Chapter 96 I Use My Skin, I'm Proud

[Explanation of Fengxiu: Yu Ji may still have to resist the pressure with LNG. 】

[Explanation Yun Yang: Compared with the lineups of the two sides, KA is more active. LNG needs to develop first in the early stage. LNG depends on the hit rate of Xi Shi in the mid-term. If KA is affected by Zhou Yu, it will be very easy to play KA when LNG transitions to the mid-term. 】

[Explanation Mengling: Yes, Ma Chao’s sprinting and double attacking equipment in the mid-term is very easy to cut Genghis Khan. Ma Chao can kill one when Xi Shi pulls back, and then in the later stage, LNG will still shoot Yu Ji with big hands. Basically wait until In the later stage, Lan will not be able to cut Yu Ji. 】

[Commentary Fengxiu: Indeed, unless KA has a big advantage in economic suppression, otherwise it is difficult for Yu Ji to cut under the protection of the Bull Demon. 】

[Explanation Yun Yang: In this match point game, both teams have come up with their own unique skills and have to give it a go. Chen, who has a 100% winning rate, and Xi Shi, who has a 100% winning rate. If KA wins, the champion will be born, and if LNG wins, it will enter the No. The pinnacle duel of the ban position, the sixth game of the BO7 tonight starts now. 】

The two sides started normally.

Seeing that Zhou Yu finished clearing the line, he turned to the top road to press Ma Chao, and then Jiang Ci's Xi Shi also rushed up to help his own Ma Chao relieve the pressure.

[Commentary Fengxiu: I feel that Zhongli's Ma Chao is quite detailed. He didn't show a single soldier when he faced Zhou Yu and Xiahou Dun who wanted to press his tower. 】

[Explanation Yun Yang: The main thing is that words have passed. Before the soldier died in battle, the words set of skills controlled Xinghai, and then Alpha also retreated a bit, and Zhongli just finished eating all the soldiers. 】

The small window in the lower left corner of the big screen released close-ups of the hands of Jiang Ci and Xi Chen one after another. They were all extremely smooth and fast, and it was obvious at a glance that they were only operated by professional players.

In the first 3 minutes, both sides played relatively steadily.

Because LNG's jungler is Agudo, LNG is not very good at controlling dragons under Xi Chen's opposite. This is a drawback of Agudo.

In [-] minutes and [-] seconds, KA finished playing Juggernaut.

"Xiahou didn't dodge, so we can look for opportunities." Jiang Ci at the river between the upper and middle roads pulled Xiahou Dun who hadn't dodged, "I've got it, let's fight."

Ma Chao has all the skills on his body, and after a few shots, he finally won the first blood.

The focus of KA is to suppress Ma Chao in the LNG horse core system, and Jiang Ci also helps him relieve the pressure, commanding other teammates: "Agudo can go to the tyrant."

At [-] minutes and [-] seconds, the two sides exchanged the upper and lower lanes and one tower. Because Jiangci, the Xishi, was there, KA's middle lane and one tower were not easy to defend, and half of the blood was worn out.

In 6 minutes, although KA's economy is several hundred dollars more than LNG, and Xi Chen's Lan is also the highest in the game in terms of economy, but because Xishi has always followed his teammates, Lan is not easy to fight first. In the situation, KA Didn't get much advantage.

At [-] minutes and [-] seconds, Xi Chen teleported down from the original magic circle on the road, and the five KA directly stopped LNG's auxiliary bull demon in the river and killed him with a wave of fire, although Jiang Ci rushed and was still in the crowd I caught Xi Chen, but my teammates were scattered on the sidewalk to lead the line, so I had to give up the opportunity of this wave of counterattacks, and let the bull demon die once in vain.

At [-] minutes and [-] seconds, KA is fighting the Dark Tyrant in the assembly.

"The opposite side is fighting a dragon, look for opportunities to open people."

Jiang Ci was wandering along the river while talking, when he saw a slow-moving Xiahou Dun, he pulled him over with another combo.

"Hit, hit, hit."

Even if Xiahoudun handed over the flash, he didn't go away and was killed by Yu Ji's big recruit.

[Commentary Yun Yang sighed: Xi Shila is really accurate. 】

[Commentary Fengxiu: After all, this is the king of Xi Shi, the number one Xi Shi in the alliance. 】

[Explanation Mengling: And it's still my own skin, the skin I made from Dongguan, it's been more than [-] days since it was launched on the official server, so this wave is for my own skin by the way. 】

(End of this chapter)

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