Chapter 502 I'm Carrying My World
Row after row of people stood neatly, and when they looked over, they didn't see any familiar faces.

Jiang Ci didn't give up, and still checked each one carefully.

Over and over, without seeing any familiar places.

The heart gradually fell.

Did she really not find Xi Chen?

Seeing Jiang Ci's mood becoming more and more solemn and lost, Liao Chen comforted: "Boss, I will definitely find it."

Although Liao Chen doesn't get along well with Xi Chen on weekdays, but whoever calls Xi Chen is Jiang Ci's sweetheart is naturally a person from the ghost city and their ghost queen.

Jiang Ci's tone was low, like a pool of stagnant water, and it was difficult to stir up ripples. He said distressedly and worriedly: "He must have been injured against so many soldiers under Yan Yunzhi alone. What if he is bullied again?"

"If you don't get him back quickly, I'm afraid."

"I'm afraid I'll never see you again."

Jiang Ci felt very heavy and uncomfortable, and murmured in his heart: Xi Chen, where are you?
After dismissing the crowd, Jiang Ci sat on the main seat in the room with his head propped up, lost in deep thought.

Recalling all the things along the way in their minds, they left from Haicheng, went to Shuluozhou, and went to the black market.

Countless days and nights are together, accompanying and supporting each other.

He said that he must help her find an antidote, and he said that he must let her return to the game in good health.

But now, he is also the one who broke his promise.

He was also the missing person.

No, she must find him.

Jiang Ci firmly believed that even if she dug three feet into the ground, she would still find Xi Chen and bring him home.

'Xiao Jiangci, this is the mark you left on me. If one day I disappear, you can find me according to this scar. '

'I'm not leaving you, never. '

'we will be together forever. '

"Xiao Jiangci, you are so important, but it's true, what I carry on my back is my whole world. '

Jiang Ci got up suddenly, and the words that Xi Chen had said in the past flashed through his mind.

Jiang Ci lowered his eyes and looked at his arms, as if thinking of something, he was ecstatic for a moment, and shouted to his subordinates: "Quick, call everyone over, I want to check again!"

She remembered!
There are teeth marks on Xi Chen's right arm!

After such a long time, maybe the tooth marks can fade, but they will leave scars after all.

So under Jiang Ci's order, everyone was brought to the hall again.

This time, Jiang Ci searched one by one with confidence.

Everyone stretched out their right arms, with different skin colors and different thicknesses.

Jiang Ci looked at it quickly, and with a glance at those white and intact arms, he knew it was not Xichen.

Even if Song Sui could change Xi Chen's appearance, he would definitely not be able to cover up all the distinctive parts of his body.

So Jiang Ci carefully checked one by one.

There were hundreds of people, and she looked back and forth several times.


Her footsteps stopped in front of a completely strange man.

The man looks ordinary, his skin is slightly dark, and there are some scars on his face.

However, his facial contours are very three-dimensional, so even though he looks ordinary, he still has a different kind of handsomeness.

His body is also dark, similar to the sun-baked wheat color, which is not at all the same as Xi Chen's original fair skin.

When Jiang Ci raised his right arm, he shrank back in fear. He was afraid of the powerful woman in front of him.

Because the man's skin is dark-colored, it's hard to see any scars, so Jiang Ci read it twice before finally finding the faint bite marks on his arm.

The marks are already very faint, but you can still feel the difference when you touch it.

At this moment, Jiang Ci was sure that he was Xi Chen.

But there is another doubt.

Why doesn't Xi Chen know her anymore?

Seeing that Jiang Ci had been confirmed, Liao Chen walked over, first sized up the man, and then asked, "Are you sure?"

Jiang Ci nodded affirmatively, "This bite mark was made by me, there is nothing wrong with it."

The shape was obviously her teeth.

When Jiang Ci touched the man, the man's face was always slightly flushed, and he shyly hid back.

It is quite different from Xi Chen's temperament in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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