Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 44 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 44 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Remarks (45)
Two months later, Liang You was playing games in the game hall behind the base.

Nie Miao said to her: "Why don't you go back, Lu Shen is back, you have to return to work."

Liang You looked at the things on the game screen and I forgot: "That will have to be tomorrow, I can't return to work today."

Two months ago, Liang You was unconscious after being shot on the battlefield. She was packed by Lu Shen and sent back to the base.

She didn't see Lu Shen when she woke up, because the battle had officially begun.

Before Lu Shen led everyone to retreat, it was actually a bureau.

He secretly ambushed a group of people waiting in the middle, but there was an accident when he transferred with Liang You and the others. Although there was an accident, the subsequent war did not stop, and it all came according to the original plan.

The war has been going on for two months, and Liang You hasn't even seen Lu Shen's shadow for two months.

However, Liang You was hit by a bullet in his arm. After returning, he underwent surgery directly to remove the bullet.

Although the injury was a bit serious, it took a month for the wound to heal.

Liang Yi was too busy fighting to take care of Liang You.

As for Lu Shen, he had contacted Liang You several times and called Liang You.

Liang You's first three phone calls could be perfunctory, but Lu Shen called twice later, but she didn't answer them.

The thing is like this, when Liang You woke up again, he found that his favorability had risen from 80 points to 90 points.

Liang You: ...

She only wanted 70 points, and as long as 70 points were enough, she would not have any psychological burden when starting the bloody script with Lu Shen.

90 points is really too high.

She wanted to be indifferent to Lu Shen, maybe her favorability would drop just like that.

However, what is heartbreaking is that during the month and a half when Liang You didn't answer the phone, Lu Shen increased Liang You's 90 points to 100 points with an increase of one point a day.

Liang You: ...

Her heart hurts.

It took Liang You a month to heal. For the remaining month, because of the war, the surrounding area was not very safe, so she stayed in the base honestly.

A few days ago, the news of victory came from the front line, Liang You slipped out to play again.

On the first day after Lu Shen came back, he was still in a meeting, and the people on the other side had already surrendered. At this meeting, they had to negotiate the terms of the enemy's surrender and clean up after the war.

When passing by the Yuyunxing Base, he looked at Liang Yi who was traveling with him and asked, "Is Liang You fully healed?"

Liang Yi nodded, "It was fine a month ago." He came back two days earlier than Lu Shen, and said to Lu Shen, "She went out to play today and is not at the base."

Lu Shen nodded.

He checked it out, and there was so much smoke outside, he took the time out of his busy schedule to check Liang You too.

She did not find another new love.

But she hasn't paid him any attention in the past two months.

He glanced outside and said, "Yeah."

At ten o'clock in the evening, Lu Shen finished all the tasks ahead of schedule, and he called Liang You again.

The starlight rang for a minute, but Liang You still didn't answer it.

Lu Shen asked Wo Mo to get himself a new black shirt from the cabinet. He wanted to meet her tonight.

He knew where Liang You lived, he drove outside the building where Liang You lived, and sent a text message to Liang You for the first time.

"I'm downstairs where you live, come down."

If you don't answer the phone call, she should read the text message.

After a while, Liang You really appeared. She was wearing a short white t-shirt and slim gray trousers. She was wearing a simple and casual attire, but she was very good-looking. Her long curly hair was let down, and her face was still smeared. Wearing a pair of dull black-rimmed glasses.

She is clearly in the army, but her attire does not have the slightest trace of war, as if she is at home.

She walked up to Lu Shen, "It's so late, what's the matter?"

 Half of this plane is finished, the next plane is campus text, looking forward to JPG
(End of this chapter)

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