The whole network is eating me and the CP of the e-sports wild king

Chapter 49 The appearance of Jiang Ci falling in love...

Chapter 49 The appearance of Jiang Ci falling in love.
Xi Chen chuckled, but did not refute her, and there was even a little imperceptible petting in his eyes.

Indeed, who would dare to bully her.

With Jiang Ci's temperament, if someone bullied her, they would have to pay back twice as much.

Scorpio, how can you not take revenge!

There is no way, this is the confidence that the Xi family gave her, this is the little princess who is favored by the entire Xi family, although Jiang Ci doesn't bother to be a princess, all capable people want to be kings and hegemony.

Although Xi Chen is always at odds with her, but if it's true, not only will he not bully, he will even be the first to defend the river.

Their own cubs must take care of themselves.

The so-called bullying is just teasing her.

The LNG team members came over, probably just came back from the dessert area, and saw Jiumo still holding a small plate in his hand.

"Aren't you hungry, Team Ci? There are a lot of desserts to eat over there." He said enthusiastically to Jiang Ci that he was a pistachio in the whole team, and he was also the player who had fought side by side with Jiang Ci for the longest time in the team.

Because of the nature of the reception, the organizers prepared drinks and desserts for the contestants to enjoy.

Although it is in the background, there will be official staff who will start the live broadcast on time at the hour.

"Of course I'm hungry." She ate such a meal when she got up at noon, how could she not be hungry at night.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on Wen Xi, Jiang Ci reacted and introduced: "Oh, by the way, let me introduce this is my best friend, Wen Xi."

"This is our LNG player, fighting against Lu Zhongli, playing against Huo Chao, developing Lu Jiumo, and roaming Baicha."

Although Wen Xi is Jiang Ci's best friend, she is actually not very familiar with LNG.

The main reason is that the LNG players have been undergoing major changes in the past two years. Since the three consecutive championships in [-], I don’t know how many players have been replaced back and forth. Basically, they will be replaced after half a year without results.

As for why Jiang Ci has never been able to replace her in the middle lane, firstly, she has proved her strength through the three championships, and secondly, her existence has always brought a lot of traffic and popularity to LNG. To put it bluntly, it is the team In front of the front line, the star players of LNG, who would be so reluctant to sell such commercially valuable players or put them on the bench?

Wen Xi was generous, smiling and greeting everyone: "Hello, my name is Wen Xi, you can just call me Louise."

Facing the top female stars in the entertainment industry, except for Huo Chao, the other three were ecstatic, and they were so excited that they didn't know how to respond.

It can only be said that their word team will always be a word team, and the friends of the boss will only be the boss.

Wen Xi, an actress who has just won three awards, is well-known internationally.

It is estimated that if it was not because of Jiang Ci, Wen Xi would not sell the face of the KPL official to attend tonight's event.

"Hello, hello, I'm Zhongli (Jiumo, Baicha)." The three replied happily.

When it was Huo Chao's turn at last, he nodded slightly and smiled: "Hello, Huo Chao."

Wen Xi nodded one by one.

"Let's go, let's eat something first, I'm starving to death." After finishing speaking, Jiang Ci dragged Wen Xi to the dessert area.

Not to mention, just looking at their backs, the two are quite right.

Jiumo couldn't help feeling emotional: "It is said that the captain is the number one star player in KPL, and he has his own traffic when he debuts. Don't say that I would like the captain too if I were a woman."

"That's right, I really don't know who will marry the captain in the future, no, according to the captain's temperament, she will marry if she wants to marry."

But think about it, how could such a free and unrestrained person as Jiang Ci be willing to be trapped by love, unless she is really tempted.

If Xi Chen looks like a prodigal son from the outside, then Jiang Ci is a big girl who just wants to start a career, love?Doesn't it exist for them?

God should not talk about love, right?
The appearance of Jiang Ci falling in love.
It's quite exciting.

It's just a pity that there is a high probability that I won't be able to see it in the past two years. After all, Jiang Ci is still at its peak and she will not ruin her career for love.

(End of this chapter)

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