Xi Chen's voice seemed to have a strange magic power, which gave Jiang Ci infinite motivation.

She can't die, she has to live.

She hasn't fully enjoyed Xi Chen's love for her, why should she die!

With this belief in his heart, Jiang Ci cheered up again, regardless of the severe pain in his body, and forced his feverish mind to calm down.

She had to quickly open the coffin and kill Hai Nai's body in order to restrain Sa Cheser and let Xi Chen out of danger.

He entered this black market because of her, so she must take him away alive!

Her mind was spinning at high speed, Jiang Ci closed her eyes, recalling the strange books she had read before, and the tricks Cheng Lin had taught her.

Crystal Coffin.
Crystal Coffin.
How to open the crystal coffin.
Suddenly, Ouyang Yue was slapped by Thatcher and flew onto the stone wall, startling Jiang Ci.

Immediately, when Jiang Ci looked over, Xi Chen was somewhat injured, and she became more and more anxious.

Maybe she didn't even realize it, but she actually cared about Xi Chen all the time.

Xi Chen loves to bully her, but he won't let others bully her.

In the same way, Jiang Ci can bully Xi Chen, but he will never let others hurt him, not anyone.

Both are black-bellied Scorpios, and their possessiveness is comparable.

Seeing that Sa Cheser took advantage of Xi Chen's injury and wanted to kill him, Jiang Ci quickly turned the soft sword in his hand into a soft whip, wrapped it around Sa Cheser's waist, and threw him against the wall with all his strength.

Before he could react, Jiang Ci pulled him over again with his strength, and at the same time quietly took out the hidden weapon Flying Wheel with his other hand, directly wounding Thatcheser's abdomen in the air, and his blood flowed Constantly falling on the crystal coffin.

This is what she wants.

Use his blood to activate the ingenious mechanism inside the crystal coffin.

And this method is called lovesickness knot.

Only the blood of the person in love with the person in the coffin can open the crystal coffin.

I don't know if Thatcher loves Hai Nai, but Hai Nai definitely loves That Cheese.

The two must have loved each other sincerely, otherwise Hai Nai would not have sacrificed so much for him.

Hai Nai put her own body full of Thatcher's memories in this well-fed cemetery with the omen of Suzaku's rebirth, and the peerless treasure crystal coffin, so she wanted to bring Thatcher back to life.

If it's just that Hai Nai wants to live on her own, there's no need to spend a lot of effort. After all, it's an obsession that she can't let go of.

She wanted to live, so she used the method of memory conversion to live again; but she also wanted Thatcheser to live, so she took advantage of the right time and place to raise him here, just to wait for a good opportunity in the future.

Layers of mechanisms in the crystal coffin were opened, and the woman's body was no longer as vivid and bright as it was first seen due to the infection.

I have to say that Mrs. Hai Nai is indeed a great beauty of a generation, not to mention the beauty of the country, but also the beauty of the city.



"It cannot be destroyed!"

Hai Nai, who was using the body of Thatcher behind her, shouted angrily.

Without hesitation, Jiang Ci hit the heart of the female body fiercely.

Hai Nai, who was using Sa Cheser's body, became distorted and crazy, very ferocious, she stood up and was about to kill Jiang Ci, her reason had already made her care less.

Muttering in his mouth: "I just want to live, we just want to live, why can't we live? Why don't we let us live?"

She lost her mind and wanted to kill anyone she saw.

Jiang Ci confronted her, "You are living like this and constantly sucking the blood of innocent girls. After all, you are just a monster. It is meaningless. The consequence of not getting old or dying is the loss of life. Living endlessly is the greatest torture. You live Isn't it enough for nearly a hundred years?"

Seeing Hai Nai's fierce attack, Xi Chen immediately jumped over to protect Jiang Ci in his arms, and received a solid punch on the back, which made him frown.

Jiang Ci touched his face distressedly, "Are you stupid? Does it hurt?"

Xi Chen gently kissed her on the forehead, "It doesn't hurt, if it hits you, it will really hurt."

Jiang Ci's heart was warm, his mouth was hard and his heart was soft, and his words were duplicity: "Fool."

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