Chapter 108
Everyone was shocked by this incident.

So during the in-class activities of the physical education class, the boys were playing basketball, while the girls discussed this matter in private.

"Could it be that Wen Ye likes Liang You?"

"But they don't deserve it. Liang You looks like this. It doesn't mean she's not good-looking. It can only be said that she is generally good-looking. Wen Ye is a handsome guy. How could he like Liang You like this."

"That's right, Liang is not good enough."

"Hey, don't you guys know the latest news? Wen Ye accepted Liang and became a younger brother again. Wen Ye is very loyal and gave Liang Youshui, of course, because she is a younger brother!"

"So it is."

"Then that makes sense."

Yun Zhi also thinks so, Wen Ye doesn't even look down on a beautiful woman like himself, would he like an ordinary girl like Liang You?
She felt that Wen Ye took Liang You as his subordinate, so he treated her better than others.

It doesn't matter whether you like it or not, but she feels uncomfortable.

Why did Wen Ye stand by Liang You's side? Why did Wen Ye want to give water to Liang You? It was originally hers, but Liang You snatched it away.

On Wednesday, the head teacher, that is, the math teacher, said that the blackboard was going to be posted, because the leaders above were coming to do an inspection, and the school had to deal with it.

Yunzhi is an art student, and the matter of publishing the blackboard newspaper fell on Yunzhi, and the head teacher also supported Yunzhi with a few girls.

This gave Yunzhi a foothold in the class again, she was happy, and felt that she had something to compare to Liang You.

After the afternoon class, Liang You stayed in the classroom and was copying political papers. This was the punishment she bet with Cheng Hang, and she would spare some time to finish it every day.

Chen Yi was with Liang You most of the time, if Liang You didn't leave, she didn't either.

Seeing that she was idle, Liang You said, "Why don't you copy books with me?"

Chen Yi mixed with her and didn't study at all. She will be able to do it as soon as she learns, but Chen Yi is a human being, and it is impossible for her to improve as fast as herself.

So she said this with the intention of guiding Chen Yi.

Chen Yi was playing games on the side: "Do you want me to copy for you?"

Wen Ye was also playing games in the background, listening with his ears pricked up while playing.

Liang You said: "Cheng Hang told me not to be copied by others, I will do it myself, I just copy it by myself and it is too boring, I want you to accompany me."

Chen Yi: "It's boring, I won't come."

Liang You's tone rose: "Oh? It's 20 yuan a time, and you can copy it with me. Will you come?"

Chen Yi usually spends money lavishly, so there is a shortage of money. Hearing what Liang You said, she thought for a few seconds and said, "Copy!"

Liang You smiled.

Yunzhi was posting a blackboard newspaper in the back, she was drawing, and someone helped her hold the phone.

She drew for a while, and looked at the standard drawing on the phone for a while.

The girl who painted the picture had a good relationship with Yunzhi, so she praised Yunzhi: "Is this the latest model of your phone? The photos are so clear."

This mobile phone was bought by Yunzhi's parents when he went back from vacation this month, and the mobile phone is also the latest one.

Yunzhi thought of Liang You still using an old mobile phone, so he thought about Liang You.

Her voice was deliberately amplified, and the classroom was quiet. Most people could hear her say: "It's the latest model. I'm not like some people. I have used a mobile phone for two years and have no money to replace it."

What she said was directed at Liang You.

Liang You heard it, and paused his hands, but he was too lazy to look at Yun Zhi, and didn't choke with Yun Zhi at all.

Then he copied his own political book.

Yunzhi made fun of himself, and didn't cause a storm.

Chen Yi didn't speak at the time, but whispered to Liang You when it was evening self-study:
"Again, why don't you change your mobile phone? To be honest, if you don't change it, these people are snobbish, and they will say that you are poor!"

Wen Ye still didn't escape this class, listening with his ears pricked up.

Liang You didn't care much about browsing Weibo with his mobile phone, and said, "My mobile phone is pretty good, and it works smoothly. What should I change? They just say what they say, I'm already poor."

Chen Yi said: "Your family is still poor, isn't your father the leader?"

Liang You said: "My father is rich, and I have nothing."

In order to prevent the original owner from going out and messing around, the original owner's parents only give a little money every month. The pocket money was [-] last month and [-] this month.

Liang You was extremely poor.

Chen Yi knew Liang You's usual expenses quite well, and she said, "Tsk, yes, at your economic level, you can't afford a new mobile phone."

Liang You nodded in agreement, and said with a smile: "That's the way it is. Be a human being, don't compare blindly."

Wen Ye was playing games in the back, and raised his lips when he heard that he should not compare blindly.

I don't like comparisons.

Several days were spent copying books.

Wen Ye has been skipping classes recently, he likes to play games with Liang You, and Liang You will take him with him part of the time.

For another part of the time, she was listening carefully.

After all, you have to surpass No.1 in the class.

The dinner time in the afternoon was very long, and girls from other classes came to play with Liang You this afternoon.

They are all class flowers or something, and they played well with Yunzhi before.

They played well with Yunzhi before because Yunzhi was the boss of the girls in the second grade.

The reason why Yunzhi can be the boss is because he fights fiercely, is pretty, and plays well with Wu Hao.

But Liang You fought better than her, and although he wasn't pretty enough, he played well with Wen Ye.

Who doesn't want to get close to Wen Ye, playing with Liang You can have an intersection with Wen Ye, there is such a realistic temptation, no one can resist.

They asked Liang You to play baseball together.

Liang You didn't know much about it. As usual, if she didn't, she would be very interested.

But this afternoon, Yu Xia from the next class came to find Cheng Hang.

Yu Xia is the girl who sent Cheng Hangshui off before, and she is also a sophomore in high school.

Liang You asked her a little bit, and knew that she was a top student in the class next door.

This afternoon she came to Cheng Hang with a textbook in her hand, as if she didn't understand something.

Cheng Hang communicated with her, and then she sat down at Cheng Hang's table as if she was ready to study together.

The two sat on the seat together to do the questions.

Building a good relationship with everyone is secondary, the main thing is to have a more harmonious living environment and a happier life.

The matter of Cheng Hang is the main thing, and of course Liang You needs to understand the development of the relationship between Cheng Hang and Yu Xia.

So she rejected the class flowers' invitation and said: "Go and play, I will be with you next time, today is not convenient."

The class flowers were not very happy when they heard Liang You's refusal, and two of them looked like they wanted to be angry but held back crazily.

The others, some with regrets and some with understanding, are all gone.

Seeing them leaving, Chen Yi said, "What's the inconvenience? I saw you staring at Cheng Hang for a long time, can you see a flower?"

Chen Yi is a well-informed person, and she will not let Liang You lose face, so she said it in a low voice.

"You don't love out of hatred, you're perverted in your heart, it depends on Cheng Hang."

In a way, this is true.

Liang You stared at Cheng Hang Yuxia, and while watching, he twitched the corner of his mouth meaningfully: "Don't say anything, you can actually understand it that way."

Although her voice was low, he worked hard to hear those who wanted to hear it.

(End of this chapter)

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