself up with failures, when you overcome incomprehension with love, when you overcome criticism with persistence, when you refill your body with hundreds of hours of muscle memory, then you will I found that if you want to win, you can't be afraid of losing.

When Jiang Ci walked in front of Xi Chen, his face was full of joy from the winner, as if he was provoking him.

But he seems to have forgotten how he put down his harsh words to LNG before the game.

Zero LNG?

Sorry, our LNG let three chase four!

How does it feel to be slapped in the face?
Probably only Xi Chen knew.

Jiang Ci raised his eyebrows, that dark green wolf tail dazzled Xi Chen, and she said, "Sorry, I stole your championship again."

"Xi Chen, how does it feel to lose?"

Think back to the time when he snatched her blue buff for the whole round and showed off his power, it really relieved the hatred!
Xi Chen picked out his ears, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry, and calmly turned back, "Oh, what a big deal, I'm afraid you will cry."

"If you get blue, you will cry and cry, and your mentality will explode. If you get zero seals in the finals, I won't have time to comfort you, will you, good sister?"

Sister you sister head!
How dare you call her sister? ?
At this time, Xi Chen's face was too white and coquettish, more delicate than a girl's, and the unique little black mole on his left eyelid that changed with his face was particularly depressing.

Seeing that he was still so stubborn, Jiang Ci bit his lower lip and nodded, to see how long you can last.

Xi Chen hugged her suddenly, and whispered in her ear with a solemn expression, "Xiao Jiangci, no matter how many championships you win, I will still be your brother."

The sudden hug made Jiang Ci slightly taken aback, but she quickly realized that she stepped on Xi Chen's shoes mercilessly, with dissatisfaction and complaints, and chuckled, "Did you remember wrongly?" , only Xi Cheng is my elder brother, as for you, Xi Chen, I'm sorry, I don't recognize you."

After bullying her for ten years, you still want her to be called brother? ?
Xi Chen's eyes darkened for a second, and an unknown emotion flashed in his eyes. Jiang Ci took the opportunity to break free from his shackles, and turned to walk towards the next contestant.

The grievances between her and Xi Chen are hard to explain in this life.

From life to the arena, who in KPL doesn't know that Jiang Ci and Xi Chen are against each other.

In the eyes of Jiang Ci, Xi Chen is just an old dog coin, with a cheap mouth and a good face.

And just now, the hug between Jiang Ci and Xi Chen was photographed by many people. The cool and handsome wolf-tailed female French king and the coquettish and arrogant male wild king, one is wearing the cool gold LNG team uniform, and the other is wearing the KA blue and black team uniform. However, many people in the KPL circle are talking about this pair of enemies CP.

Although we all know that Xi Chen has someone he likes, the pair of rings worn on his left index finger every day is the most obvious symbol, but this does not prevent him from enjoying CP.

(End of this chapter)

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