Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 1 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 1 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Remarks ([-])

"Your Highness, the Young Marshal is on a hunger strike today."

Liang You walked into the cabin, and Xiaobai, the etiquette robot, followed her to report the situation, and the mechanical sound echoed with rustling.

Liang You nodded, and the white door inside the cabin quickly moved upwards,

She raised her foot to enter the door and looked at Lu Shen who was rumored to be on hunger strike.

He was sitting in a daze in front of the large transparent window, his hands and feet were handcuffed, and he didn't respond to any movement, obviously losing curiosity about who came.

Liang You's footsteps stopped in front of Lu Shen, and she said softly, "I heard that Young Marshal Lu won't eat again today."

Lu Shen ignored her.

Liang You raised his lips, pinched Lu Shen's chin precisely, and said in a very gentle tone, "I have strength and means. Young Marshal Lu should not toast or eat fine wine."

Lu Shen gave Liang You a disgusted look.

Liang You has been kidnapping Lu Shen for seven days, and she took the trouble to kidnap Lu Shen not because of a personal grievance, but because of mission needs.

The [-]th anniversary of the establishment of Chuanshuju, because countless readers have made contributions and solved a lot of troubles in the book by wearing books in person. In order to thank them, Chuanshuju decided to fulfill the wishes of some readers.

One lucky reader was drawn. This lucky reader read a non-cp career-oriented military novel. In the book, the protagonist is obsessed with war and cannot extricate himself, and has achieved a personal pinnacle in each war.

Readers saw that the male protagonist is so good, but he doesn't even have a woman, so they commented: I love Lu Shen so much, I really want to see Lu Shen fall in love, I really want to see him fall in love like that, why not?Why is this a non-cp novel?I hate bleeding! ! !

Because this is a reader feedback activity, the task of passing through the book is not allowed to be done by the readers, and it directly falls on the big wronged systems.

Liang You, the Great Resentment System, took on one of the missions this time: let Lu Shen have a bloody love affair.

Liang You has worked as a system in novels for many years, and he is already very familiar with love in dog blood, and he has thought of countless tricks of dog blood in his heart for Lu Shen.

Run with the ball:

The hero and heroine had an affair overnight, and the two of them thought nothing happened. Soon the heroine became the secretary of the hero.

The relationship between the two is getting closer and closer. The female protagonist is pregnant, the male protagonist's parents beat each other, the male protagonist and the female partner are engaged, the female protagonist goes abroad in embarrassment, and meets a considerate male second.

Three years later, the heroine returned to China with her sons, and the two started a new round of disputes.

White Moonlight avatar:

The president met Bai Yueguang when he was young, and Bai Yueguang went abroad for various reasons, and he didn't want to befriend President Ba.

Later, the president met a double, and the president fell in love with the double while getting along, and he fell in love without knowing it.

When Bai Yueguang returned to China, he acted as a demon in various ways. The CEO felt that he loved Bai Yueguang, so he obeyed him in every way.

The stand-in broke with the president, and the president chased his wife.

Broken Mirror Reunion Text:
The hero and heroine fell in love, but they broke up because of a misunderstanding.

The two reunited many years later, with indifference, on the surface they wanted to suck each other to death, but secretly they only wanted to rub each other into their arms.

After repeated trials, they found that each other was in love.


There are so many samples of dog blood essays, Liang You thinks that any one will do, but the ultimate secret is that Lu Shen has to have some feelings for him, so that he can go on with him.

But the fact is not the case. This month, Liang You swayed in front of Lu Shen three times with a beautiful face, and Lu Shen turned a blind eye indifferently.

In order to develop a relationship with Lu Shen, Liang You directly tied Lu Shen back.

Lu Shen is not easy to mess with, although he is very handsome, but just look at him, you can see the sense of coercion behind the upright elegance, cold and aggressive.

Liang You lifted his chin at this moment, feeling the intent of killing and attacking. This 22-year-old young warlord's eyes are arrogant and domineering. When he looks at people, he seems to say: I can trample you with one kick. die,

His haughty eyes made Liang You feel very interesting, she thought for a while, and thought it was time to seduce him.

(End of this chapter)

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