The third floor of Paradise on Earth is specially reserved for Thatcheser to choose women.

First, the managers of Paradise on Earth will conduct a primary election, and then the re-selection will be conducted by Thatcheser's cronies. Only after the re-selection can the token be obtained.

And the reason why Jiang Ci asked Ouyang Yue and Xi Chen to dress up as women is to let everyone stay in the paradise on earth together, waiting for Sa Cheser to appear.

The manager of Paradise on Earth is a woman who looks to be in her fifties, known as Sister Han.

"This one is fat."

"This five senses are not good."

"This one is too short."


"None of these."

The content of the primary selection is very simple, just look at the appearance and figure, and then go to the re-selection if you pass the test.

The manager walked back and forth twice, choosing carefully, until he walked in front of Xi Chen and Ouyang Yue, frowning.

Her pensive look made several people feel a little nervous.

Because it is long hair, it can cover the protruding Adam's apple of the man, mainly because the hair is too high.

It's not that there are no women with more than 1.8 meters and 1.9 meters, just.
"Why so tall?"

The man next to Sister Han should be her trusted subordinate, and said, "Although he is a bit tall, he looks really good."

"The appearance is good, and the figure is fine. The waist is pretty good, and he is tall."

"I heard from Director Wanster that Mrs. Thatcheser wants to play with new flavors recently. Maybe these two can do it"

The master and servant looked at each other, and the choice was made.

After the primary elections, someone would send out clothes for the women to change, and then go to the box one by one to meet Thatcher's confidant Wanster.

The plan discussed by several people is to hide in the paradise on earth during this period of time.

Because strange men are not allowed to set foot on the third floor, so Xi Chen and Ouyang Yue had to be wronged to be women for once.

On the way to the changing room.

Jiang Ci joked, "How does it feel to be praised by an old woman?"

"You have a good appearance and a good figure, Master Xi Xiao, you are really a woman."

Hearing this, Xi Chen was not angry at all, his phoenix eyes were a little bit malicious when he smiled, and his red lips slightly raised, "Well, I still prefer the phrase that the waist is good."

Jiang Ci asked: "Is your waist good?"

Xi Chen raised his brows lightly, smiled wickedly, and leaned close to Jiang Ci's ear, spraying his hot breath, "When you say this to a man, don't use a question."

"Don't question my waist, it will surprise you."

"However, for Xiaojiang Ci, it is really necessary to try to know whether it is good or not."

Numb, numb.

How can anything be said about that?

As soon as Jiang Ci raised his eyes, he bumped into Xi Chen's eyes shining like a sea of ​​stars. The dark and clear phoenix eyes carried an indescribable emotion, which made people unconsciously addicted.

Jiang Ci suddenly felt a little parched, so he swallowed his saliva, and the beautiful willow eyes showed a little cuteness, "Xi Chen."


"Aren't you. That's here?"


"that is."

Jiang Ci stood on tiptoe, approached him, and said softly, "Send.Q.period."

Shouldn't this thing be available in spring?
But now it's May, the proper early summer. (# ̄~ ̄#)
Xi Chen's eyes were slightly stunned, and then his smile grew stronger. He stared at Jiang Ci with uncontrollable excitement, "If I really have one, can you help me?"

"You are sick, how can I help?"

Xi Chen shrugged his shoulders and said meaningfully, "It's up to you, only you can do it."

If it's another woman, he really can't use that function, only when he is in front of him.
Feeling being teased by some bastard again, Jiang Ci venomously said: "Then you just hold it in, hold it in for the rest of your life."

"Xiao Jiang Ci, I will suffocate to death!"

In the changing room at the southernmost corner.

Jiang Ci accurately found the hidden camera and destroyed it.

She had just finished this when someone came in.

She reacted quickly and attacked with her elbow, and Xi Chen raised her hand to defuse her attack easily.

Immediately, he said softly, "It's me."

Hearing the familiar voice of a man, Jiang Ci put down his guard, "What are you doing here?"

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