Chapter 129 The enemy is a scumbag, and so am I (38)

Wen Ye did not express any redundant opinions.

In fact, Wen Ye's question is very reasonable and well-founded, they are generally not fat when they learn acting.

The teacher will check the weight every week, and if you are fat, you will be fined. Liang You is not very afraid of fines, after all, he is rich.

But self-image management is needed, she still has to take on the show, she has suffered so much to learn acting, and if she doesn't make money and then leaves this world, wouldn't that be a loss.

In order not to learn in vain, Liang You usually maintains her own weight, but she has been abstaining from meat for half a month, and she is really hungry.

After eating half of the third piece, Liang You felt a little overwhelmed, and Wen Ye was still eating, seeing her put down her chopsticks.

Wen Ye looked at her.

Liang You: "I'm going to the bathroom."

Wen Ye nodded.

Liang You didn't go to the bathroom, but she actually wanted to buy Wen Ye a gift.

After all, she agreed to Wen Ye to let him see what it's like to fall in love. Falling in love, she has been in the world of novels for so many years, isn't it just that you love me and I love you, love and hatred.

However, love from the perspective of the overlord must be the object of pampering, buy, buy, buy.

So Liang You bought him a gift as a meeting gift.

There are a lot of things in the mall, Liang You took a quick stroll, because she didn't know the size of Wen Ye's clothes, so she chose to buy a pair of sneakers for Wen Ye.

He should use it for regular exercise.

Liang You bought it.

When he went back, Wen Ye was drinking, and when he saw her carrying something in her hand, he raised his eyebrows.

He has a thick face, deep facial features, heroic eyebrows, and hard facial lines. With such eyes, people are affectionate when looking at people. It should be said that even looking at stones is affectionate, but he is always cold and calm.

Liang You sat down.

Handed the sneakers she bought to Wen Ye, it was a pure white paper bag.

Wen Ye blinked and caught the bag.

His voice was clear and magnetic: "What is this?"

Liang You said, "I bought a gift for you."

Wen Ye glanced at Liang You unexpectedly.

Liang You and him looked at each other without the same hostility as in the past. They regarded him as an enemy in the past, but now they are partners.

She said: "Aren't you curious about what it's like to fall in love? Falling in love probably means that there will be someone who cares about you and takes care of you, so I will care about you first."

This is the view of love that Lu Shen made her aware of.

He just took care of her and cared about her.

Wen Ye looked at Liang You with dark eyes, and didn't move or speak for a long time.

He said, "Thank you."

He didn't open it, and Chinese people think it's a polite behavior not to open it face to face.

Liang You had this perception and knew that he was being polite, but she actually liked to watch people dismantle it, so she said, "Do you want to take a look? If you don't like this one, I'll change it later."

Liang You's aesthetics are a bit boyish. Logically speaking, Wen Ye should like it, but Liang You is not sure.

The first time you buy a gift, the other party likes it.

Hearing her suggestion, Wen Ye paused and said, "Okay."

There was a table of vegetables and meat on the table. He put the shoe box on his body, took out the wooden packing box from it, and took out a shoe from it.

This is a pair of cool white shoes, famous brand, stylish and stylish, very good-looking, very suitable for playing basketball.

Wen Ye nodded, and looked at the size of the sole, which was size 45.

I bought it not too big or too small, it was actually his size.

Seeing that Liang You didn't think the size was wrong at all, Wen Ye raised his head and asked, "Do you know my shoe size?"

Liang You remained calm and said, "That's right."

"how do you know?"

"I heard it when we played together before."

When Liang You said this, he felt as ordinary as picking a fruit, but Wen Ye felt rippling in his heart.

She actually remembered his shoe size. When we played together, three years had passed. In the last year of high school, we were not close.

Is he not so unimportant in her heart.

He stopped talking.

And because Liang You slipped around, she could eat again, so she continued to eat the vegetarian dishes next to her, until it was about the same time.

She went to the bathroom to wash her hands again, and when she came back, Liang You sat down again.

Wen Ye asked her: "Let's go?"

Liang You shook his head, he was a bit full from eating, and wanted to sit down and rest for a while, because he was bored, Liang You looked at Wen Ye and said, "Can I take some photos for you?"

Wenye Boliang's eyes looked at Liang You, Liang You: "When you are a couple, you usually take pictures, there will be group photos, and there will be single photos."

The two sat facing each other, with a wide distance between them. Liang You said, "It's not convenient for us to take photos together. Let me take some photos of you."

Wen Ye thought for a while, then pretended not to care and said, "Okay."

Wen Ye doesn't take many pictures at first glance, he doesn't know how to pose, he puts one hand on the table, has broad shoulders, a thin figure, and a bad face on his face.

Liang You searched for an angle.

Finally said: "Can you compare yourself to scissorhands?"

Wen Ye heard the words and looked at Liang You with murderous intent.

Liang You: ...

Liang You: "I think you will be more handsome and youthful like this."

Wen Ye's complexion improved a bit. He didn't move his hand for a few seconds, and finally slowly, as if shyly raised two fingers, and skillfully compared a pair of scissors.

There was a smile on Liang You's face, he was as beautiful and agile as snow melting, and he was astonishingly beautiful.

She is like a professional photographer, "You smile, you must look good when you smile."

Wen Ye ignored her, still putting on a cool expression.

Although he is not very good at posing, Liang You has found the angle. After taking selfies for a long time, he is already very experienced in composition. She took a few cool photos of Wenye.

In fact, they are all good-looking, Wen Ye has white hair, such a cool expression is very suitable.

After she finished taking pictures, she also took a few pictures of herself. At first, the light was not very good, so Liang You changed the direction and carried Wen Ye on her back.

When filming, Wen Ye accidentally entered the camera.

Although his face was cold, he looked at Liang You peacefully, and Liang You looked at the camera.

The pictures are amazing, even serious photos may not be so good.

After Liang You finished filming.

He sent the photo he just took to Wen Ye.

There are a few photos of Wen Ye, a few selfies of Liang You, and a group photo of the two of them.

Liang You said: "If we are a couple now, do you mind if I use your photo as my profile picture?"

Wen Ye looked at her and didn't speak.

Liang You wanted to use Wen Ye's photo as his avatar, firstly because he was handsome, and secondly because one day Cheng Hang wanted to tear it up with her, or he would always see this picture when he came to her for something, and she said, "Is that okay?"

Wen Ye blinked and said, "Yes."

It was already night after the two of them had dinner, Wen Ye said to send Liang You back, Liang You only then knew that Wen Ye came here by car.

There are cars in a city like city b, and it is very difficult to find a relationship for just a license plate.

Wen Ye's car is an off-road vehicle, army green, very cool.

Liang You was very moved after seeing such a rare style and color, and even boasted: "Your car looks good."

(End of this chapter)

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