Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 18 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 18 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Remarks ([-])

Seeing what he said, Liang You thought about it for a while. Lu Shen is the commander, and he is on the front line to command, not to fight, so...he may not usually touch a gun.

Liang You said she was okay again, and she took another shot: 10.2
Afterwards, Lu Shen only scored more than 10 points in two shots, and the others hovered at 9 points, and the worst one was 9.6. This kind of score is already very good for others.

And Liang You's best score was 10.3 because of his victorious victories, and he also stabilized at 10.2 later on.
Like a dream, Liang You beat Lu Shen.

She stroked the broken hair on her forehead with her fingers, smiling sweetly, but she couldn't hide her confidence and pride.

Although Lu Shen lost, he was very generous and formally said to Liang You: "Congratulations, you have won. Come to my office to report at nine o'clock the day after tomorrow."

His gaze stayed on Liang You's smile for a few seconds, then moved away again.

Liang You walked outside the office, and suddenly heard a notification tone: Favorability +5, total favorability 5.

Liang You: Huh?I showed my true ability, and he liked it very much?really.

But she didn't feel very satisfied in her heart. The best shooting result was achieved by Lu Shen, and his shooting attitude this time was a bit casual. Looking at it soberly, this narrow victory is considered good luck...

This seriously violates the fifth style of the overlord's flirting with girls: to have real skills.

The so-called real ability must be the best. For example, if Lu Shen shoots a 10.5 ring, she should win an absolute overwhelming victory with a 10.9 ring. This is called ability.

A boss who has no real ability to tease girls is not called teasing girls.

Still have to work hard, Xiaoyou, she thought.

There was no arrangement in the afternoon, so Liang You drove the spaceship to a nearby town to eat out, planning to continue shooting practice after returning.

She chose the best restaurant in the town. After all, being a princess is really rich, especially since she is still in the army and has no chance to spend money. The balance in the card is increasing day by day.

The restaurant is on the third floor of the hotel. After entering, a waiter led Liang You to the private room.

The lighting in this hotel is not good, the daytime is as dark as night, and the lights are relatively dim. Liang You and the waiter went to the private room from the long corridor, only thinking that the atmosphere is dark enough to go to a ghost movie.

The waiter had nothing to say, and Liang You didn't speak either.

The two of them were walking, and when they passed the elevator's stair door, a man's voice came from a sullen voice: "How many to kill? Of course, all of them were killed."

Liang You stopped in his tracks.

Another man with a slightly younger voice said hesitantly: "But...for personal grievances, it's a bit far-fetched to explain after killing them all."

The stairway door was closed, only voices could be heard, but Liang You had already recognized the owners of the two voices, Bi Cun and Gao Tao.

She looked at the waiter next to her. The waiter's face was pale with fright, and his eyes were staring at the door in horror.

Although this place is on the edge of the Lulaixing base, but counting the rear, all the people living here are ordinary people.

Hearing this kind of murder, if it is discovered at this moment, the only thing to die is, the waiter has obviously never encountered such a frightening thing.

Liang You looked at him calmly, and put his index finger in front of his lips, signaling him to keep quiet.

She thought for a while, and took out the pinned gun to show the waiter, in order to signal to the waiter that she could let him be safe.

Bi Cun's voice over there was still ringing. After seeing the gun, the waiter's eyes calmed down a little, but he was still very panicked.

Bi Cunxiao taunted: "Farfetched? A few soldiers who kill all the year round have conflicts with dozens of enemy pig raisers. Is it farfetched to lead someone to kill them? There are not many people killed, so how can you stimulate this reckless Keton?" husband?"

The cigarette butt fell to the ground, and Bi Cun crushed the cigarette butt with his foot, as sinister as stepping on a human hand.

He smiled wildly: "When Ke Dun comes over, kill him. I'll see what Lu can do to stop this battle."

Gao Tao said with a smile: "Of course the surnamed Lu can't beat the general. How old is he? With an opponent like the general, it's only a matter of time before he steps down."

Bi Cun was still talking, Liang You felt that she was going to withdraw, she turned her head to look at the waiter again, showing a faint smile.

The waiter was shaking more than before, Liang You mouthed to him: "Go, go slowly."

He understood and nodded nervously.

He walked forward, and Liang You followed him so that he would not be so afraid.

He saw that someone was at the bottom, and although it was difficult to step out, he still lifted his weak leg firmly.

Liang You raised his eyes to look at the layout of the hotel, looked at the waiter who was trying his best to slow down his footsteps, paid attention to the sound of the stair door, and followed silently.

After walking a certain distance, a voice suddenly came from the door at the bottom of the building. Liang You quickly took two steps forward, grabbed the waiter's hand, pushed the door open and led him into a private room.

The door closed silently, and the newly entered box was dark. Liang You turned on the light and said to the waiter, "It's all right."

She came out this time, it's too late.

This is why Bi Cun is going to do something today. It stands to reason that Green Lai Xing is preparing to go to war recently, so such a challenging behavior may be normal.

But what he said just now obviously has a sense of personal grievances, and it will obviously be detrimental to Lu Shen.

She didn't have Lu Shen's Xingdian contact information, so she woke up her brain and called Liang Yi.

Liang Yi answered the phone quickly, and the first sentence was: "Did you succeed as a guard?"

Liang You said in a low voice: "It's done, I didn't call to talk about this matter, brother, I met Bi Cun when I came out today."

She told Liang Yi what she had heard, and also marked the key points: "It is said that dozens of pig farmers in the enemy army are going to be killed, and it is related to a man named Ke Dun. Tell Lu Shen about this."

Liang Yi said after listening, "Okay, I'll tell you right away." He asked again: "Where are you? Are you safe? Do you want me to pick you up?"

Liang Yi is always extremely reliable at times like this, but if there are too many people, Bi Cun's attention may be drawn, Liang You said: "No, I will go back by myself."

The news has been conveyed, Liang You looked at the waiter sitting with him, pursed his lips and smiled, and said, "Don't be afraid, you will be fine."

The waiter also saw that Liang You's identity was a bit extraordinary, and asked, "Are you?"

Liang You said, "I am from the army."

The two of them sat in the box for a while, and then changed to Liang You's original box, and everything looked the same as usual.

Liang You even ordered a few dishes and asked the waiter to eat with her for a while.

She sent the message that should be sent, and Lu Shen will take care of the next thing.

After eating, she sat in the restaurant for an hour and a half. To be on the safe side, she took the waiter back to the base.

After returning to the base, everything went on as usual, as if there was no storm.

As the day drew to a close, the base remained calm.

In the evening, Liang Yi returned to the military region and said to Liang You, "There is a meeting tonight, do you want to go?"

Liang You intuitively felt that it was related to the afternoon's affairs, so he nodded.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets, I love you, I love you, give me more, I need it.

  These two chapters are following the plot, and the following is the emotional line.


(End of this chapter)

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