It was far away just now, so I didn't notice it.

Jiang Ci unintentionally glanced at the woman in the coffin. She was wearing a gorgeous red dress, and the pattern on it was a flying Suzaku meticulously embroidered with gold thread.

Suzaku again?

"The ruler's certification is that there will be a lotus pattern printed on the forehead, but this woman"

Jiang Ci squatted down slightly, looked carefully at the woman in the crystal coffin, and said that he was compatible with Xi Chen.

"Her lotus imprint is at the corner of the eye, and it's a red lotus."

"Jing Wei said before that this is the logo that only the exclusive guard of the previous Lord of the Black Market would have, and judging by the color, it is estimated that the level is not low."

"But why did the members of the guards of the previous Lord of the Black Market appear in Area B? And they were so cared for by the ruler of Area B? Crystal coffins are extremely rare, and even such treasures are willing to be used by her. You said she and Thatcher What's the matter with Se?"

Xi Chen squatted down, looked at the woman in the coffin, and replied to Jiang Ci: "Maybe she is Thatcher's lover?"

This one
It doesn't seem impossible.

Jiang Ci's thoughtful brows did not relax, "But there is one thing I can't figure out."

"Huh?" Xi Chen whispered back to her.

"If she was Thatcher's lover, why is she dead, but Thatcheser is still alive?"

They had seen on the murals before that they liked to eat human blood in order to eliminate the side effects of the mysterious potion. Thatcher and Mrs. Hainay seemed to be experimental guinea pigs.

The power of the two in the black market should be similar, and there is no shortage of blood from young girls, but Mrs. Hai Nai died earlier than Thatcher.

Was it the mysterious potion that ruined her life, or
Another reason?

Jiang Ci continued to analyze: "Only the rulers of various regions will have silver-robed messengers. Why is there one in Mrs. Hai Nai's cemetery?"

"Mrs. Hai Nai should be the slave of the previous black market lord. Why did the current black market lord keep her whole body and let Thatcheser take care of it?"

"Since ancient times, there have been winners and losers, how can those in power treat the subordinates of the previous supreme power well?"


"The relationship between the two masters of the black market is extremely good."

Here, Jiang Ci was meditating, trying to connect all the news together and unlock this layer of secrets.

Beside, Xi Chen quietly observed the crystal coffin.

"Xiaojiang Ci, do these have characters?" Xi Chen called out.

Hearing this, Jiang Ci moved to Xi Chen's side and looked in the direction he pointed, "This seems to be similar to the font on the secret door of the mural before."


Although they had this new discovery, neither of them could understand it.

On the other side, Ouyang Yue and the puppet fought inseparably, not because the puppet was difficult to deal with, but because it was difficult to deal with.

It has no life, and naturally cannot die. It is like a flame, which can be rekindled as long as there is wind.

Moreover, the puppet has no feeling, no matter how many times it is hit, it will not hurt. It is very familiar with the environment here, and it is very good at using its own advantages to fight back.

No matter how good Ouyang Yue's legs are, they can't be compared with a non-sensing puppet floating with the wind.

This situation is quite disturbing.

A flash of light came to Jiang Ci's mind, and he suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said, "I've read books about anecdotes and anecdotes before. In ancient times, many people would set up mechanisms in their tombs, and this puppet is the one who recognizes the owner the most. ,like."

Before Jiang Ci finished speaking, Xi Chen understood what she meant, "You want to dig up the corpse?"

Jiang Ci poked him, "What exhumation? Can you say it better, I call it a friendly exchange."

Jiang Ci looked down at the woman who was sleeping peacefully in the coffin. She seemed to feel that she was really immoral, first stepping on others, and then trying to dig them out.

"Although I don't know how old you are, let's call you sister."

"It's really unlucky for you to meet me."

Wouldn't it be bad luck to be dug out by someone?

Xi Chen is not afraid of digging up corpses, but he is afraid of whether Jiang Ci will fall.

After all, there is a raging fire under the crystal coffin.

It's strange, although the flames are fierce, they are not hot.

Doesn't seem to be fire either?

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