The whole network is eating me and the CP of the e-sports wild king

Chapter 85 Jiang Ci Is Your Ex-Girlfriend?And green you?

Chapter 85 Jiang Ci Is Your Ex-Girlfriend?And green you?
The final of the World Cup is scheduled for August 8, at the Imperial Capital.

After the semi-finals, the two teams came to Teijing to start high-intensity training respectively, and the tension of the finals filled everyone.

This is a very anticipated peak match.

In the whole night training match between KA and LNG, KA won the most times, but this does not mean that KA will definitely win in the finals. Most of the team's morale will be very high, and the psychological pressure will be much easier.

After the training match, KA's temporary base.

Zhonglu Xinghai praised his captain, "The captain is a big critic, his words are going to be targeted like crazy."

Who are the words? ?

This is the number one Dharma king of KPL, and also the first person to create a mage jungler in the professional arena.

Xi Chen sat on the gaming chair and looked at the cartoon portrait of Jiang Ci in the game, his eyes were smiling, and the unique little mole on his left eyelid was also moving between his raised eyebrows, his eyelashes were beautifully drooping, his tone was sloppy, "She, I can only say that she is inferior to others, I hope she is not beaten and cried by me."

Alpha on the wing is a little curious, no, in fact, he has always been curious.

He approached Xi Chen and asked: "Captain, why are you always talking about words? She probably won't."

"She won't green you, will she?"

Xi Chen, who was originally in a good mood, was speechless for a moment, "Get out!" (ノ`Д`)ノ

You are green!Your whole family is green!
"Then she is your ex-girlfriend?" Alpha continued to envision the relationship between the two of them in the past, dragging his chin with one hand in deep thought, "It's not right, you don't like words, you like Jiang Chun's pure and obedient Female."

As the so-called curiosity killed the cat, Xi Chen kicked Alpha Lian and his chair away, making him say he was green!

Xi Chen was wanton and arrogant: "I am her father, you know it."

On the other side, Jiang Ci sneezed hard, who is scolding me? (????)? ?

Su Qingyu, who knew the real relationship between the two, couldn't hold back a chuckle. Are these two really interesting and want to be each other's father?
Alpha took a deep look at Xi Chen, and teased, "To be honest, I really like Jiang Ci, anyway, they are introduced by my brothers? I don't mind you being my father-in-law."

She is the only female professional player who can win the championship in KPL, who doesn't like it?

But if Jiang Ci wants to fall in love, don't everyone have to compete for jobs? ?
Xi Chen: "."

"Now it's not everyone saying that the assistant is the little wife of the wild king, and the shooter is an orphan. Over there, Lu Wannian Goubuli and the mage, the thousand-year-old Yin.coin, are a good match."

Alpha said it bluntly and boldly, but Su Qingyu just felt that he was trying to kill himself. People who have experienced it must not say that they like Jiangci in front of Xi Chen, um, absolutely not.

Xi Chen slowly raised his eyes to look at him, the Alpha at this moment is a wild boar who wants to beat his little cabbage! !

He, Xi Chen, who wants to rob him before he's dead, is dreaming!

Xi Chen got up and put his hand on Alpha's shoulder seemingly casually, and said: "LNG's top road is very fierce. In order for our KA to win the championship, I think you can practice on the sidelines again. Why don't you do it tonight? To play the peak game again, it is best to practice until one or two o'clock in the morning, at this time, many Tongtian representatives will come out to take orders, which will be more challenging."

"It's not me..." Alpha was pushed down by Xi Chen just as he was about to stand up. Don't think that Xi Chen is soft and weak just because he looks white and clean, but in fact he can screw you up with one fist.

Now Alpha is about to cry but has no tears, it's all because of his cheap mouth and his loud mouth.

Alpha asked Xinghai and the others for help, he didn't want to practice anymore, so let someone help him.

"Ah, I don't know why I've been so sleepy recently, oops, I have to go to bed now."

"That's right, that's right, I have to go to bed early and get up early for the finals."

So Xinghai, Fanfan and Su Qingyu left the scene immediately.

Look, let you provoke Xi Chen, let you grab Jiang Ci in front of Xi Chen.

Alpha humbly begged for mercy: "Brother Chen, Captain, Mr. Xi, I was wrong, I don't like it anymore, what should I deserve? I don't deserve it." o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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