Chapter 158 The enemy is a scumbag, and so am I (67)

Wen Ye asked Liang You: "Are you looking for me today?"

Liang You actually didn't want to play with him, but she promised him again that she would be on duty, so she fluttered her curled eyelashes and didn't speak.

Seeing her silence, Wen Ye asked, "Let me come and play with you."

Wen Ye came to find Liang You today, Liang You was watching TV at home, Wen Ye brought a computer over.

Liang You has a feeling that the happy weekend has been broken by someone. She used to be alone, but now that there is one more person, Liang You is a little uncomfortable.

She looked at Wen Ye who was standing in the living room, and said, "Sit."

Then she went to wash the fruit for Wen Ye, and after serving the fruit, Liang You asked Wen Ye: "Why did you bring the computer here?"

Wen Ye's beautiful eyes stared at Liang You, he put the computer on the coffee table, and said in a low voice, "Work."

Liang You: ...

So why can't I go to the library to finish the work, do I have to stick with her?

She blinked her cold eyes, looked at the study, then at the TV that was on, and turned her head to Wen Ye: "Will you work in my study later? I want to watch TV."

Wen Ye was sitting on the sofa, took the grapes from Liang You's fruit plate, blinked his long and narrow eyes, and looked directly at Liang You: "No, I can just work here."

He looked at the small stool next to the coffee table, as if he planned to sit on it to work.

The sofa is wider than the coffee table, so it is not suitable for working on the sofa. If he wants to work in the living room, he probably can only sit on the small bench and put the computer on the coffee table to work.

Liang You reluctantly said: "Oh~"

After eating the grapes, Wen Ye sat on the small bench and went to work.

He sat in the same position as Liang You, very close to Liang You.

Liang You continued to sit on the sofa and watch TV. It was very comfortable to watch TV alone, but there was one more person out of thin air, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

What's even better is that the progress in the TV series has reached a very ambiguous plot.

The two supporting characters in it are having sex with each other, and there are slutty voices in the TV series.

Wen Ye was working on the sidelines. He didn't wear earphones, so he could hear clearly.

Liang You was embarrassed and dissatisfied, thinking that if Wen Ye wasn't here, such a thing wouldn't happen.

So once the embarrassing episode was over, she turned up the volume of the TV, maliciously disturbing Wen Ye's work, and making him uncomfortable.

She hit hard and turned the volume up to the max.

Wen Ye was typing with his hands, but when he heard the voice suddenly so loud that it filled the entire space, he raised his head and raised his eyebrows to look at Liang You.

Liang You looked at Wen Ye without fear, tilted his head, and his eyes were even provocative.

Wen Ye said in a low voice: "Turn down your voice."

Liang You raised his chin and said expressionlessly, "I don't."

Wen Ye stared at her, put down the computer in his hand, and stood up.

Liang You thought to himself: put down work and want to quarrel, don't you?Make noise!She is not afraid.

Her eyes were full of vigilance and fighting spirit.

Wen Ye sat down on the sofa, he sat on Liang You's sofa, only one person's width away from Liang You.

He looked at Liang You, and stretched out his hand to Liang You, and under Liang You's vigilant eyes, he landed on Liang You's head.

He leaned his head close to Liang You, looked at her eyes, and rarely asked in a good temper: "What's wrong? Who messed with you? You are so angry."

Liang You blinked expressionlessly, lowered his eyes, and stopped talking.

Well, I'm just not happy, and I'm trying to find fault today.

What happened to Cheng Hang made her very worried. Now she has begun to doubt whether the mission of this world can be completed. According to Cheng Hang's attitude, if it cannot be torn apart, the mission may not be completed.

A lot of points will be deducted if the task is not completed.

The system is also judged by its pros and cons. If there are fewer points, it will be eliminated and finally turned into a pile of garbage. This is the anxiety of survival.

Although failing to complete one mission is not enough to be eliminated, the points deducted are quite a lot. At least ten hosts must be assisted to make up for it. It's no wonder Liang You is happy.

So she is a little angry today.

Seeing Liang You hanging his head, Liang You looked unhappy.

He gently held his head, pulled her into his arms, let her lean against him, and didn't speak.

Liang You felt that he was very sensitive and easy to rely on.

With his head nestled in the hollow of his shoulder, he didn't make a sound, but he actively hugged Wen Ye's waist and smelled the fragrance of his body.

The posture of her head leaning on him is very dependent on him.

The corners of his lips raised slightly, and he touched her head with his big hand.

He actually planned to keep a little distance from her, because she would mind that he liked her, but she was getting close to him, and very close to him, so of course he wanted to get close to her.

The two hugged for a while, Liang You came out of Wen Ye's arms and put his hands on his lap.

Feeling a little better, but not completely.

The sound of the TV was very loud, Liang You turned down the sound of the TV as a compromise, it was not good to continue to cause trouble.

She looked at Wen Ye uncomfortably: "I turned down the voice, you can work now."

With a smile in his eyes, Wen Ye helped Liang You brush her sideburns back. He said, "I'm not working today. I'll play games with you."

Liang You: ...

She fluttered her eyelashes, and looked at Wen Ye with embarrassment and anger.

She has been knocked down and retreated, still playing games?
Wen Ye said: "I will let you this time, how about letting you play me ten rounds?"

Liang You's eyes lit up. Although she was ordered to beat her, it was still a win. Let Wen Ye experience her previous feeling of being deflated. Just thinking about it makes her very happy.

Her troubled eyes faded away, and she said, "Then you can't go back on your word!"

Wen Ye raised his eyebrows, looked at her with good-looking eyes, and showed a bright smile inside, he patiently coaxed her and said: "I regret that I am a puppy."

Sure enough, Liang You won Wen Ye's ten rounds. When Wen Ye played the game, he still cooperated with his development, but he couldn't keep up with a little operation, and then he lost.

He operated like this, it can be said that he fought seriously and then lost, the loss was very real, as if he really couldn't beat it.

This gave Liang You a strong sense of game experience, and happily abused Wen Ye for ten rounds.

After ten rounds, she had a smile on her face, and her beautiful and clean eyes were no longer indifferent as before, and became cute.

Seeing that she was happy, Wen Ye raised the corners of his mouth, and he smiled handsomely and charmingly.

Liang You knew in his heart that he was comforting himself by playing games with him today, and he was a little moved, so he took the initiative to hug the handsome guy and threw himself into his arms.

Anyway, she has hugged her several times, and she doesn't care how many times.

Although he is annoying, he is very good.

She nestled in his arms and thought so, and then she asked in Wen Ye's arms, "won't you be angry with me yesterday?"

Wen Ye hugged her and said with a tiger face: "Of course I will continue to be angry, so where did you go yesterday? Don't lie."

Liang You: "Secrets, you can't ask, anyway, I haven't gone out to mess around."

Wen Ye hugged her, fell silent for a while, and didn't ask any more questions.

(End of this chapter)

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