Chapter 345 Is Evenly Matched
[Commentary Fengxiu: This KA lineup is selected very safely. The entire lineup is not weak no matter what period it is. The three lanes all have advantages in the lane. 】

[Commentary Yun Yang: Moreover, the damage of this lineup is also very high. Once the rhythm is mastered by KA, it is really likely that there is no solution. 】

[Explanation Meng Ling: But LNG is not weak, the front row is double strong control, the verbal stabs needless to say, the league's number one stabbing king, Mu Nian's Lian Po performed very well in the previous games, HZ It is the first time that this hand is played out, and it is very likely to be the trump card. 】

[Commentary Fengxiu: This is a strong confrontation, a competition between strong teams and strong teams, evenly matched, you have Zhang Liangji, and I have bridge ladders. 】

[Explanation Yun Yang: KA has a great advantage online, it depends on whether they can suppress this point, especially the single Wan'er who suppresses words, this involves the vision of the bottom lane, KA is a Mengtian on the top lane, Wan'er It's not easy to catch, but the braised egg in the bottom lane is different. Wan'er can directly jump over the tower and kill him. 】

[Explanation Mengling: Indeed, LNG is still very strong here. If KA can suppress the online advantage, then it is still very profitable to play LNG. 】

LNG and KA have almost contracted the championships in the past three years. Of course, LNG has a low period, but no matter how low it is, it can make it to the playoffs. final team.

Entering the game, the match point game has already begun.

Jiang Ci made the opening deployment, "I switched lines with Lian Po, you go to the middle, and I will go."

"Okay." Regarding the arrangement of his own sister, Jiang Munian did not hesitate, and went to the middle of the road as soon as he came out of the spring.

On the road, KA's Meng Tian reached level [-] first, and then transferred to the middle. Shangguan Wan'er also reached level [-] after eating a wave of soldiers, and quickly headed to the middle.

Meng Tian was beaten in the face by Wan'er Feitian when he was exploring the grass in the middle road. Niu Mo then pushed him up and gave a big move, but Meng Tian stepped back to avoid the subsequent damage on his body, while KA's The rest of the team has also come.

Because the bull demon entered the first tower in the middle of KA, the damage caused by the defense tower caused the blood volume to drop quickly. At this time, Fanfan's Luban No. [-] sent out remotely from behind and successfully captured the first blood of the bull demon.

In this wave, it can be seen that LNG made a small mistake at the beginning and was a little anxious.

At 5 minutes, LNG invaded the KA blue zone, and the Bull Demon flashed into the arena and directly slapped two people, making a very good first move. Seeing this, Jiang Ci controlled Shangguan Wan'er to fly into the sky quickly, and stepped on her face to output explosive damage. Get a double kill.

At 9 minutes, LNG once again invaded the wild area, and the bull demon once again made a big flash and forced it first, but KA learned a lot from the fall, and would not fall in the same place. Xi Chen's Lan limit circled and directly pushed the three of them into the defense tower Among them, Lian Po, Di Renjie+Niu Mo achieved a perfect three kills, and this wave was fed fat.

In the 10 minutes situation, the two sides were considered to be [-]-[-], and the fight was back and forth, and there was no crushing advantage.

Twelve minutes later, in the grass on the middle road, the Bull Demon followed Wan'er.

Jiang Ci calmly commanded: "The bull demon flashed and shot people, I can fly in from the tower and kill Lu Ban forcibly!"

"Okay, I will zoom in and control people."

"I can also stand up to people."

So Niu Mo slapped people, Lian Po entered the stage and gave him some control, and Shangguan Wan'er quickly flew into the sky and stomped on her face in the crowd, killing the crispy little stewed egg in seconds with precision.

After this wave of advantages came out, LNG immediately took control of the tyrant, and then went home to collect resources in the wild area.

Ten 4 minutes later, LNG took advantage of the dragon line and pushed to the middle highland tower one after another.

Ten 8 minutes, LNG assembled to quickly kill the Shadow Master, and there was an extra Shadow Vanguard on the line, and he chose to put it in the middle without hesitation, because LNG wanted to gather a wave in the middle.

"Attract people into the wild area, and let them accumulate damage on the wall."

"Lian Po Niu Mo is on top of the front, and I enter the field from the side and fly into the sky."

Seeing that LNG wanted to fight, Lan quietly went around and aimed at Di Renjie, the shooter who was alone behind.

(End of this chapter)

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