Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 48 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 48 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Remarks (49)
When going back that night, Liang Yi asked Liang You again: "Do you want to go back to Yuyunxing?"

Liang You thought for a while and said, "Go back."

Liang Yi glanced at Liang You in surprise: "You really want to go back? You don't have to go back so early."

Liang You said: "I can't be homesick, do you want to go home?"

When Liang You transmigrated to this world, she was in Yuyunxing first. She came here when the host had a car accident and lived in Yuyunxing for a month, so she is very familiar with Yuyunxing.

Liang Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "Lu Shen is usually very busy, so he doesn't have time to visit Yuyunxing at all. When you go back, tsk, you put a piece of fat outside, and there are so many carnivores outside, so you can rest assured." .”

Liang You: "..."

Liang Yi said again: "You pretend to be sick tomorrow, let me meet Nie Miao, and I will give you a piece of useful information."

Liang You thought for a while: "Okay."

Forget it, I will ask for leave tomorrow, the situation with Lu Shen is a bit embarrassing.

Liang Yi said: "I heard that Lu Shen's mother wants him to go back for a blind date, and several people in charge are laughing at him. If you really go home, you are in danger and will be snatched away."

Liang You: ...

She was expressionless.

She thought: I went through a broken mirror to reunite the script, and this matter has nothing to do with me.

That night, Liang You wanted to take sick leave with Lu Shen, but she felt that it was more appropriate to ask for sick leave that day, so she didn't call Lu Shen.

Liang You didn't sleep well that night.

It wasn't that she couldn't sleep because of guilt.

Instead, the beep sounded late at night.

Liang You leaned his head on the soft and comfortable pillow, and heard a prompt:

Favorability -1, total favorability 85.

Favorability -1, total favorability 84.

Favorability -1, total favorability 83.


It kept decreasing. He seemed really sad and hurt. That night's favorability kept decreasing, and it was reduced to Liang You's expected score: 70 points.

The change of favorability sometimes sounds once every few minutes, and sometimes every 10 minutes.


His whole mind was occupied with her.

This change aroused Liang You's curiosity, she was not asleep and was listening to the change.

It bottomed out at seventy.

He didn't know what he was thinking again, and his favorability began to increase.

Sometimes it's one point, sometimes it's several points.

This night, at the highest point, Lu Shen increased his favorability to one hundred.

Liang You knew that this was the turbulent struggle of human love and hate. He hated her fiercely, but he didn't want to give up on her.

Lu Shen didn't sleep all night, her favorability fell and then rose, and finally became ninety percent.

Even though what she did was quite annoying, he actually increased his favorability.

Seeing her harm to Lu Shen clearly from a close distance, Liang You hesitated a little. She didn't want to hurt Lu Shen, nor did she want to make him feel so sad.

At dawn the next day, at seven o'clock in the morning, Liang You called Lu Shen because he was going to ask for leave.

She seldom gave Lu Shen a telegram, so this telegram was a bit different.

It took Lu Shen a long time to pick up the Xing TV, his voice was cold, and he said strangely: "Hello"

It was as if he hadn't thought about her all night at all.

Liang You paused, but still got down to business, she said, "Can I ask for leave today? I'm not feeling well."

Lu Shen was silent on the other side.

Without asking any questions, he said, "Okay."

Maybe she really thought he was boring, so she didn't want to see him for the last two days, she had to ask for leave, and she couldn't wait to ask for leave.

Liang You didn't sleep all night, probably because he didn't cover the quilt properly.

She felt really dizzy.

Liang Yi was busy with meetings in the morning and only had time to see Nie Miao in the afternoon, so Liang You had to see a doctor in the afternoon.

Liang You spent the whole morning playing games in a slumber, and even vomited once in the middle.

When Nie Miao came in the afternoon, Liang You told her about his symptoms.

Nie Miao took Liang You's temperature, heard that she was still vomiting, and prescribed several medicines for her.

Liang Yi saw that her face was a little pale, and realized that she was not pretending to be sick, but actually was really sick.

He suddenly: ...

He sent a telegram to Liang You: Thank you, brother will remember your kindness.

In the afternoon, Liang Yi happily had dinner with Nie Miao.

In the evening, he sent a message to Lu Shen: Did you have a conflict with Youyou?She doesn't plan to go back to Lulaixing with you.

Before that, Lu Shen greeted him and said that he wanted to bring Liang You back to Green Lai Xing.

He is happy to see this marriage come to fruition, Lu Shen being Yu Yunxing's son-in-law can deepen the cooperation between the two planets, and Lu Shen and Liang You are more than enough, and it belongs to Yu Yunxing to make money.

He pointed the way again: Youyou is sick.

Lu Shen sent a message: Thank you.

In the evening, Liang You was watching a movie, still thinking about tomorrow. Tomorrow she would resign from Lu Shen.

Whether or not to go through the mirror to reunite the script.

It is very convenient to suddenly reunite with the script like this, but it hurts Lu Shen very much.

According to the original plan to run the script with the ball, the two of them were separated, so it shouldn't hurt Lu Shen that much.

She watched the movie quietly in a daze.

The starlight rang again, and she saw that it was Lu Shen.

Liang You accepted it.

Lu Shen's cold voice sounded, and he asked Liang You: "What's wrong with you?"

As if yesterday's conflict did not exist.

Remember to care about her when she is hurt.

Liang You felt guilty: "It's nothing, I just caught a cold."

Lu Shen paused: "Then is it convenient for you to go downstairs? I'm downstairs."

Liang You said, "Okay."

She still dressed very casually when she went down that night, wearing black-rimmed glasses.

Lu Shen drove to find Liang You by himself.

Liang You sat in the co-pilot, and Lu Shen brought a bowl of corn and vegetable porridge to Liang You, and said, "To warm your stomach."

It's what Liang You likes to eat.

Liang You took the porridge and put it on the front window of the car.

At this time, she thought: Forget it, I still don't want to hurt Lu Shen, be gentle, although it is a waste of time, it seems more humane.

Lu Shen spoke in such silence.

"I know it's not like that, we're not together yet, and you don't hate me, do you?"

His voice was cold, but Liang You saw that his eyes were faintly red.

Liang Youjing paused and said, "Well, no."

Lu Shen obviously did not expect such an answer, and looked at Liang You in a daze.

Liang You said: "That day, when Lu Cheng and Nie Miao and I watched the movie together, you happened to see Nie Miao when he was gone."

"I don't want to pursue you, I'm still pursuing you."

Lu Shen tilted his head to look at Liang You, with no expression on his face, looking at Liang You with scrutiny.

He lowered his head, grabbed Liang You's hand, and was holding Liang You.

He had never held Liang You's hand before, so this action was very strange.

He held tightly: "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you."

In fact, he didn't need to apologize, Liang You didn't explain himself, so it's not his fault for misunderstanding.

"You don't have to pursue me anymore, Liang You, I like you, we are together, okay?"

Liang You froze for a moment, together?Is this a staged success?
She can.

No matter which script needs this together.

Liang You nodded, and she said, "Okay."

 Calvin's family

(End of this chapter)

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