Chapter 33 Oh, the waist is quite thin

Xi Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and the mole on his left eye was full of evil, "If you don't thank me, forget it and kick me?"

Jiang Ci crossed his arms, looked at Xi Chen from top to bottom, and rebelled against him: "I will kick you, I will kick you."

Then he added two feet.

This is Jiang Ci, if it was someone else, Xi Chen would not be so good-tempered.

No way, you can't really get rid of the cabbages you raised yourself, right?

Jiang Ci has also learned to be smart. It was Xi Chen who stopped her before, and now she also wants to stop Xi Chen.

Chi Chen, who fell into the pile of dolls, smiled slightly. His pair of long legs that overflowed the screen and his slender hands with folded veins made people want to lick the screen too much.

Jiang Ci is not rare, but some people are rare!

Xi Chen got up quickly, and stood in front of Jiang Ci, every time he looked at her, he unconsciously bent down slightly.

"You want to stop me? Can you stop me?"

The more she said that, the more she wanted to stop Jiang Ci. She smiled and asked, "How will you know if you don't try?"

If he really wants to play this game, who can beat him?

Not because of.
Fans may never have imagined that Cishen and Chenshen would 'flirt' for a doll.

Xi Chen's hand speed is very fast, although Jiang Ci's hand speed is also outstanding, but who is more against the sky, programming will have no hand speed? ?

As the saying goes, fast hand speed may not be able to play programming, but the hand speed of playing programming must be fast, otherwise typing codes will be laborious.

Every attack of Jiang Ci can be perfectly dodged by Xi Chen, and even she herself wonders if she has lost her touch due to the lack of training in the past few days? ?

Not being able to grab the doll and not being able to beat Xi Chen, Jiang Ci felt frustrated for a moment, but that only existed for a second, she is a master of Ci, she is invincible in the game, she can't win a mere game ? ?
Jiang Ci watched Xi Chen lift the doll up again, bit his lips and thought, wouldn't he just bully her for being short? !

What's so great about [-], she will definitely grab it!

Jiang Ci slightly opened the distance from Xi Chen, took a few steps to run up and jumped up, she had already touched it, but...
"Xi Chen!" She exclaimed.

This guy actually lifted her up with one arm around his waist!
The barrage in the live broadcast room rolled up dramatically.

[This. This. I can! ]
[I love this variety show, please add more sweetness! ! ]
[I also want to be hugged and held high by the God of Dust, with broad shoulders, thin waist and long legs, the God of [-] has everything you want, come into the pit, sister! ]
There were traces of laughter between Xi Chen's eyebrows and eyes, and it was the kind that came from the heart. He turned his head and whispered to Jiang Ci: "The waist is quite thin, how is it? Are you convinced?"

"Jiang Ci, you can't beat me."

Whether it is this small game or the KPL arena.

How could the always proud Jiang Ci give in and make her admit defeat?

Jiang Ci turned around and couldn't touch anything but Xichen's ear, she grabbed it hard with her hands, "I want me to admit defeat to you, Xichen, in the next life!"

You can lose to anyone, but you can't lose to Xi Chen, this is the principle!

How could a person full of pride admit defeat lightly?

Walk forward with pride and live up to the spirit of youth.

The words of the KPL Dharma King are proud but not squeamish.

Xi Chen didn't take it seriously, if she could admit defeat so easily, it wouldn't be Jiang Ci.

"Admit it or not, you also lose."

Even though Jiang Ci was pulling his ear very hard, he never let go. If he let go suddenly, then Jiang Ci would definitely be injured.

Outside the arena, the host reminded the time: "There are still ten seconds left, everyone hurry up and get the dolls."

Because the interaction between Jiang Ci and Xi Chen attracted everyone's attention, they were engaged in the final competition ten seconds after hearing the time.

"five four three two one!"

When the host's voice fell, the director behind the camera blew a whistle, which meant the game was over.

(End of this chapter)

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