Chapter 9 Jiang Ci: Our fates clash
In fact, there is a reason why Xi Chen is mean. He just wanted to see Jiang Ci glaring at him angrily, instead of smiling and arrogant every time he saw her.

Jiang Ci is a proud person, everyone in the circle knows this.

It was because of her pride that she was able to force herself, a girl, to kill all the top players in the KPL and become the champion.

Xi Chen snorted coldly and returned to his seat.

Huo Chao came over and sat behind Jiang Ci, and asked her softly, "A Ci, every time the two of you meet, you two are full of gunpowder. Could it be that there is a natural discord?"

Ever since he knew Jiang Ci, he had never said a good word about Xi Chen from her mouth, and of course, Xi Chen had never said anything good about Jiang Ci.

Although I guess the two may have known each other before, but what kind of relationship did they have before so that they could be so pointed at Maimang?

Really curious.

Jiang Ci didn't raise his eyes, and flicked his tablet with his head down to reply to the fans' messages, "You guessed it, our lives are at odds."

"Some people can't be met, once you know them, it will be the beginning of disaster."

Xi Chen is one year older than her, but in terms of psychological age, she has always suspected that Xi Chen is only three years old, otherwise how could he be so cheap and naive?
"But it seems that Xi Chen only loves you every time, and I have never seen it like this with other girls." Huo Chao asked his inner doubts, some things may not be as simple as they appear.

Authorities can't tell the difference, but outsiders have to see something clearly.

Jiang Ci was careless and didn't think much about it, "Ham, I've known him for so long, who grew up with him except me? In his eyes, there are only two types of girls in this world, one is The little beauties that Jiao Didi needs someone to protect, one is me, Jiang Ci, you have never seen how kind he is to Jiang Chun, but once you have seen him, you will know that Xi Chen is purely cheap."

Huo Chao lowered his eyes and glanced at Xi Chen, "Oh, really?"

He knows Jiang Chun, a well-known female idol in the entertainment industry, but he doesn't think Xi Chen likes her.

There is a saying that is very good, alienation does not necessarily mean dislike, maybe it means liking too much.

When they landed in the Imperial Capital, the sponsor's father directly arranged for the five-star hotel, and the rooms for several people were all on the first floor.

The name of the variety show is "Jingren Happy", and the format is to record and broadcast at the same time. It is said that they are not the only guests invited. Because the subject matter belongs to e-sports, the target audience is mostly teenagers.

In the evening, Jiang Ci and Huo Chao met to go to the downstairs restaurant to cook dinner, and when they first arrived, they heard a gentle and sweet voice.

"I've always thought Brother Xichen is super good. A wild king as powerful as Brother Xichen must be number one in KPL."

"Hey, it's Jiang Ci's sister, sister?"

Not far away, Jiang Chun was the first to see them and greeted them, and Xi Chen also followed Jiang Chun's gaze.

Huo Chao whispered in her ear: "Isn't that person Jiang Chun? Why is she here?"

Jiang Ci answered him calmly, "Sure enough, you can't tell people behind your back. I just discussed her this morning and met her tonight."

"Then you want to go there?"

Judging from Jiang Chun's background, he should also be invited to participate in the recording of variety shows.

"In the past?" Jiang Ci looked up at Huo Chao suspiciously, "What were you doing in the past? We don't like to eat dog food in the world of two people."

On the other side, I don't know what Xi Chen said to Jiang Chun, but I saw Jiang Chun walking towards them quickly.

There's really no way to hide now.

Jiang Chun greeted enthusiastically, because he was a little shorter than Jiang Ci, he had to look up slightly, "Sister Jiang Ci, I saw you from a long distance away, congratulations, I haven't had time to meet you face to face after winning the spring competition Congratulations."

Jiang Ci greeted her, nodded slightly and said, "Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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