The whole network is eating me and the CP of the e-sports wild king

Chapter 40 Xi Chen, He's Really a Bad Talker

Chapter 40 Xi Chen, He's Really a Bad Talker
Jiang Ci snorted coldly, this guy Xi Chen will never be uneasy and kind.

However, Xi Chen didn't intend to leave just like that. He followed Jiang Ci and saw that the steaming white thermos on the table still seemed to be emitting a sweet smell. He knew what day it was at a glance.

Sometimes Jiang Ci's aunt's period is not very accurate, and there will always be a day or two difference. This is also caused by the pressure of training games and often staying up late.

A few times before, she also encountered Aunt Qi during the competition. Not only did she have to endure physical pain, but she also had to concentrate on the game and direct her teammates. Just thinking about it, it is very difficult. The thing is mostly because of this and high-intensity training, so KPL has always been difficult to produce female professional players. It’s not that there are no girls who are good at playing games, but girls are indeed inferior to boys in some aspects, and the aunt period is one of them. A difficult hurdle to cross.

Jiang Ci can only be said to be an accident, a rare example among tens of millions of people. Her current glory and glory are all achieved through hard work day and night. It is very difficult not to make great efforts in a world full of men. It is difficult to achieve the top position, and it is not easy for men to collectively recognize the excellence of women.

"Stomach hurts? Shall I rub it for you?" It was rare for Xi Chen to speak to her in such a gentle tone.

Jiang Ci was taken aback for a moment, is this a weasel giving a chicken New Year's greeting? ?When will he be so kind?

But now she doesn't have the energy to fight and quarrel with Xi Chen, "No, I have long hands."

Ask Xi Chen to rub her belly? ?What's the matter? ?
Although Xi Chen is her elder brother in name, she still can't accept it!
Usually fights come back to fights, and fights come back to fights. When it comes to this kind of thing, men and women have to be different.

Although he was rejected, Xi Chen's face remained the same, and he didn't feel embarrassed about being rejected at all, probably because Jiang Ci often rejected him.

"I used to tell you to eat less cold when I was in school, but you didn't listen. Girls should protect themselves, don't you know? Now you know it hurts?"

Just listen to Xi Chen nagging endlessly behind him, how can he be so talkative? ?

Jiang Ci turned around, powerless, "Xi Chen, are you annoyed?"

Xi Chen's face changed slightly, but he was not angry, and even a little spoiled: "Is this annoying? I have something more annoying, do you want to listen?"

"Ci team, come and take a group photo." Not far away was Zhong Li's voice.

Hearing this, Jiang Ci ignored Xi Chen and walked to Huo Chao's side and said softly, "Let's go."

"Okay." Huo Chao looked at Xi Chen with deep eyes, and then returned to the shooting area with Jiang Ci.

"Meow meow meow~~" Xiao Ci in Xi Chen's arms yelled several times unwillingly after seeing Jiang Ci leave, as if to keep her, but it's a pity that Jiang Ci didn't even turn his head.

Xiao Ci couldn't hide the disappointment in her eyes, and Shui Lingling's big eyes really had the charm of Jiang Ci.

It is because this cat resembles Jiang Ci that Xi Chen adopts it. In his eyes, Jiang Ci is like a cat, a little wild cat, a very disobedient and rebellious little wild cat, very wild and fierce.

The KA team members finally found their captain in the LNG studio.

KA's side player Alpha came over and called Xi Chen: "Captain, what are you looking at? Let's go, it's time for you to take pictures when you go back."

Then Alpha followed Xi Chen's gaze, and saw that LNG was taking a group photo while Jiang Ci was standing in the middle, in a proper C position, with her arms crossed, her chin raised slightly and looking at the camera, her brows and eyes were unruly.

I have to say that in terms of arrogance, Jiang Ci and Xi Chen are exactly the same, both are bohemian and love freedom.

He didn't think much about it, he just thought that Xi Chen was thinking about the next match with LNG.

Suddenly, Xi Chen threw Xiao Ci in his arms to Alpha, but he turned and left.

"Meow meow meow~~" Xiao Ci protested. ○`Д○
Alpha scratched his head in doubt, "Captain, where are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

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