Xi Chen was wronged by this.

He was slightly dissatisfied, "Although I have nothing to do with Ghost City, I have something to do with you."

"Both of us"

Xi Chen stared at Jiang Ci, thinking about his choice of words, "Brother and sister?"


Does he want to be her brother and sister?
He wants to be brother and sister, but she doesn't want to!

"Quickly tell Director Wansite that Lord Thatcheser is coming soon!"

Suddenly, a deep man's voice came, which should be the head of a certain soldier.

Jiang Ci hurriedly pushed Xi Chen behind the mural, and then followed behind.

The heavy vintage mural decoration is slowly being restored to its original position.

There is a large gap behind the mural, which can accommodate four or five people, and there is a secret door inside, marked with complicated characters, which are difficult to understand.

When Xi Chen pushed back the mural, he left a little gap to allow air to circulate, otherwise he would be suffocated to death.

Jiang Ci shone a small flashlight on the secret door, lost in thought, "Where does this door lead to?"

"What does all this mean?"

"It would be great if Cheng Lin was here, he must be able to understand this."

Xi Chen came over and looked around, but didn't understand.

These characters are like the popular fonts in an unknown small country in the last century, so they are not recorded internationally, which is puzzling.

While the two of them were thinking about it, there was the sound of orderly footsteps outside, it should be some patrolling troops coming here.

Jiang Ci immediately turned off the flashlight.

In the pitch-black space, the two looked at each other, quietly listening to the outside world.

After those uniform footsteps, there was another very cold footsteps. It was the sound of hard leather soles stepping on the wooden floor. It was very rhythmic. Just from the footsteps, this person must be He is a high-ranking Lord.

Because there was a hint of coldness in his every move.

So would it be Thatcheser?

As the man's footsteps approached, Jiang Ci became more courageous, and slightly approached the mural, trying to see the man's appearance through that slit.

The sound of footsteps was infinitely amplified in the silent atmosphere, getting closer and closer.

Like the midnight bell, playing a nameless mourning music.

This should be Jiang Ci's most difficult few seconds, and finally a figure appeared.

She looked up from the bottom, the man was dressed in black, black leather shoes, black pants, black lining and black striped suit jacket, very formal and majestic attire, with a topaz wrench on his left thumb, a tattoo on his little finger, two S Intertwined together, has a different kind of beauty.

His skin was very white, his fingers were extremely slender, and blue blood vessels appeared everywhere.

His gaze moved upwards slowly, his neck was also very long, longer than ordinary people, it was frighteningly white, with blue, red and purple blood vessels intertwined, not like a healthy person.

his facial features
Jiang Ci didn't expect someone to look so weird. His facial features are normal, even a bit good-looking. The shape of his eyes is a bit like peach blossom eyes, but the end of his eyes is a bit upturned, and they are slender than peach blossom eyes, but very deep.

The high bridge of the nose makes the whole face very three-dimensional, like a god in ancient European mythology, but he has an evil spirit from hell.

The lips are bright red, the skin color is bleached, and the color of the eyes is deep red. It's like a vampire alive.

Even Jiang Ci, who has a strong psychological quality, couldn't help but be shocked. How could someone look like this monster?
His entire complexion was whiter than the white wall, the fairest person Jiang Ci had ever seen, so white that blood vessels were clearly visible.

Seeing that Jiang Ci was surprised, Xi Chen also leaned over to check, and was also surprised.

Outside, in the wide corridor, Thatcheser's insight was very strong, as if he felt someone was watching, he stopped and looked around.

Finally, his eyes fell on a mural of the setting sun, and the soldier at the side saw it and said, "Master Sacheser needs me to paint the mural."

Thatcher's thin lips moved slightly, and her deep voice had an indescribable charm, "No need."

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