The whole network is eating me and the CP of the e-sports wild king

Chapter 64 Guan Yu? 1 knife hacked to death 1 old cousin

Chapter 64 Guan Yu?Hacked an old cousin to death
The first dark tyrant of this game is refreshed.

Jiang Ci reminded: "This is a torso dragon that can add double resistance."

If you get it, you can get back the small disadvantage at the beginning.

She saw King Lanling and Dunshan hovering around Longkeng on the mini-map, knowing that they wanted to fight, but they wanted to find a chance to press another wave of LNG.

"Liu Chan has a flash in his hand, this dragon can fight and fight." Jiang Ci commanded, "Liu Chan controls Dunshan first."

The pursuit of speed, ruthlessness and accuracy on the field does not allow for a moment of hesitation.

During the game, the tyrant's blood volume dropped rapidly.

The two assistants Liu Chan and Dunshan played a set with each other in the front and finished handing over their skills. Although Ying Zheng used his big move to shoot from behind, Liu Chan had a shield on him.

King Lanling and Jing stared at each other's last blood volume and wanted to use smiting to snatch the dragon, but in the end the head dragon was firmly accepted by Jing.

QC's Lanling King circled around and wanted to cut Zhou Yu. Jiang Ci increased his movement speed with the first skill Dongfeng Haodang, easily dodged the pursuit, and then followed the second skill's fire circle and the ultimate move to stun Lanling King.

King Lanling's position was too deep. In this wave, he was caught fire by the three LNG people and finally fell to the ground and died. Zhou Yu of Jiang Ci took the head.

[Explanation Fengxiu: This wave is that Dunshan’s blood volume dropped too fast and was directly controlled by Liu Chan’s second company. In addition, Zhou Yu’s fire circle is not easy for Dunshan to chase Zhou Yu in close quarters in this terrain.

So I had no choice but to come back with Liu Chan on my back, but Liu Chan was very fleshy, and Ying Zheng had been shooting with his big move for so long and Liu Chan still had half a tube of blood. 】

[Explanation Mengling: If this dragon is taken down by LNG, they will recover all the disadvantages they lost in the early stage, and they will also overtake them economically. 】

Four and a half minutes later, Jing was alone on the top road, eating the line and brushing the economy, and Zhu Bajie teleported down to the bottom road with Zhou Yu.

The LNG four gathered in the bottom lane.

The only voice in the team is Jiang Ci's commanding voice: "Liu Chaner is the flash controller, anti-wave tower."

"Fight and fight, the opponent can't get through, but can push and push."

Zhou Yu's ring of fire covered the entire defense tower, and this wave of four-on-two LNG had the upper hand. Di Renjie and Dunshan were instantly dropped, and at the same time, QC, the bottom tower, could not keep it.

[Explanation Yun Yang: This wave of white tea is so beautiful, the second flash controls two and then adds a skill of knocking up, he resists the tower and hits the defensive tower at the same time, and he can heal himself. 】

In 5 minutes, LNG played Bo San Er, Jing and Zhou Yu cleared the line in the middle lane, and the three in the bottom lane took advantage of the time when the opposite side was resurrected to push down QC's second tower in the bottom lane.

Time gradually passed, and came to the later stage of ten 6 minutes.

Taking advantage of the death of King Lanling on the opposite side, LNG gathered on the road to push up the ground tower. Because Guan Yu rushed over in time, the line of troops brought by LNG was cleared.

QC's top road highland tower has become a remnant tower, and Liu Chan with one-third of his blood and Jing with full blood want to finish grinding this tower before leaving.

"Leave after pushing, leave after pushing, Guan Yu is not easy to fight when he is out of the witch."

Guan Yu came out after completing his form and Ying Zheng followed him. The two cooperated tacitly and instantly took the heads of the two opponents. .

Guan Yu and Ying Zheng took advantage of the victory and chased after Jing and Zhou Yu.

It really hacked an old cousin to death.

On the 7th and [-] minutes, LNG was cut down by Guan Yu and Ying Zheng to kill the group, one triple kill, one double kill.

LNG is dying.

[Explanation Fengxiu: QC group destroyed LNG!And there is no second tower to slow down on the road, and the fastest resurrection time of LNG is [-] seconds. 】

[Explanation of Mengling: QC's road belt is online, and QC wants to go straight! 】

[Explanation Yun Yang: I'm ordering crystals, wave after wave! 】

"Let's congratulate QC for taking the first point!"

This round of QC can be regarded as a headwind comeback.

It can only be said that the last wave of LNG was not decisive enough, and the tower should be withdrawn as soon as possible after pushing the tower.

Jiang Ci shook his head helplessly and took off the headset.

After the wave head dragon at the beginning, the LNG had a tailwind until 6 [-] minutes before the tower was pushed up. That wave was too urgent.

(End of this chapter)

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