The whole network is eating me and the CP of the e-sports wild king

Chapter 90 Not only can you play magic stabs, but you can also play tool men

Chapter 90 Not only can you play magic stabs, but you can also play tool men
[Explanation Yun Yang: If LNG wants to play in the upper half, it will be against Lu Bujia Nake, and there may be a fire dance. In this case, KA is still easy to play for the LNG lineup. 】

[Explanation Meng Ling: Yes, and Sun Bin is not bringing interference. If you want to jump over the tower and get ahead of Marco, the risk is very high. If Yi Xing doesn't show his face, he definitely doesn't dare. 】

[Commentary Fengxiu: The main reason is that KA's two hands are purified, and it is very likely that he intends to stock Meng Ya, let him play with Marco in the bottom lane, and then Sun Bin goes to the upper half to cooperate with the frontal pressure. 】

[Explanation Yun Yang: But Sun Bin’s confrontation with the pressure is actually ineffective, because KA has almost no ability to initiate, and can’t start a team. If you really want to fight, the most you can do is speed up, silence and Huowu’s flash, and then Lu Bu big move. 】

[Explanation Mengling: So it is better for Sun Bin to interfere than to purify. LNG is clearly going to fight in the upper half. KA can cross the horse in the bottom lane and then exchange rhythm with LNG, so it is still possible to fight. 】

[Commentary Fengxiu: The main reason is that the change is not enough. This is Baicha’s Guiguzi, one of the three major ghost kings in the alliance. Don't dare to overtake Marco on the bottom road, because you never know where this Guiguzi can be. 】

[Explanation Yun Yang: Moreover, KA actually doesn’t have many line rights, especially in the middle lane. It is difficult for Xinghai’s Huo Wu to get the line right in front of Yi Xing who speaks words. 】

The three commentators discussed with each other in full swing.

[Commentary Fengxiu: Come on, look forward to the first game between the two sides tonight, the blue side is LNG, and the red side is KA. 】

LNG: "The return of the king, unparalleled in the world!"

KA: "Crowned with glory, the prosperous age is king!"

At the beginning, the assistants of both sides followed the mage in the middle to grab the line.

It is true that Huo Wu's line clearing ability is too poor. Under the control of Guiguzi's second skill and Yi Xing's chess formation, the first wave of pawn lines is cleared, and there are two more pawns than Huo Wu in an instant.

After helping Yixing grab the right to line, under Jiang Ci's command, Guiguzi went to the opposite red area and squatted on the grass, waiting for an opportunity to interfere with Na Kelulu.

LNG team internal mic: "I've pulled people, and I've pulled Lu Bu."

"Up, up, hit him."

So LNG's Nakanosuke and the others set fire to Lu Bu, and Sun Bin rushed to give him a quick boost, but in the end it was Yi Xing's chess piece that passively won the first blood.

"Beautiful, Ness."

One blood in one minute and eleven seconds, the morale of the LNG team suddenly rose.

[Explanation of Fengxiu: This wave of midline is reserved for Bajie here, and Yi Xing is directly squatting down the grass, but KA has already known the movement of the words in advance, because Yixing has not shown up for so long after the midline was pulled. 】

In three minutes, both the tyrant and the master have been refreshed.

After Jing finished clearing the line on the road, Jiang Ci commanded: "Let's fight the tyrant together to attract the opponent to come over. I have a big move on my body that can be used first."

Wen Yanjing directly sent down the original magic circle.

Seeing LNG gathering to fight dragons, KA four people besieged them.

"Guiguzi stealthily enters the arena to pull people."

"Hit, hit, hit."

"I've framed someone, come on."

"Huo Wu is gone."

"Be careful, Meng Ya is behind."

"Lu Bu didn't flash."

After a wave of fierce team battles, LNG exchanged for three, and Guiguzi replaced the three heads of Lu Bu Huowu and Sun Bin on the opposite side.

This wave can be said to be Guiguzi and Yixing's great achievements. The cooperation between the two is very good. Yixing's ultimate move releases Guiguzi and then pulls people. The two control chains perfectly keep up.

Taking advantage of the trend, the first tyrant LNG can be won steadily.

[Explanation Yun Yang: This wave of Yixing's big move is too good to start first, and then Guiguzi enters the field and pulls it. The perfect connection between the two controls gives the teammate an output environment. 】

Four and a half minutes later, LNG gathered to invade the blue zone on the opposite side. Jiang Ci made a big move and once again framed several people, and his teammates cooperated to keep up with the output.

In the end, not only did he get the blue buff, but he also played a zero for two.

Jiang Ci was the first player to usher in the era of magic stabs, but at the same time her tool mage is still powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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