Chapter 527 Curse You Can't Marry

The medicine that Fu Qihan said was in Windsor Castle, a hundred miles away from the Duke's mansion.

The majestic castle looks very gloomy.

According to Fu Qihan, this castle is hardly inhabited and there are not many guards.

So Jiang Ci and the others slipped in easily.

When Fu Zuoyuan saw that his daughter-in-law still hadn't come back and still had Song Sui's personality, he was very upset.

Song Sui didn't like Fu Zuoyuan, and he didn't want to live in the duke's mansion with many rules, so he brought someone to Windsor Castle alone.

On the other hand, after Fu Zuoyuan knew that Fu Qihan had been kidnapped and disappeared, he immediately sent people to blockade the inside and outside of the city, and laid down a net to wait for those bold people to be caught.

In the duke's mansion, Fu Zuoyuan was dressed in royal and aristocratic attire, with a scrupulously combed back hair, cold and proud eyes, and a pair of blue pupils that people can never forget.

"Your Excellency, the little prince has disappeared." The people below reported the latest news immediately.

Although Fu Zuoyuan is a duke, he also has royal blood, but he doesn't want to be associated with the throne, and the people in country Y make Fu Qihan, a little prince with half of the royal blood of country Y.

"Where is Xiao Qi?"

Because it is Fu Zuoyuan's property, Fu Qihan, the son, knows the structure of the castle very well.

Although Windsor Castle is rarely inhabited, there are many treasures inside.

And these things are stored in the underground warehouse.

Fu Qihan led Jiang Ci and Liao Chen Leyin into the secret passage quietly.

In the dark corridor, Jiang Ci lowered his voice and asked, "Little ghost, is what I want really here?"

Don't look at Fu Qihan as small, but he is not afraid at all, his small body walks ahead to clear the way for Jiang Ci and the others, holding a small flashlight in his hand, "Handsome sister, why should I lie to you?"

This is true.

Fu Qihan is really dissatisfied with his father, so it's quite normal to want to win over an ally.

Jiang Ci recalled that person Fu Zuoyuan. He couldn't imagine that that crazy man would be rejected by his own son one day. Whenever Jiang Ci thought about it, he couldn't help laughing.

This family is really fun.

Following Fu Qihan all the way, Jiang Ci and the three saw the underground warehouse hidden in Windsor Castle.

The underground warehouse is divided into two parts, and the closed transparent warehouse with air-conditioning tens of degrees below zero is the place where precious medicinal materials are stored.

"That's it, this is one of my medicinal herb libraries."

Fu Qihan eloquently said: "Handsome sister, there must be that hundred-year-old horse chestnut in it, now you can see my sincerity in wanting to make friends with you?"

Jiang Ci patted Fu Qihan's head, a little boy who only reached her thigh was quite cute.

Jiang Ci thought to himself, it should be fun for soft children to play, right?
I don't know if Xi Chen's son will be so fun?
"I see." Jiang Yu's tone was drawn out.

"I'll think about it when I get the medicinal materials."

Fu Qihan pouted anxiously, "Handsome sister, we agreed, I'll get you a seven-leaf flower for you, and you can deal with the old man with me, keep your word, you can't play tricks."

"A person who cheats becomes a dog."

Jiang Ci, Liao Chen, and Le Yin looked at each other helplessly. The most important thing right now is to get the medicinal materials. As for whether to deal with Fu Zuoyuan or not.
"All right, all right," Jiang Ci said.

No matter what, coax him into silence.

Fu Qihan stretched out his small hand, "High five as an oath."

Jiang Ci raised his hand to give him a high five.

Fu Qihan snorted, "Handsome sister, if you break your promise, I will curse you for not being able to marry."

"Damn, you little brat, what are you talking about?" As he spoke, Liao Chen wanted to pick up Fu Qihan, but was stopped by Jiang Ci.

Although Liao Chen likes Jiang Ci, he doesn't think she won't be able to marry, no, as long as Jiang Ci wants to marry, he can definitely marry, but the person Jiang Ci wants to marry is Xi Chen.

But now that Xi Chen's life is hanging by a thread, isn't Fu Qihan saying that he is cursing Xi Chen to die quickly.

Jiang Ci said, "What's the point of competing with a child?"

Jiang Ci bent down to look at Fu Qihan, a cunning little man, and said in a serious tone, "I'm really in a hurry now, my dear, please open the warehouse door quickly and let me go in to find medicine."


(End of this chapter)

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