Chapter 117 The enemy is a scumbag, and so am I (26)

After this incident, the relationship between Cheng Hang and Liang You returned to the past.

Time passed quickly, autumn passed in the blink of an eye, winter came, and spring came again.

This is the second semester of the second year of high school. Liang You has learned acting with the consent of the original owner's father, so he is busier than before.

In the afternoon, she heard from Fan Jia that Cheng Hang planned to buy Yuxia's favorite crystal ball for Yuxia's birthday.

Liang You thought about the several shops selling crystal balls around, and spent a lot of money to buy all the crystal balls that Cheng Hang wanted to buy.

It wasn't enough for her to buy it, and she had to wait in the store for a wave of hatred from Cheng Hang.

When Cheng Hang went, Liang You was sitting next to the cash register in the store, sitting gracefully on a stool in the small grocery store and taking selfies happily.

Cheng Hang saw Liang You, as if he hadn't seen it, he went into the store to look for the crystal ball.

Girls of this age like these things, romantic, delicate, and beautiful.

Cheng Hang searched around the store, from the front to the end of the store, but did not see the crystal ball.

This is a well-known grocery store near the school. Cheng Hang would come to buy a pen, knowing that there would be one.

After he finished shopping around, he stayed in place for half a minute before he was willing to go to the counter and ask the shopping lady: "Why didn't you see the crystal ball?"

When he spoke, he didn't look at Liang You, as if there was no such person at all, very indifferent.

The young lady smiled sweetly, and said, "You bought the crystal ball, it's really a misfortune, the crystal ball was bought by this little girl."

The young lady looked at Liang You.

Liang You waited by the side for a long time. Of course, she was still taking pictures with her mobile phone on the surface. She raised her head slightly, pursed her lips and smiled, and said in a slightly unbeatable tone: "I want a crystal ball."

At the end of the sentence, the tone turned bad.

Cheng Hang glanced at Liang You, his eyes were indifferent, without any ups and downs.

After taking a deep look, he didn't respond to Liang You's challenge, and didn't intend to ask Liang You to resell the crystal ball to him, but planned to visit several other grocery stores.

There are only three grocery stores nearby. If you are not familiar with other places, you really don’t know where they sell them.

Unless you buy it online, but by the time it arrives by mail, Yuxia's birthday will have passed.

Seeing that Cheng Hang didn't accept the offer, Liang You put on a villainous smile and said leisurely, "Planning to visit some other stores? Oh, unfortunately, I bought them all. If you want to buy them, you can just buy them." can find me."

Cheng Hang looked directly at her again.

Liang You raised his eyebrows: "It's not impossible to buy it, please, if I'm in a good mood, I will really sell it to you."

Cheng Hang stared at her fixedly, his eyes as calm as well water, he sneered and left.

Seeing that he was leaving, Liang You left without stopping him.

Although Cheng Hang didn't say anything this time, but next time Cheng Hang will return it intact.

It was still the old routine before, and Liang You also got to know him better.

He seems to be the kind of person who treats others as others treat him.

As long as Liang You keeps picking on him, he will also pick on Liang You. The atmosphere of mutual tearing is very good, and Liang You is very satisfied.

Because Liang You got better grades, she adjusted her position later, she separated from Chen Yi, and also separated from Wu Hao and the others.

It was also recently that Chen Yi studied hard, and his grades became better.

She and Liang You became the same table again, and Liang You's nearest back table, who was very sad, was Wen Ye again.

This happened several times.

Liang You expressed that he was very sad, and told the class teacher that he didn't want Wen Ye to be his back desk.

The head teacher severely criticized Liang You, and expressed the hope that Liang You would bring Wenye with him.

Liang You: "Why not let Cheng Hang take it?"

Class teacher: "Because your grades were not good before, this situation is similar to Wen Ye, and you must be more experienced."

Liang You didn't convince the head teacher, and the head teacher didn't convince Liang You either.

Homework will be collected after class today.

Liang You accepted the homework of their group, and she has not been a poor student for many years, and she has even successfully become the leader of a group for the first time.

Liang You started collecting homework from the front.

Come to Wen Ye.

Liang You glanced at him, he was playing with his mobile phone.

The two have not spoken a word for half a year.

Liang You felt that he couldn't write either, so he glanced at him, skipped over him, and went to collect the homework from the people behind.

Everything was going well, Wen Ye didn't even look at Liang You.

But after self-study in the evening, Liang You returned to the classroom from the vocal music room.

Liang You saw his desk fell to the ground, and some notebooks were even soaked in water.

These notebooks are all Liang You's homework.

They were not written by Liang You, they were written by Chen Yi for Liang You.

Liang You didn't need to do homework in the first place, and her grades were still good without homework.

But the teachers held Liang You tightly. If Liang You didn't write, he would be named and criticized, and he was the focus of attention in the class.

Liang You paid Chen Yi to help her write it.

Right now, the homework that Chen Yi helped Liang You wrote last week was all sprinkled with water, and the cup holding the water on the desk was broken, and the water flowed out of this cup.

Liang You:? ? ?
She pulled the classmate sitting next to her and said, "Who touched my desk?"

Desks don't always fall down for no reason, there must be some reason.

The boy didn't dare to say anything, but he couldn't help looking at Wen Ye.

Liang You followed his gaze to Wen Ye, thinking in his heart, he must have done it.

Looking at the messy desk on the ground, Liang You didn't pick it up right away, but stood in front of Wen Ye, she tilted her head and looked straight at Wen Ye, with an imposing manner: "What did you do?"

Wen Ye's eyes moved from the phone to Liang You, while Bao Liang looked at Liang You with indifferent eyes.

This is the first time the two have spoken in half a year.

He hadn't heard her talk to him for a long time, so it was this feeling.

The words were provocative and indifferent, but he even felt warm.

He didn't argue, just said flatly: "Yes."

When Liang You saw that he didn't explain, he acted as if he was taking it for granted.

She said, "Did you kick it?"

Wen Ye's white hair is fierce, he doesn't hide or evade: "Yes"

He raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "It's a pity that there is too little water in the glass, otherwise all your books will be wet once, and it will be more interesting."

He looked at Liang You indifferently.

When Liang You heard this, his heart exploded.

She looked at Wen Ye with a pure and clean face, and said, "Come out if you have the ability."

People in the class have to study late, and she doesn't want to disturb others, so she can solve it in private.

Wen Ye simply stood up and said, "Let's go."

The two walked to the corner they used to go to, Liang You's hair was blown by the river wind.

In order to retaliate, Liang You's first reaction when he walked to that corner was to raise his fist at Wen Ye.

That was his own homework, Wen Ye deliberately let the water wet the homework.

She might be caught cleaning the toilet next week because of lack of homework, which is tolerable, if she can fight, she is not blind bb, she punched very urgently.

Liang You was already good at fighting. This was a skill he had practiced in the last world. Although he didn't practice much fighting, it was enough to deal with these kids.

(End of this chapter)

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