Chapter 42

Now that we have matched KA, let's play it as a training match.

Taking advantage of the time it took to load into the game, Jiang Ci moved his wrist, "Come on, let me see what new tricks KA and the others have trained."

The LNG shooter, Jiu Mo, has delicate features, and his face is a little baby fat but very cute.

Jiumo took Jiang Ci's words and joked: "No matter how new the trick is, it can't compare with our beloved Ci team. The Ci team is invincible in the world. With the Ci team, we will win."

What Jiumo was talking about was far more than just this game, but also the next World Championship.

Because the World Championship is coming soon, everyone is looking forward to whether LNG can win three consecutive championships this year. According to the Gregorian calendar, it can also be regarded as the championship in the same year, so as long as LNG wins the championship in the World Championship, it will naturally be regarded as a triple championship.

Jiang Ci was amused by him, "I'm invincible? You want to exhaust me, don't you? I'll go straight to a four-player game, and then what's this called? The LNG grudge captain and her toolman team members."

"Don't flatter me, winning the game is also a joint effort of everyone."

Although Jiang Ci is proud, she is not arrogant. She will not use her achievements to bully newcomers. Any opponent in this arena is worthy of respect, even Xi Chen, who has always been against her.

Considering that Jiang Ziya is in the middle of the opposite lane, Mai Shiranui has no advantage in online power if he is in line with him.

And my own wandering is a ghost, suitable for opening the rhythm in the upper half.

Jiang Ci commanded the team members with a serious expression: "Bai Cha first grab the line with me in the middle."

Bai Cha, a roaming LNG player, is a 17-year-old boy with a fair appearance and a bookish look.

He replied obediently: "Okay."

Mai Shiranui is fun, but there is one thing that is slow to clear the line. Once you meet Jiang Ziya and Milady, the mid laner who clears the line quickly, it is easy to be delayed.

However, Jiang Ci's Shiranui Mai is famous in KPL. He is known as the king of Huowu and buys a house in the ban position. It's really impossible to get it out, whoever sees Jiang Ci can't help but Shiranui Wu.

Diao Chan from the 18th World Championship, Mo Xie from the 18th Winter Crown, and Xi Shi from the 20th Winter Crown, these are the honors of Jiang Ci. If he can play another FMVP of Shiranui Mai during the World Championship, then Jiang Ci will be the first in KPL The status of the mid laner Dharma King directly ranks first in the Hall of Fame, and no one can shake it.

At the beginning, Guiguzi followed Shiranui Wu to grab the lane right in the middle. After the first wave of lanes was cleared, the two quickly switched to the bottom lane to help Gongsunli relieve the pressure on the lane, and helped him grab the spirit of the river in the bottom lane.

After eating in the wild area, Na Ke Lulu also rushed to the bottom lane and wanted to squat, but it was difficult to go up and drive people when Guiguzi was invisible, and then turned to the middle lane.

Baicha manipulated Guiguzi to walk between the middle and lower roads. When he saw KA's roaming master Lu Ban rushing to the middle road, "I can stick to Lu University, do you want to fight?"

Jiang Ci didn't hesitate: "Hit, I'll take first blood."

First blood is very valuable, she doesn't know Huowu Wu needs money.

Although Na Ke Lulu and Jiang Ziya rushed over to help, Jiang Ci quickly took the head off.

In about two minutes, everyone rose to level four.

"The head dragon has been refreshed."

Jiang Ci moved the map and found that Huo Chao and Jiumo were already opening the dragon.

"Don't open the dragon, don't open it!"

As soon as Jiang Ci's voice fell, Na Ke Lulu, who was waiting behind the dragon pit, jumped directly into the dragon pit to snatch the dragon.

she knows
Both dragons have spawned. If Xi Chen didn't go to fight the Juggernaut, he must be on the side of the Tyrant.

This wave was considered a mistake. Time wasted and the dragon was not obtained in the end. With this time, you can do other things completely. Every minute and every second of the game in the professional arena is the key.

(End of this chapter)

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