Chapter 142 The enemy is a scumbag, and so am I (51)

Wen Ye said that he could go up and help Liang You take a look.

Because Wen Ye had been to Liang You's house last time, he acted very safe the whole time, so even though it was late today, Liang You still nodded.

In fact, Wen Ye has always been safe in Liang You's heart, even in high school.

The parking place was a little away from the building where Liang You lived. Liang You and Wen Ye walked there.

The two walked on a moonlit night.

Wen Ye walked for a while, he walked leisurely, with one hand in his trouser pocket.

He asked Liang You who was walking beside him, "What if a boy is eaten tofu on a night like this?"

Liang You looked at the not so bright neighborhood, because Wen Ye had set up the problem background, and what she saw was such a scene, she naturally thought that a wretched man suddenly appeared on a dark and stormy night.

Hmm... wait, it's the boy who got eaten tofu.

That is the wretched woman.

Liang You raised a righteous expression: "Of course it is sent to the police station!"

The corners of Wen Ye's mouth twitched, thinking she was cute.

He said, "Is there a lighter punishment?"

Liang You: Huh?And be kind to the bad guys?

She answered unsatisfactorily, "Then at least, let's teach him a lesson."

Wen Ye and Liang You walked side by side, and said, "Oh~"

He said in a low voice, "Don't move."

Liang You looked at Wen Ye suspiciously, his gaze was firm, and he looked at Liang You without blinking.

Liang You didn't know what he was trying to trick, but out of trust in the other party, she stopped in her tracks and looked at Wen Ye.

Wen Ye raised his lips restrainedly, and there was a smile in his clear and beautiful eyes.

Then he took a step towards Liang You.

The two were originally side by side, very close to each other.

Wen Ye took a step forward, and the two of them broke through the safe distance.

He didn't wait for Liang You to speak, and neatly approached Liang You's neck with a big hand, landing on the back of Liang You's neck.

He gently pulled Liang You's neck towards him.

Liang You staggered.

Wen Ye put his arms around her waist, and held Liang You in his arms.

He put his hands on Liang You's waist.

Liang You opened his eyes wide, and his line of sight was where the fragrance of Wen Ye's neck came from, Liang You smelled it.

Wen Ye's voice came from behind Liang You's ear, saying, "You eat my tofu, this is a lesson for you."

"Next time you still bump on my waist, be careful—"

His embrace was firm and reliable, and when he got closer, his breath was all in his arms. Liang You sniffed it twice, and unconsciously held his breath.

Her throat was dry and her voice tightened a bit.

"Be careful of what?"

Wen Ye felt sweetly happy that Liang You didn't reject him, his eyes showed a ignorant light, and his voice became gentle.

His throat moved with the sound of speaking, and he said, "Be careful——I kiss you."

Liang You: ...

Don't say it, it's quite scary.

At worst, don't move around in the future.

She was quietly hugged by Wen Ye, Wen Ye's arms were around her waist, her head was resting on Liang You's shoulder, and she leaned on him very dependently.

After hugging for about a minute, he let go.

After letting go, neither of them spoke.

Liang You didn't speak, she felt a little embarrassed.

Wen Ye didn't speak, he felt a little shy.

The two of them who were silent like this returned to Liang You's house again.

The house was still the same as the day before yesterday, and the blanket was still in the living room, which meant that Liang You was still sleeping in the living room yesterday.

Wen Ye went this time and saw a spider, so he decisively shot the spider to death with a notebook.

Solved a major matter of Liang You.

Liang You said he was very happy.

Wen Ye beat the spider to death and went to the bathroom to wash his hands. When he came out, he saw two boxes of gauze on the coffee table, and there were medicines beside it.

Wen Ye stood there without moving.

Liang You came out of the room, it was so late at this time, Wen Ye should go back early, she was going to send Wen Ye downstairs later.

Wen Ye said to Liang You: "Why did you buy gauze?"

Liang You followed Wen Ye's line of sight and saw the gauze she bought, and she said, "Here, I fell on my leg and need some medicine."

Although she spoke calmly, Wen Ye was a little worried.

I don't know if it's because of just being together, but he always feels that the other party is very fragile and wants to take care of everything.

Wen Ye looked at Liang You with deep eyebrows, and frowned slightly: "Did you change the gauze today?"

Liang You: "No."

Wen Ye acted like a 24-year-old boyfriend, he said, "I'll help you change your medicine before leaving."

Liang You: "Yes."

She doesn't mind, it's a real boyfriend, it's not too much to help change the medicine.

Liang You sat on the sofa, Wen Ye took medicinal wine and anti-inflammatory medicine, and helped Liang You to coat the wound.

He casually took a pack of gauze bags.

This bag was intact, and it was closer to Wen Ye's hand.

Wen Ye tore the opening of the packing tape twice, but only a part of the packing tape was pulled out of the dense white silk.

Liang You: "There are scissors on the coffee table."

Wen Ye glanced at the other torn gauze bag, and chose to continue cutting it with scissors.

While he was cutting things, Liang You was playing with his mobile phone and talking to his classmates.

Wen Ye's eyes fell on the packaging bag, and his movements stopped for a moment.

His eyes fell on a neat "Jian" walk, and of course, the love was also obvious.

This was clearly written by someone else on purpose.

Wen Ye didn't make a sound, and continued to cut the packaging bag, and took the gauze inside.

He said casually, "Did you buy this gauze? The quality is okay."

This was not bought by Liang You, but by Yao Jian.

But Liang You felt that there was no need to tell Wen Ye about Yao Jian.

She will not contact Bi Yaojian in the future, and Wen Ye's question is easy to fool.

Liang You said, "Well, I bought it myself."

Wen Ye's eyes darkened.

He helped Liang You bandage up, and then asked Liang You: "How did you fall on your foot? It's so serious?"

Liang You was a little annoyed remembering yesterday, and said: "Yesterday when I was about to sign an autograph, someone pushed me, so I fell."

Wen Ye handled Liang You's knee carefully, his movements were very light and did not cause Liang You any pain.

But he walked God twice.

After Wen Ye helped Liang You apply the medicine, Wen Ye left.

Liang You was going to send her off, but Wen Ye had a rather ugly expression on his face, and said, "Do I have no feet myself?"

Seeing that he seemed to have a bad temper suddenly, Liang You didn't provoke him.

Did not send Wenye downstairs.

In the next two days, Wen Ye returned to the same attitude as before and stopped looking for Liang You.

Liang You felt that the whole person was a little more relaxed, and he was not forced to chat, so he was a little happy.

It's just that no one came to pick her up at night, and she became a little inconvenient.

But she felt that Wen Ye didn't want to see her every day, he must have something to be busy with.

You can't always use others as drivers, you have to calm your mind.

Because there was nothing wrong, Liang You didn't contact Wen Ye either.

(End of this chapter)

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