Chapter 133 The enemy is a scumbag, and so am I (42)

That night, the two walked on the campus with mottled shadows, the library was some distance away from the school gate, and there was a bit of bird singing on the branches of the spring night.

Liang You asked Wen Ye after walking for a while: "You have become so studious now? I didn't expect that."

All night, Wen Ye was reading a book, concentrating on it, and only looked at Liang You when Liang You occasionally moved.

Wen Ye said: "The company has not started for long, and there is a lot that I don't understand. Of course, we must acquire knowledge. Can fighting with people make a future?"

He has plans and ideas, Liang You nodded.

Wen Ye asked Liang You: "Are you usually busy with your major?"

Liang You: "Very busy."

Wen Ye: "Then you habitually don't hand in your homework?"

She had such a problem in high school, she always asked Chen Yi to help her with her homework.

Speaking of which, Chen Yin's ability to get into B University was due to helping her copy homework.

Liang You: "Our homework is not written with a pen, we have to practice."

Wen Ye showed a rare curiosity, tilting his head and asking, "How to practice?"

Liang You: "Just act over and over again. Grasp the tone and emotion."

Wen Ye nodded, and he asked, "Then you don't need someone to play against you?"

Liang You: "Before the performance, I will play against my classmates first."

Wen Ye nodded lightly after hearing this.

The two went to the library very early today, and Wen Ye didn't eat. He felt that Liang You, who came to B University at six o'clock, probably didn't eat, so he invited Liang You and said, "Go and have a meal first, and I'll take you back later." Home."

Liang You hesitated for a moment.

Hearing Ye's words mean that he didn't eat, so go with him.

In fact, she did not eat, but she has been losing weight these days and is close to a hunger strike, so now she does not have the word "eat".

Ke Wenye said so, and she couldn't refuse. The two ate at a restaurant near the school, and the restaurant was still very high-end.

The waiter brought two menus to Liang You and Wen Ye.

Wen Ye ordered a few dishes, and after he chose, he showed the menu to the waiter.

Liang You also gave the menu to the waiter.

The waiter confirmed the menu to Wen Ye: "You ordered the five dishes of fried cucumber, cold tomato, garlic lobster, pot stuffed taro, and casserole tofu, right?"

Wen Ye nodded.

The waiter wanted to open Liang You's menu again, and Liang You quickly said, "I didn't order, you can just serve the few dishes he ordered."

Wen Ye raised his eyebrows, and looked at Liang You with doubts in his cool and clear eyes.

Liang You said: "You can eat, I will lose weight, so I won't eat."

She took out her mobile phone very naturally, and said: "When the dishes are served, I will play the game, and you can eat by yourself."

Talking with him before the food was served, Liang You felt that he was a leader with a human touch.

Wen Ye asked: "Do you usually lose weight like this?"

The topic of his chat today is very inclined to understand himself, Liang You thought.

The feeling is very subtle.

This is the performance of the other party's inclusion of her in the territory.

After all, if you don't have a good relationship with someone and care about that person, who wants to know how other people are usually, at least she thinks so.

Liang You had this kind of cognition in his heart, and he said honestly: "There is no way, who made me gain two catties, just these few days, I have been tougher on myself, and when the weight has dropped, I can eat more .”

But what I ate was also very bland, and there was no joy at all.

Wen Ye frowned slightly: "Do you think this way is healthy?"

Liang You: "If you don't want to live a long life, you will not be healthy if you are not healthy."

Wen Ye: ...

Seeing that Liang You was particularly disapproving, he didn't like her way of life a little bit.

But he also knew that Liang You would definitely not listen, so he didn't say anything.

The food came up in a while.

Wen Ye told the waiter: "Put the tomatoes and fried cucumbers on her side."

Liang You looked at the plain, non-greasy stir-fried cucumbers and cold tomatoes in front of him.

Her: Huh?
Since she often loses weight, she knows all about foods with few calories. These two things are indeed what to eat during the weight loss period.

She looked at the cucumber with burning eyes, wanting to eat it.

She actually wants to eat anything, but in this world, she always wants to lose weight.

Seeing her moved, Wen Ye added: "Their cucumbers contain very little oil and taste good, you can try it."

This can be regarded as persuading Liang You to stop talking.

Still delicious?

Liang You's heart was full of these words being played back infinitely, and her eyes were also fixed on Cucumber, unwilling to move her eyes away.

But soon, she still stood firm, "I don't eat, I'll play games."

She quickly clicked on the game. After all, this place is in a store, and there are many people coming and going, so there is a noisy background sound, and Liang You's volume when opening the game is not obtrusive.

Seeing that Liang You was determined not to eat, Wen Ye couldn't understand her behavior even more.

But he didn't make a sound, he picked up his chopsticks and ate.

Take your time and eat slowly.

Liang You held the mobile phone in both hands, and leaned slightly against the table to play games.

Wen Ye has no sound while eating, so it doesn't affect her very much.

But Wen Ye doesn't affect her, the food does. This dish is probably delicious, the aroma of the taro is very strong, it reminds Liang Youlian of the rich taste of the taro.

Throat saliva jpg.

Liang You played this game a little casually because his heart was full of food, but fortunately, his teammates were very powerful, and he had teammates who led the way.

Liang You saw that he was not the first one, so he had no passion.

Eyes secretly looked at Wen Ye.

He was wearing gloves and was peeling the shrimp. There were several shrimps in his bowl, and there were dipping sauces on the side. Just looking at the plump appearance of the shrimp, Liang You felt that the shrimp was probably delicious.

She: Swallowing again jpg.

Her gaze was caught by Wen Ye, who asked Liang You symbolically, "Do you want to eat shrimp?"

His tone was casual and not very sincere.

Liang You: "Don't eat."

Whether sincere or not.

She Liang You, a system with a firm will, would never eat it if she said she would not eat it!
Wen Ye was not surprised and said, "Yes."

He proceeded to eat his own.

Liang You couldn't say now: single mother is single mother, not enthusiastic at all.

Because after getting along with each other, Liang You already knew that Wen Ye was a careful person.

He is not enthusiastic now... It seems to have a little deliberate meaning.

Sure enough, Liang You was right, because Wen Ye fully demonstrated his intentions next.

After an hour and a half of this meal, he was still slowly peeling the shrimp.

Liang You's game playing state, from being absent at the beginning, to abandoning all the outside world and indulging in games, to finally playing with sore eyes.

During this period, the smell of the food never stopped, Liang You endured it.

Wen Ye also added a few particularly fragrant dishes in the middle of the dish.

In the end, after being lured by the aroma for an hour and a half, Liang You felt: This dish should be delicious. I drank a glass of milk at noon today, so it's okay to take a bite.

After Liang You convinced himself, at the end of a game, he looked at Wen Ye: "You haven't finished eating yet?"

Wen Ye: "Well, I'm hungry and want to eat more."

Liang You said he wouldn't eat, so it's not easy to put down his face and say he wants to eat at this time, he just wants to wait for Wen Ye to go to the bathroom, and she will steal another one.

She waited silently.

(End of this chapter)

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