Chapter 78 Head?Seeking wealth and insurance
[Commentary Fengxiu: Because of Huowu, Di Renjie and Guiguzi, the LNG lineup is very strong in small-scale team battles. 】

[Explanation Mengling: Yes, Huowu's second skill, Di Renjie's yellow card, Guiguzi's first skill. 】

[Explanation Yun Yang: Look at the QC lineup again. In this round, the focus is still on the upper half. Zhou Yu in the middle lane has more lane power than Huo Wu, so he can quickly change lanes in the early stage, but there is a big player in the QC lineup. The shortcoming is that it is too late. You have to wait for Luna's mid-term and Yuji's late-stage. The problem is that he can't give you the late-stage according to the style of LNG. The point of anti-poke Ma Chao may not be able to play out. 】

The head coaches of both teams leave the field.

On the eve of the game, Jiang Ci arranged the layout: "At the beginning, Ma Chao and I switched lanes, Guiguzi followed you in the early stage, and I went to the top lane to fight Xiahou Dun. I have no advantage in the lane with Zhou Yu."

"Okay." Zhongli agreed.

"Try to end the game before 15 minutes. The lineup in this round will be very difficult for the two cores of QC to fight together."


Their LNG style is that they often change lanes at the beginning, and change some disadvantaged lanes into advantages.

At the beginning of the game, the QC on the opposite side was still laning normally.

[Explanation Yunyang: LNG changed the lane at the beginning. It is indeed better to let Ma Chao come to the middle lane to eat the lane than the top lane, because there is no need to be stuck in the lane by Xia Houdun, and it will be better if Mai Shiranui goes to eat two waves of countering lanes. Get to level [-] soon. 】

In the first 1 minutes, Ma Chao went to the top road to help Huo Wu clear the line after finishing the midline.

Jiang Ci already had two skills on her body, and she didn't hesitate to face Xiahou Dun at all, "You can use it, you can use it, this Xiahou Dun can kill."

Xiahoudun's HP dropped quickly because of the extra Ma Chao to help her fight and consume, and then she used the Flying Dragon Flame Formation to force Xiahoudun's flash, and the last hand of the butterfly fan dropped a blood perfectly.

In a minute and a half, Mai Shiranui turned from the top lane to the middle lane and bumped into Zhang Fei, who was being chased by his own Ma Chao.

Immediately after Ma Chao and Aguduo finished eating the line in the middle, they received Jiang Ci's command and the two rushed to the road, while Guiguzi had already squatted in the grass waiting for the opportunity to force Xiahou Dun away.

Seeing that the line of troops was about to enter the opposite defensive tower, Jiang Ci commanded: "Kai Xiahou, Kai Xiahou."

So Guiguzi flashed into the tower and drove to Xiahoudun, Aguduo entered the field with a big move, and after Shiranui Wu kicked Xiahoudun with a skill, Ma Chao's consumption kept up, and in the end he still gave the head to Jiang Ci.

With three heads in less than two minutes, Jiang Ci's Shiranui Mai can be said to be very fat.

[Explanation of Meng Ling: This is the Shiranui Mai of words, it is really daring to fight and go up, seeking wealth and wealth. 】

This is the style of play of LNG, fierce and strong in the early stage.

Two and a half minutes later, QC's Luna was playing Juggernaut. Zhou Yu wanted to use the original magic circle to teleport to the river in the lower half of the area, but was interrupted by Jiang Ci's first skill, and then the damage from the ultimate move made up for it.

Seeing Ma Chao coming, Jiang Ci told him, "You come and get the head."

Because Zhongli's Ma Chao is not a real horse core, Jiang Ci is still needed to drive the rhythm, and now it is very suitable for Ma Chao's development.

Three and a half minutes later, seeing that Zhang Fei, the assistant on the opposite side, was not in good condition, Jiang Ci quickly responded and commanded: "Fight April [-], go up the road and press the first tower, Guiguzi is going to force Xiahou."

"Give the head to Ma Chao for him to develop."

So on the big screen of the game, Guiguzi flashed into the tower and forcibly opened Xiahou Dun and Zhou Yu.

[Explanation Fengxiu: Ma Chao has developed at this point, the three heads are on the body, the timing is very good, and Guiguzi's second flash has already been connected at the moment Ma Chao sprints. 】

[Explanation of Mengling: In this round, we can see that LNG has been on the road to make trouble. 】

(End of this chapter)

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