Chapter 35

The host looked at his script, and then looked at the camera. What kind of questions he would ask made people look forward to it.

"Excuse me."

"What type of girls does Chenshen like? If one day Cishen confessed his love to you, how would you answer?"


Did you come up and ask such a crazy question? ?
Jiang Ci, who was suddenly named, almost spit out the water he just drank.

She confessed to Xi Chen? ?
Is she cheap or idle?
What is there about Xi Chen that she likes?
How much does she want to be scummed if she likes a Neptune? ?

Xi Chen looked at Jiang Ci with a cynical look, with a slight smile in his eyes: "Pure, cute, 1.6 meters."

These Jiang Ci are not available, but more like Jiang Chun.

After Jiang Ci listened, she nodded with certainty, and she just said, Xi Chen likes pure little lilies like Jiang Chun.

On to the second question.
"Who would like a French king who plays mid laner?"

"The middle lane is all for the jungler to collect money, and the support is the little treasure."

Jiang Ci was very angry when he heard the words, just because Xi Chen said that the middle lane is all for junglers? ? !

Yes, yes, the support is your little baby, sweetheart, and cutie in the jungle. We are worthless in the middle lane, and no one loves or loves us.

Why are you so unfriendly to the middle lane? ?
Jiang Chun was pleasantly surprised for a moment when she heard Xi Chen say that she likes pure and lovely girls of 1.6 meters, but it quickly faded, because she knew that he was just talking casually, and he always deliberately misled others into thinking that he was I don't like Jiang Ci.

Su Qingyu on the side didn't listen, what kind of truth is this? ? ?

Xi Chen loves to talk irony, which clearly corresponds to Leng Yan, Sister Yu, 1.7 meters.

Proper Jiang Ci.

He said that he likes pure and lovely soft girls, but in fact he despises such coquettish and coquettish people the most.

He said that the middle lane is a money-swiping machine that can be eaten without money, but in fact, he will help the middle lane grab the line and catch people every time.

She said that she doesn't like strong female Dharma queens like Jiang Ci, but she has actually tattooed a pink piggy on someone's waist for six years, because her favorite is the pink piggy, but someone saw it after seeing it. He also laughed at his unique taste.

Su Qingyu shook his head helplessly, my big brother, you can just say hello.

It's a good time to talk, chasing wife crematorium.

At the same time, there were sad barrages in the live broadcast room.

[No, I can't take apart my day and night resignation! ]
[Is this considered to be the end of the game to dismantle CP? ? ? ]
[The interaction between two people is obviously so loving, how could it be possible not to love? ? ]
[I will never believe it even if I die, Chen Shen looked at Ci Shen with such sincere and fiery eyes, I don't care, I just want to say goodbye day and night! ]
[Enemies on the field, lovers off the field, this kind of relationship can really be considered!We really want to watch 'Domestic Violence Live' on the field! ]
[Although it is said that the assistant is the wild king's little wife, but! ! !Dust God, your little wife must be words! ! ! ]
[The middle lane is so good, if you have money, you can eat in the middle lane, if you don’t have money, you can eat in the middle lane, the big stage in the middle lane, you can come whenever you want, although support can protect you, but the middle lane can save you. ]
Although Xi Chen's answer was a bit of a joke, it was still an answer.

Second roulette spin.

How about saying that Jiang Ci and Xi Chen are predestined, as soon as Xi Chen was drawn, Jiang Ci followed.

The host asked her: "Does Cishen want to tell the truth or take a big risk?"

Jiang Ci didn't hesitate, and when she looked at Xi Chen, she saw that he was staring at her all the time, and she said, "The truth."

It's right not to choose a big adventure for this kind of game.

It's Barbie Q if there's a big adventure where she kisses someone.

Although she is usually careless and informal, it doesn't mean that she has no awareness of gender. It's just that Xi Chen is special, logically speaking, she can be regarded as her brother and one of her relatives.

Naturally, there are no such messy thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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