The whole network is eating me and the CP of the e-sports wild king

Chapter 73 Withdrawing Jiang Ci's command position Are you kidding me?

Chapter 73 Withdrawing Jiang Ci's command position Are you kidding me?
The four-day quarter-finals are over, and LNG, KA, QC, and ES have advanced to the semi-finals in total.

Among them, KA is about to play against ES, while LNG will play against QC.

The semi-finals will last for two days, August 8 and August 21, and the venue will be in Yunshi.

On the first day of the semifinals, KA still played first.

The LNG team still has the old rule that in this kind of competition, they will gather together to watch the previous game videos and study their opponents.

"QC definitely grabbed the horse core in the first half. This is their most scoring and adept system."

"If QC wants to take Mahe, let's take Nako as a jungler. Don't give him a chance to delay the late stage, just grab the economy in the early stage and suppress it."

"Then how do we play if QC takes the double-horse system? Is it really a horse racing lineup?"

The so-called horse racing lineup is a combination specifically for horse cores that LNG has tested in training games before.

Against Lu Nezha, jungler Sun Ce, middle lane Zhuge Liang, development road Irene, roaming Guiguzi, because this lineup runs fast, has high mobility and is very good at catching Ma Chao, so it is named the horse racing lineup.

After all, Ma Chao of QC is eukaryotic.

"Not necessarily, QC still has a horse core system of Ma Chao + Pangu. Ma Chao + Agudo is suitable for flat push. This lineup is not good for controlling dragons. QC later strengthened it again and replaced Agudo with Pangu training. In the game, he directly exploded, and Pangu's early combat ability and late disarming, the fault tolerance rate is much higher than that of Agudo."

"But QC's Ma Chao + Pan Gu is just because such a combination is very capable of restraining Lan."

"Every time in BP, let QC dismantle the complete body core first."

"QC's first five players are the most powerful are Baimao and Wuming, one of the strongest opponents in the league, and a French king who is second only to our word team. As long as we can target these two people, then the threat of QC will not be great."

This is indeed true. The two most powerful points of QC are the confrontation lane and the middle lane. Although the remaining three players have good skills and have unique heroes, they are still not as dazzling as White Cat and Wuming compared to their highlights and records.

"Wu Mingyou is quite good at keeping promises in the middle of the road, and QC's slingshot system should not be underestimated."

The five were discussing with each other.

"Hey, where are Jiuyue and Brother Lin?" Jiang Ci glanced at the room, there were only five starters left in the room, and the head coach and team manager were not there.

"I don't know, have you gone out?"

Jiumo looked at the news pushed by the circle of friends and read out: "Hey, the semi-finals between KA and ES are over, and KA has a zero record and ES has advanced to the World Championship finals."

The news isn't really surprising.

After all, Xi Chen is also someone who has fought with her since she was a child, if Xi Chen can't lead the team to the finals, then she will be o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o
"If we win QC, won't we meet KA again in the finals?"

"What are you afraid of? It's not like we haven't won KA before."

"Watch me to find Jiuyue first." Jiang Ci got up and left the room as soon as the words fell.


"Are the management crazy? The semi-finals are about to start and tell me to withdraw Jiang Ci's command? Are you kidding me?"

"Huo Chao is a jungler who wants to take the rhythm. How can he have time to be a commander? Isn't letting him in command add difficulty to the entire team for no reason?"

"Is there a problem with Jiang Ci's command? Does she have a problem? She has been in LNG for so long, who said that her command is not good, and who else can take this command position besides her?"

"The management's mind is squeezed by the door, and you are squeezed too?"

"What's wrong with Jiang Ci? Did you ignore it just to give Huo Chao a heat?"

"The management doesn't do any serious business, but they really care about licking the Huo family. How much money did they charge the Huo family? They don't even want their grades?"

"Old Lin and the LNG we came together, they don't understand you, don't they understand? Don't you know what it means to change the chief conductor on the eve of the game?"

That could be a sign that the game was lost.

The main commander in a team is very important, and it is absolutely impossible to change it just by saying it, especially now that the semifinals with QC are about to start.

Jiang Ci was attracted by the quarrel and gradually approached.

(End of this chapter)

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