Chapter 165 The enemy is a scumbag, and so am I (74)

He doesn't even care about his own friends.

Chen Su usually spends a little bit, but what she spends on hers has nothing to do with her Liang You, and it's not like she hasn't seen a playful flower before.

Liang You said perfunctorily: "Oh".

Ready to end the night.

She was about to open the car door to leave, but the door couldn't be opened, and Wen Ye didn't unlock it.

Liang You looked at Wen Ye.

There was some hostility in Wen Ye's eyebrows. Liang You's lying tonight made him very unhappy. It's fine if she didn't apologize seriously. She was still very angry and had a bad attitude. Wen Ye was irritated in his heart. To Liang You, said: "You are impatient, aren't you?"

Liang You held his breath hard, and then said inappropriately: "No."

Wen Ye couldn't understand her attitude, so he deliberately found fault and said, "Then hand over your phone."

Liang You raised his gaze upwards and placed it on his face. She looked at him expressionlessly and did not speak.

Wen Ye turned his head to look at him, and said forcefully: "You went out to play before, so you must add people."

So who knows if she has added someone this time, her phone rang just now, so he was worried.

Moreover, since the day they were together, he never checked Liang You's cell phone again. The last time he wanted to check, Liang You refused.

It was indeed time for him to look it up.

In the early morning of the night, there was actually a bit of chill, Liang You felt a little tired, he put his finger on his forehead, and put it down again.

The Taekwondo teacher's phone number has been deleted by her, and she has also written it down, so there is nothing to check.

Although she felt very uncomfortable, she was silent for a few seconds and handed the mobile phone to Wen Ye.

The expression on Wen Ye's face improved a lot, and he took Liang You's cell phone.

He asked her, "What's the password?"

Liang You's voice was somewhat depressed: "Six 6s."

Wen Ye unlocked it, first checked Liang You's QQ, and then he saw Zhang Yu's text message.

The one above: "The one who came to the bar just now is your boyfriend, isn't he? Your boyfriend is so mean to you." He looked straight at it.

Wen Ye paused after reading the text message.

He went to the bar to say a word, and brought Liang You out.

In this way, he is said to be very fierce. This person is still a man who provokes dissension, and he has no good intentions.

He scrolled through the message records, and this person had sent several text messages to Liang You before.

"Are you here? We'll be waiting for you."

"Why didn't you come today?"

"How did you go back tonight?"

Wen Ye sneered with dark and beautiful eyes.

He asked Liang You: "Who is Zhang Yu?"

Liang You: "Classmate."

Wen Ye didn't answer the call, and then looked through Liang You's chat records. She really didn't like typing and chatting, so she rarely chatted privately. She didn't chat with Cheng Hang recently, nor did she have any chat with Yao Jian.

Wen Ye checked the text messages and call records again, and there was nothing unusual.

Holding Liang You's cell phone in the air with his slender fingers, with cold eyes and gentle words, he said to Liang You, "Delete Zhang Yu."

At his request last time, Liang You deleted all the men from his list.

But those men had nothing to do with her, so they deleted it as soon as they were deleted.

But Zhang Yu is a classmate, and just now she helped her speak in the bar, and she deleted it again, which is very inexplicable.

Liang You looked directly at Wen Ye: "He is my classmate."

Wen Ye sneered, as if he didn't want to talk nonsense with Liang You: "Just say you want to delete it or not?"

Liang You looked angrily at Wen Ye, who had a superior attitude. It was already hard for him to be looked at on his phone, but he turned out to be unreasonable.

If you retreat again, you will be bastard, she snatched her mobile phone from Wen Ye's hand, and said decisively: "Don't delete it."

Wen Ye looked at Liang You, his gaze was wrapped around the night, oppressive just like the night.

He looked at Liang You fixedly, finally he pressed the switch of the car door, and said, "You did a good job, don't you want to get out of the car? Go down. I'm not as important as Zhang Yu, you let him be yours Is your boyfriend not good? What are you looking for me for?"

Liang You was too lazy to listen to him, so he opened the car door, got out of the car neatly, and closed the door.

The profile of her closed door was ruthless.

Wen Ye looked at her in the car, with a hint of grievance in his indifferent eyes.

Liang You didn't look at him, and left directly.

The gymnasium held a competition the next day, and Liang You also had to participate. She had a quarrel with Wenye, and no one bothered to talk to each other, which happened to save her and Wenye from asking for leave, and she went directly to the Taekwondo gymnasium.

The competition started in the morning, and there were players from all ranks.

Liang You is considered very good in gymnasiums, so he and Cheng Hang participated in different games.

Cheng Hang was ahead in the competition. Although he didn't study for a long time, he studied very well and won the first place in his rank.

This competition was held by several gymnasiums together, and it was also an opportunity for the gymnasiums to communicate with each other. It is already great that Cheng Hang won the first place.

The brothers and sisters around him are all blessing him.

Cheng Hang smiled brightly.

Liang You didn't bless him, she wanted to tear him apart, so she blocked Cheng Hang in the corner again, she raised her delicate eyebrows arrogantly, and walked a few steps away from Cheng Hang, saying: "The first is very Is it amazing?"

In the corridor at the bottom of the building, Cheng Hang's bangs fell slightly on his eyelashes, and his brown eyes were shining, as beautiful as the moonlight.

He said in a good tone, "It's really nothing special, it's still much worse than you."

One sentence blocked what Liang You wanted to say.

Liang You looked at the sky outside, it was very bright, the sky was very blue, and the white clouds were white.

Liang You looked at Cheng Hang seriously: "If I beat you up here, will you hate me?"

There was no ups and downs in Cheng Hang's eyes, nor was there any fear or avoidance.

He asked Liang You, his eyes were calm and gentle: "Why did you hit me? Did I offend you?"

Sure enough, he wouldn't, he probably wouldn't, Liang You hit him before, but he didn't fight back, nor did he take revenge.

Liang You felt powerless.

She doesn't want to hit him anymore, it's really like campus bullying, and she also feels guilty in her heart.

She lost her arrogance, stood on the spot, crossed her arms across her chest, and looked at Cheng Hang seriously: "Then I hit you before, do you still hate me?"

Cheng Hang looked at her quiet and lively face, with a smile on his lips, and said tolerantly, "I don't mind."

Liang You closed her eyes, she closed her eyes angrily, bit her lip, looked at Cheng Hang with big eyes, and said, "I really thank you, Bodhisattva Cheng."

The sky outside is bright, but Liang You's heart is dark.

The possibility of failure in this mission is too great, and her four years have been in vain.

How could Cheng Hang be like this, he likes someone, even if the other party bullies him, he can bear it, he was obviously not like this before, he is very individual.

If you bully him, he will definitely bully you back.

Liang You helped his forehead.

At dusk that day, Liang You walked out of the Taekwondo gym in extreme disappointment.

She took a day off today, so she didn't go back to school, and she didn't want to find Wen Ye, she wanted to go to the bar to relax, if Wen Ye caught her, she would say, Liang You went home depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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