Chapter 44 Mai Shiranui?That's Shiranui

If it is another mage, Jiang Ci may not be able to backhand from Xi Chen's hand, but if she takes Shiranui Mai, then I'm sorry, even if you are the first wild king of KPL, she will not be afraid.

Jiang Ci likes Mai Shiranui for another reason, that is, this hero does not need blue buffs without the blue bar, so she is not afraid of Xi Chen stealing her blue buffs at all, because she does not need blue buffs! ○`Д○
At 7 minutes, the top lane and the bottom lane of the two sides exchanged a tower.

8 minutes, after LNG took the tyrant, several people came to the opposite wild area to fight against the blue, but they were still taken by Xi Chen's Nako Lulu.

"Xiahoudun went in to fight a wave, he could fight and fight."

Xiahou Dunding rushed directly into the crowd of KA in front to break them up. After Lu Bu finished dancing, Shiranui Wushuang flashed into the arena and crossed the tower first, cutting to death Baili Shouyue in the last row, and Jiumo's Gongsun Li After killing Jiang Ziya, the dual-core consumption was lost just after starting the group KA. Xi Chen's Na Ke Lulu alone was not enough to drop the double C position on the opposite side in seconds.

Master Lu Ban pulled him back, but the bloody Master Lu Ban still couldn't escape Jiang Ci Shiranui Mai's flower butterfly fan, even if she crossed the tower, she would take the head.

KA lost a lot of rhythm points in these few waves, and all the outer towers were pushed down within 10 minutes.

Nako Lulu wants a single line, but Mai Shiranui who has already developed can squat down and catch him at any time. In this round, Jiang Ci has the upper hand. Although the two heroes are high-explosive, Mai Shiranui can still use Huadie The blow was exhausted, and Nako Lulu still had little chance of winning against Mai Shiranui, especially Jiang Ci's Mai Shiranui.

Knowing that Xi Chen would lead the thread, Jiang Ci squatted him in the grass three times and killed him three times alone, avenging all the previous revenge together.

It's just a pity that it would be great if her Mai Shiranui didn't buy a house in the ban position, and she would be very sad if she had to wait until the peak matchup on the field.

[Three single kills of Dust God, I love this level of the game! ]
[This is the female Dharma Queen, how can she be a vain name, she deserves her name properly. ]
[I am more and more looking forward to LNG's competition in the world championship. I believe that Cishen will definitely take us to see the three championships in a year again! ]
In KA's training room, Xi Chen, who was single-killed by Jiang Ci three times, not only did not turn dark, but even a little excited and proud? ? ?
The advantage of LNG is getting bigger and bigger, and the economic gap is widened by 15 in [-] minutes.

Ten 6 minutes.

"Bring the pawn line in the middle, and it can suppress the wave tower."

"I still have to run to the wolf, I'll go up and cling to people."

"Fight, fight, I'll be at the front."

Jiang Ci went straight up and lost Jiang Ziya and Master Lu Ban who were tied together in seconds. Gongsunli also showed off a wave of solo kills and lost Baili's contract. Xiahou Dun took all the damage on himself to ensure the output environment of his teammates. Qinhu entered the field and won the double kill of Na Kelulu and Lu Bu, so far KA was wiped out.

"One wave, one wave."

"Brothers push directly!"

The game time was fixed at sixteen minutes and thirty seconds.

Jiang Ci happily high-fived his teammates. Although this was not an official match, it still made people feel inexplicably happy.

It feels so good not to be robbed of mana, and you don't have to be afraid of being squatted. She can hit anyone with Mai Shiranui.

"The captain is awesome! The captain is the best!"

"This is the power of the Fire Dance King!"

Two double kills and one triple kill in one game, but don't forget that the opponent is also a professional team, a strong team in Group S of the KPL.

Being able to achieve such a record in the hands of KA, Jiang Ci's mid laner is not in vain.

In KA's training room.

Just after the battle with LNG, KA's middle laner Xing Hai couldn't help but sigh deeply: "Hey, it really is the Fire Dance King who is banning a house."

"You think it's Mai Shiranui, but it's not, it's Ci Shiranui." KA's opponent player Alpha teased him.

"From now on, I can't let Huo Wu die to her. It's too cruel. She killed the captain three times alone." KA Sagittarius Fanfan.

Everyone collectively looked at Xi Chen, not angry? ?Shouldn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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