Chapter 123 The enemy is a scumbag, and so am I (32)

Liang You:? ? ?
She was a little flustered at the time, but she stabilized the scene and replied confidently: "I want to continue to tear you apart, is there a problem?"

Cheng Hang didn't believe it, and asked softly, "Do you think this is reasonable?"

Liang You: "What's unreasonable?"

In fact, this is the way it is, isn't it the truth.

Neither of the two convinced the other that night, Cheng Hang still didn't believe it, Liang You's attitude was: Believe it or not.

After this trip, Chen Yi started her busy internship life, Liang You went to class as usual, she felt a little distressed about meeting Cheng Hang.

But a week later, Liang You did not meet by chance, but Cheng Hang appeared.

It was at Liang You's school. There was a senior in their school who wanted to participate in a skit competition, and Liang You was invited to act as a special guest.

Liang You played a villainous villain in it, and she saw Cheng Hang was there after filming.

The senior director said: "This is the grass that I invited from B University. He is here to play the male second in the cameo. Everyone is welcome."

Everyone applauded, and Liang You also applauded excitedly. Isn't this just like breaking through the iron shoes and finding nowhere to go.

After Liang You came down, the crew changed the venue, and replaced it with a dilapidated performance stage in a middle school.

Cheng Hang and the heroine are dancing pas de deux on it, this is the first time the male lead and the heroine have met.

Liang You and others applauded as the audience below.

Cheng Hang danced well on it, but the dance steps were wrong. The heroine was okay, although she was from the director department, she danced very smoothly.

Liang You usually learns dance, so he understands it better.

But the senior director didn't know much about it. He filmed it several times, and finally felt that it was okay, and this scene was over.

Cheng Hang came down.

The next scene is the rivalry between the hero and the heroine, and everyone is resting.

Seeing Cheng Hang coming down, Liang You turned on the mocking mode, and said, "You danced with courage, your dance steps are messy, tsk"

To tear each other up, we must start with small things.

Liang You thought that Cheng Hang couldn't speak, so he might find a chance to beat him up another day.

But who would have expected Cheng Hang to turn his back on customers and say, "It's definitely not as good as you, why don't you teach me?"

Liang You:?
He wanted to trip himself up now.

The senior director was drinking water with his head up, and heard the conversation between Liang You and Cheng Hang.

The senior planned to compete with short dramas, and he attached great importance to these dramas. The reason why he invited Cheng Hang to be the male lead was actually because the role of the male lead was not important, as long as he had a good image, he felt that Cheng Hang was very suitable.

Liang You said that Cheng Hang's jumping was poor, and this problem attracted the attention of the senior, so he asked Liang You: "Sister, please teach him, this scene is very important, and I will write your action guide at the end of the play." name."

This senior has a good relationship with Liang You, otherwise Liang You wouldn't be able to come as a guest star. Hearing what the senior said, Liang You agreed.

Anyway, she is not afraid of Cheng Hang, and she can do things like tripping people much more smoothly than Cheng Hang.

But the truth is, Liang You seems to have made a wrong prediction.

During the entire process of teaching pas de deux, Cheng Hang never found fault with Liang You.

Liang You taught him how to dance, and he walked accordingly.

He is smart and remembers quickly.

Liang You practiced jumping with him a few times, Liang You deliberately found fault, stepped on Cheng Hang a few times, and stepped on his clean white sneakers.

Cheng Hang didn't say anything.

After Liang You taught Cheng Hang well, the crew filmed for another half an hour, which was considered to be the end of the filming of the rivalry between the hero and heroine.

Cheng Hang and the heroine made up a scene, and the two were still dancing on the stage. This time, the movements of both sides were very smooth, and they shot it once and passed it straight away.

After filming the scene here, I had to change the venue again, of course, it was still in this school.

Liang You and the heroine had a scene, and the crew had enough scenes today, so everyone called it a day.

The senior invites everyone to have dinner together.

Liang You and Cheng Hang went together. During the meal, Liang You was always on guard against Cheng Hang's revenge, but Cheng Hang didn't.

He even used the serving chopsticks to take a few bites of Liang You's favorite dishes.

Liang You: jpg.

I kept waiting, but the knife never came down, which made me feel uncomfortable.

By the end of dinner, Cheng Hang had never bullied Liang You, which made Liang You a little uneasy.

But before Cheng Hang left, he said to Liang You: "Tomorrow, we are going to Starry Sky Game Park, are you coming?"

The roller coaster and the big pendulum in Starry Sky Amusement Park are famous for their horror.

Liang You: Oh, this knife is about to fall.

But who is afraid of whom?You can't lose this one, she said boldly: "Come on!"

On the second day, Liang You really didn't give in, she came.

Standing in front of the oddly long roller coaster, Cheng Hang asked Liang You, "Are you afraid of this?"

Liang You said fearlessly, "I'm not afraid."

Everyone is afraid, maybe someone is making a fool of himself, she is not afraid of flying through the spaceship's system.

Cheng Hang asked: "Are you really not afraid?"

Liang You: "Of course!"

The two went on the roller coaster together, and the roller coaster lasted for 5 minutes.

Liang You looked at herself being thrown into the sky, the blue sky was right above her, and she was lying flat and looking up at the sky, the next second, she was thrown down from under the sky.

There was a crowd of trees in the distance, and she fell madly.

A huge sense of weightlessness welled up in my heart, and my heart felt very uncomfortable.

The screams of many people are heard.

Liang You: How can human roller coasters be designed like this?

After getting off the roller coaster, Liang You ran to find a trash can and vomited, with tears in his eyes.

What a horrible roller coaster.

After she vomited, Cheng Hang was beside her, he could be said to have reacted gracefully, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing Liang You looking up pitifully, he didn't laugh at Liang You, but handed Liang You a bottle of water with some concern.

Liang You had no choice but to accept Cheng Hang's mineral water. After she finished rinsing her mouth, Cheng Hang said softly, "If I knew you were afraid, I wouldn't take you on the roller coaster."

Liang You looked at Cheng Hang suspiciously.

This is a good counterattack point, he didn't laugh at it?
Cheng Hang really didn't laugh at it. He didn't even take Liang You to ride the big pendulum that he planned to ride before. Instead, he took Liang You to ride on the carousel.

During the period, he also asked very intimately: "Do you want me to take pictures for you?"

Liang You looked at him questioningly.

Cheng Hang said, "Don't girls like to take pictures?"

Liang You: Huh?This is good intentions?This is good intentions? ? ? ?
She tilted her head proudly: "No."

After sitting on the merry-go-round, the two went to rafting again. This was much gentler than the roller coaster, but it was also scary when drifting downhill.

Liang You raised his heart.

At the critical moment, Cheng Hang shook her hand and said, "Don't be afraid."

Liang You was even more frightened, she was simply too frightened.

At this time, he didn't make trouble, maintained the basic qualities of a deadly enemy, and even held her hand.

God knows how worried she is.

During the whole rafting process, Cheng Hang kept holding onto Liang You's hand, and did not let go until the end.

After letting go, he lowered his head and approached Liang You's face, lovingly stroking Liang You's head.

Liang You: ...

Is this not going to fight yourself?

(End of this chapter)

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