Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 24 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 24 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Remarks (24)
The last time Liang You was deducted big points because she ignored people for a long time, this time she has two ideas.

The first one is Le Qi who just came in, but... what relationship does it have with Le Qi? The only relationship she can think of is: Lu Shen has an affair with Le Qi, but he also has a little crush on her. Just now he saw Le Qi Qi Li, he felt that Le Qi was his favorite, so he deducted all his favorability points.

But... No, if that's the case, why did she come to this book, and the two of them don't have a strong cp feeling, she doesn't think so.

Another possibility is that he just said to buy the company. Does he feel unhappy?
Apart from this, she couldn't think of any other reason, so far, she had no choice but to coax him well.

Liang You planned to coax Lu Shen when the tea was poured, and Lu Shen visited another old general here.

Liang You went in to pour tea, only to see Lu Shen's expression was very bad, he didn't look at Liang You.

Liang You: ...

Liang You thought: I just bought a company, is it my fault that I am rich and handsome?At this moment, she ruthlessly empathized with the overlords.

The atmosphere was not suitable for Liang You to stay in the office, so she came out.

After standing all day today, Liang You's feet hurt a lot. This is the most profound experience she has had as a guard.

The old general went in, and he probably wouldn't be able to get out for a while, so Liang You and Wo Mo said hello.

I went to the small office by myself.

In addition to Lu Shen's office, there are several other offices that can be used by the guards.

Liang You found a nearby office, and took a seat in it while using the restroom.

Lu Shen wanted to go to the reference room with the old general, but when he opened the door, he didn't see Liang You, and asked indifferently, "Where's Liang You?"

Wommer straightened his back and reported, "I went to the toilet."

Lu Shen nodded.

When passing by a slightly open door, he glanced sideways and saw Liang You sitting inside with a monitor in front of him, probably playing a game.

Just a glance, he passed by.

He didn't know how to describe this complicated and confusing feeling.

He felt that Liang You's willingness to be his bodyguard was to get closer to his performance, but she had used the same trick on others.

It was also romantic to buy the company for him, but she might have bought it for someone else too.

It's frustrating and distrustful.

He knew from the very beginning that she shouldn't get close, but he couldn't help but get closer.

He and the old general quickly got the materials, and when they returned, Liang You was already standing straight at the door.

The old general stood at the door, looked at the sunlight refracted by the glass in the distance, and said with a smile, "I haven't seen the sun like this for a long time in the cave for dozens of days. Would you like to go for a walk with me, young commander?"

Lu Shen nodded.

Seeing that Lu Shen was about to go out, Wo Mo turned his head to look at Liang You, and whispered, "I'll go."

Liang You said, "I'll go, I'll go."

Wo Mo didn't know about Liang You's leg pain, every time he really felt that Liang You was going to the bathroom, so he didn't bother to go, so he nodded.

The old general and Lu Shen talked about the deployment of the army.

Liang You followed behind to watch.

After the old general finished talking about the deployment, he reminded Lu Shen: "Bi Cun has annoyed the young commander this time. He will take revenge on others, so the young commander should be careful."

Lu Shen's tone was calm: "General, don't worry, just fight, there is nothing to be afraid of."

The old general nodded.

After the two finished talking, Lu Shen sent the old general to the gate of the office.

Liang You felt that although he looked very arrogant, he was actually a very courteous and corporal person inside.

As soon as the old general left, the two took the elevator upstairs, but there was no one in the elevator. Liang You and Lu Shen stood side by side in it. She turned her head to look at Lu Shen, and asked gently, "Why are you angry with me today?"

Lu Shen looked at the closed door in the elevator and didn't speak.

There is nothing to say, and everyone will not look good when they say it.

Liang You looked at the button on the elevator, and decided to wait for it to go up a few floors before canceling.

Lu Shen didn't speak, so of course she could only speak. She said, "You are angry that I bought the company, and you think... this kind of behavior is not good?"

Maybe he loves his people like his son, and he can't bear to watch his people's company suddenly be acquired.

Liang You could only think of this, she said very reasonablely: "If you don't like it, then..."

She said sadly, "Then... I won't buy it."

But buying a company is really romantic.

Lu Shen turned his head to look at Liang You, lowered his head slightly, and saw Liang You's white and pink cheeks.

My heart felt like it was hit hard by something.

She is trying to communicate.

Be nice to him, and be afraid that he will get angry.

He also considered his feelings very much, and was seriously accommodating.

He lowered his eyes and thought: She is so gentle.

Even if what she gave him was her usual trick in love, couldn't it be sincere?
Liang You heard the prompt tone: Favorability +3, total favorability 6.

Liang You:! ! !
Her favorability can come back.

If the company doesn't buy it, then don't buy it. She can also change it into something else to love her, no problem.

She said affirmatively: "If you say you won't buy it, you won't buy it. I will listen to you."

Lu Shen looked at the elevator door calmly, and said, "Have you ever bought a company for someone else?"

Liang You: Huh?What did he mean by that?Key words: others.He is looking for presence?Want to be unique?
Liang You used to be a system, so naturally it is impossible to buy things for others. The people who wear books are Bai Fumei and Gao Fushuai. Even if they are Bai Qiongmei and Gao Qiongshuai, they will develop into the former in the future, and Liang You is not qualified to intervene.

As for the current host, she has never bought a company for others.

She gave an affirmative answer: "No, you are the first one, I just thought about buying a company for you."

Prompt tone: favorability +2, total favorability 8.

Lu Shen paused, and he asked Liang You, "What were you doing in the small office before?"

He had a guess in his heart and wanted to verify it.

Originally, according to the sixth style of flirting with the overlord, Liang You had to be strong and reliable, and not to sell miserably.

But in this situation, it is obvious that it should be miserable, Liang You said: "The leg hurts."

Lu Shen felt warm in his heart.

She really made an effort to be close to herself.

She only stood for one night as a bodyguard for others, but she had to stand for so many days every day as a bodyguard for herself, and she insisted on standing.

Didn't complain about leg pain.

Why should I ignore what she is doing to me now because she has served as a bodyguard for others.

This is good, even if she is the same as others, she has made efforts, even more than others.

He casually: "Yeah"

Liang You heard the prompt again: Favorability +3, total favorability 11.

Liang You's favorability has been added back, and she now has a question: whether the company should buy it or not depends on what Lu Shen means. If so, have you ever bought it for others?Don't you just mind that she bought it from others?

Um?Mind buying it for someone else?
Where did he get this information?

He met Le Qi this afternoon, and Le Qi loved eating melons very much.

Think about the original owner again.

Liang You: ...

She figured it out.

He was actually harmed by Le Qi.

Lu Shen said: "I don't support you buying a company for me, but I don't mind."

His, the exclusive romance she gave him.

The prompt sounded: favorability +10, total favorability 21
(End of this chapter)

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