Chapter 69 People, Shine because of Dreams

Jiang Ci felt that his weasel had no good intentions in paying New Year greetings to the chicken.

Jiang Ci was still stubborn: "I have money."

Xi Chen was amused by her. For ordinary people, Jiang Ci is indeed rich. After all, he is a professional player with the highest salary in KPL and there are bonuses for playing games, but this amount of money is not even enough for Xi Chen.

"Yes, you are rich, I am happy to book the venue, why are you polite?"

Xi Chen deliberately provoked her: "What? Afraid that you won't be able to catch her and lose face?"

Sure enough, Jiang Ci was fooled as soon as he got excited, "Who said I can't catch it? I can catch it. I just eat too much tonight and it doesn't feel good."

Xi Chen smiled dotingly.

Seeing that Xi Chen didn't believe it, Jiang Ci insisted again: "If you don't believe it, we compare each other, I must catch more than you."

"Okay." Xi Chen took up the challenge without hesitation, isn't this a proper way of getting sheep into the mouth of wolves?
She Jiang Ci, the lamb, fell into the trap of the big bad wolf, Xi Chen.

The rest of the team members of LNG and KA gathered over one after another, watching the competition between the two captains attentively.

There were also many fans gathered outside.

After a while of competition.

Several shopping carts behind Xi Chen were already packed to the brim, and he could catch one doll almost twice, while there were only ten pitiful ones on Jiang Ci's side.

its not right?
Is this script wrong?

Why is Xi Chen so strong? ?

Jiang Ci didn't want to admit that he was better than him, but she put the facts in front of her again, she teased: "You don't often use this to flirt with girls, do you?"

After hearing this, Xi Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, neither admitting nor denying it.

Then he grabbed the pink Puppy from the claw machine and sent it to Jiang Ci immediately, "Here for you. If I remember correctly, this should be your favorite Puppy."

Jiang Ci twitched her brows while holding the pig in her hand, her heart was complicated, she looked at Xi Chen in a daze as if she had thought of something, and after a while she said arrogantly: "Don't think that I will be able to compete in the arena like this." Show mercy to your subordinates."

Xi Chen chuckled, his eyes were full of smiles and he couldn't stop it, "Okay, if you don't show mercy, you won't show mercy."

"Who doesn't know that your word god is the most serious about the game." Although Xi Chen was joking, his words were full of affirmation.

He would fight and joke with Jiang Ci, but he would never question her e-sports dream.

Humans shine because they have dreams.

"Hmph, although I lost to you in catching dolls, I will never lose in the competition." She would never admit that she is weaker than Xi Chen. ╭(╯^╰)╮

Fans not far away saw such a picture, the Fawang Cishen who was galloping on the field was holding a big cute pink piggy, and then looked up angrily at the e-sports wild king who came out of the comics Lord Dust God.

This directly drove CP fans crazy.

After talking about Jiang Ci, he wanted to go back to the hotel holding the pig and other trophies, and the LNG team members stepped forward to help their captain get the doll.

"Just take this?" Xi Chen couldn't take it anymore and pushed a shopping cart to Jiang Ci, which was full of dolls, "Why are you being polite to me? Here, these are yours, mine is yours. "

Jiang Ci looked over and saw that there were all kinds of dolls, but what Xi Chen said was right, the pink Papazhu was indeed her favorite.

Seeing the mountain of dolls, Jiang Ci also felt worried. Why does she want so many dolls?
"Should I take so much to set up a stall?"

Xi Chen's red lips curled slightly: "It's not impossible if you think about it."

think shit~
She's not down to this yet.

Jiang Ci glanced at the fans who stopped not far away, and his eyes moved with excitement. Anyway, she couldn't take away so many dolls, so she might as well borrow flowers to present Buddha.

"Distribute so many dolls to the fans." Jiang Ci suggested.

"Whatever you want, as long as you like."

Jiang Ci looked at Xi Chen suspiciously, is this still Xi Chen?How did he treat her so well?

Jiang Ci no longer wanted to greet the LNG team members to help give the dolls to the fans, and after receiving Xi Chen's wink, the KA team members also took action.

(End of this chapter)

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