Chapter 180 The enemy is a scumbag, and so am I (89)

At night, Liang You was alone at home in a daze, and she was still thinking about Wen Ye.

Wen Ye doesn't like her anymore.

She was played with by a human being.

Being so handsome makes people confused, but he doesn't like himself, this world is simply cruel.

Just as she was thinking about it, her cell phone rang, and it was Wen Ye's call.

When Liang You saw his phone call, he felt very irritable. It was Saturday, and he thought of himself, good guy, contact him once a week, if you have the ability, don't contact him for the rest of your life.

She angrily turned off her phone.

Then continue to think about countermeasures.

If he doesn't like it, then he doesn't like it.

It's not that I haven't seen a handsome guy, even if he's so handsome that he blinds me, since he doesn't like me, then I won't pester him, and I will break up with him when I find another chance, and I have to dump him first up.

She thought again, this is really great, the photo has been taken, and Cheng Hang has stabilized.

It has nothing to do with Wen Ye not liking him.

She looked at the TV screen, but the phone on the coffee table rang again.

It's still Wenye's, Liang You doesn't know why he makes so many phone calls, and he doesn't like himself.

She pressed the phone off again.

The phone rang twice after that, Liang You was so annoyed that he immediately turned off the phone.

The world is clean again, the mobile phone is turned off, the entertainment activities are reduced by half, and the time is still early, so it is not suitable to go to bed immediately.

Liang You was very angry. After thinking about it, he picked an intense war movie to divert his attention.

Watching and watching, she was gradually fascinated, forgetting her anger.

Soon, there was a doorbell outside, and no one came to his house at this time, Liang You walked to the cat's eye, and saw a crisp black collar outside.

It's Wen Ye's clothes.

Seeing this, Liang You took a deep breath and opened the door.

She calmly asked Wen Ye who was standing at the door: "What are you doing here so late?"

She said these words very calmly, almost without any anger, and her facial expressions were well managed, as usual, nothing could be seen.

The reason why she did this was actually out of system inertia.

Because they are afraid of complaints from the host, their system usually pretends to be grandchildren, let alone get angry.

As for Wen Ye, he didn't know that he saw him today, even if he knew, he didn't do anything wrong.

She had no reason to be angry with him.

She will only break up with him later when she finds an opportunity.

Liang You's attitude was beyond Wen Ye's expectation, and there was a look of surprise in his anxious eyes.

He looked at Liang You, who seemed to have nothing to do, and was stunned for a moment, then touched Liang You's head with his hand, and said in a rustling voice, "Why didn't you answer the phone?"

Liang You didn't hide from his head touching, she felt a little sore, she blinked her eyes, and lied calmly: "The phone is out of battery."

Wen Ye put his hand on her head.

Liang You lowered his head and raised his head again, and said, "It's cold outside, come in."

Try to be the same as usual.

Wen Ye went in, and he closed the door with a long hand.

Liang You went to the refrigerator as usual, looking for some fruit.

Everything was normal, Wen Ye had a stern face with a trace of anxiety, and wanted to explain, but the atmosphere was not suitable, so he didn't speak.

Liang You went to the kitchen to wash the fruit, and Wen Ye stood at the door of the kitchen with long arms and legs.

There was a slight vibration in the living room.

Liang You was washing fruit in the kitchen and didn't hear it. Wen Ye followed the sound and walked over, and saw Liang You's cell phone lit up on the sofa and coffee table. It was the alarm clock ringing.

Her mobile phone was not charging, but simply placed on the coffee table.

He just called when he was downstairs, but she didn't answer.

She was lying, she just didn't want to answer his call.

Liang You washed the grapes and put them on the table.

She was sitting in the main seat, Wen Ye was next to her, her legs were slightly open, she didn't mean to eat, but she was sitting upright, her eyes were fixed on Liang You, he blinked his beautiful eyes with a solemn expression, explain:

"Liang You, Xue Bing and I were discussing work this afternoon. She is an intern in my company, and I am teaching her some work matters."

"I have nothing to do with her."

He stared at Liang You.

Liang You was eating grapes as if nothing had happened, and his expression was very relaxed.

But after hearing this sentence, her expression became a little cold.

She blinked her eyes indifferently, and said concisely, "Yes."

He didn't look at Wen Ye, and didn't respond to this explanation at all.

Wen Ye grabbed her hand and said softly, "Still angry?"

Liang You shook off his hand, not letting him touch her.

It was like the layer of cloth covering the surface was lifted, and she couldn't pretend anymore.

Her voice was cold, without looking at Wen Ye: "Do you still eat the fruit? If you don't eat it, I will take it away. I am also sleepy today. If you want to go somewhere to play, you can go alone. I will go to bed first."

Wen Ye looked at her with a beautiful face, he was fixed, and after a few seconds, his voice was patient: "You don't believe me? I'll call Xue Bing and ask her to explain it to you, okay?"

He reached into his pocket and took out his phone.

Liang You raised his head, expressionless, and said, "Don't hit me, I believe you are innocent."

Wen Ye paused with his big hands in the air.

In fact, Liang You didn't want to see him at all, being handsome was useless, her politeness was over for today, now she just wanted to see off the guests, so she stood up, gave the order to evict the guests and said, "You go."

Wen Ye sat still on the stool, looking at Liang You with calm and rational eyes, even oppressive, his expression finally became bad, and he said to Liang You: "What are you angry about?"

Outside, Liang You's eyes became impatient, and he said: "I'm not angry, I don't like you, I don't want to see you now, can't I?"

Wen Ye's legs were crossed, his eyes were burning, and he was so strong that he wanted to burn someone, he said: "No."

Liang You's breathing became short of breath, but she really didn't want to talk to Wen Ye anymore, so she nodded fiercely, and said decisively: "Okay, if you don't go, then I will go!"

As she spoke, she moved the chair away neatly, intending to leave the room.

There was a loud movement of the chair being removed, and there was a grinding sound on the ground.

Liang You took two big strides out without any worries.

Wen Ye stood in front of her with long arms and legs, blocking Liang You's way.

Liang You didn't look at him, and was about to pass him by, Wen Ye grabbed her into his arms.

Liang You didn't want him to hug him at all.

She gasped for breath, trying to struggle.

"Let me go! Don't hug you!!!"

Wen Ye hugged her tightly, and his hands became tighter and tighter.

Liang You resisted fiercely, and didn't stay idle, saying: "Don't pretend to me, don't pretend, you don't like me, why are you hugging me? Don't think that I want you to hug me, I don't!"

After thinking about it, she felt that her momentum was not enough, and she said viciously, "I hate you to death."

Wen Ye clamped Liang You's fidgeting hands.

He looked at Liang You, with long straight eyelashes and a cold, pale face, it looked better when he looked closer.

With his close at hand, he calmly asked Liang You: "Who said I don't like you?"

(End of this chapter)

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