The whole network is eating me and the CP of the e-sports wild king

Chapter 6 Either break through the sky and win again!

Chapter 6 Either break through the sky and win again!

"It's not just the two of you, but also Huo Chao and Su Qingyu." Jiuyue said more and more falsely, Jiang Ci was notoriously violent in the circle.

In the past, there was a LNG player who was only interested in falling in love and delayed the training match. Jiang Ci almost killed him, pointing at his nose and scolding, 'If you can hit him, hit him, if you can't hit him, go home and hug your wife and have a baby, don't come here us. '

Jiang Ci crossed her arms, thinking of Xi Chen's face, she felt annoyed, "Don't go."

After all, the contract has already been settled, if you don’t go, you will have to pay liquidated damages, Jiuyue coaxed her: "Dear Ci team, it's just work, this variety show paid a lot of money, just let it go if you can't make it with Xi Chen, don't make it with the money what."

That's right, it's not important for Xi Chen to have money.

In Jiang Ci's eyes, there are only two things, one is a champion, and the other is making money to save his wife.

Jiang Ci raised his eyes, his face calmed down a lot, "How much?"

I saw Jiuyue stretched out five fingers, and the units behind were calculated in W.

Good guy, that's a lot.

She really couldn't refuse.

Seeing that Jiang Ci had already begun to move, Jiuyue immediately said: "The club gets [-]% and the players get [-]%. Just record for two days, so as not to delay the training match for the World Championship."

Who can say no to money! $_$
Jiu Yue continued to persuade her: "Recording variety shows can make more money than shooting magazines."

Isn't this nonsense?
The last time the magazine was shot was 180,000 per person.

Who has trouble with money.

Jiang Ci asked, "When will it be recorded?"

"In a few days, at the beginning of next month, the club will have an offline meeting at the end of the month. Let's finish this event first."

Jiang Ci coughed a few times, although his face remained the same, but he compromised for money in his heart, "Okay."

After all, who can say no to wasted money?

Jiang Ci was fine, so Huo Chao must be fine too. Jiuyue glanced at Huo Chao and saw that he had no objections, so she went back to report to the team manager.

Because the spring season has just ended, the LNG team is currently on holiday, but the holiday is a holiday, and they still have to score points in the peak game.

That's what a job is like, you have to continue playing games even if you take a break.

Thinking that the World Championship will be in the middle of next month, Huo Chao suddenly said to everyone: "This year's World Championship will be the third anniversary of Ah Ci's debut in KPL."

Jiumo also remembered this, "Yes, it's the third anniversary of the Ci team."

Zhongli suggested: "Then we have to celebrate it well. When the time comes, the Ci team will make a wish. Let's go straight to the world championship and win him three consecutive championships."

With the Winter Championship one year ago, the Spring Championship and the World Championship next year, LNG will be the big devil in the first half of 2021.

Jiang Ci chuckled when he heard the words, "Three consecutive championships? It's a bit of a pursuit, LNG has four championships a year!"

Four championships a year? ?Which team dares to think? ?

Sure enough, your Ci master is still your Ci master, that is pride!

"Four Crowns!"

In the few days after winning the championship, the hot searches of the LNG team did not come down.

Who doesn't look forward to the reappearance of the LNG dynasty?
Three championships in one year in [-] years, this is the legend of the past generation, the youth and passion of countless people.

Just like what Jiang Ci wrote on his bedside - either die in the ashes, or be reborn in the fire, or die in the trough, or break through the sky and aspire to the top!

The trough is tough, and the victory lies in persistence. She will never be imprisoned by Jiang Ci. After two years, she will definitely be able to lead the LNG team to win another year's impressive record of three championships in one fell swoop!

The scene of the offline fan meeting.

Most of the fans still came for Jiang Ci and Huo Chao. These two had far more personal fans than group fans, especially Jiang Ci.

The first five members of LNG appeared, all wearing silver-white cool gold uniforms, exactly the same from head to toe, Jiang Ci was particularly conspicuous among them, after all, with green hair, it was really ruthless.

But whoever calls Master Ci is good-looking, his facial features are like cartoon characters, and a pair of slender long hands are a perfect visual feast.

What is this called?
Women are handsome, men stand aside!
"Master Ci is the most handsome!", "Words, mom loves you!", "Tie Tie, Dharma King!".
(End of this chapter)

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