Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 59 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 59 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Remarks ([-])

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Liang You went in with a blank expression.

After she entered, Mrs. Lu finally stopped being as kind as she was yesterday, and sat there very formally.

A trace of joy of victory filled Liang You's heart, feeling that he had finally lived up to his hard work.

Mrs. Lu said, "Youyou is here."

She wasn't very cordial, she was being polite.

This is the prelude to beating mandarin ducks!
Generally, high-quality human parents pay attention to speaking well before beating mandarin ducks. This kind of speaking must be very polite, just like Mrs. Lu.

Liang You didn't purse her lips and smile calmly as usual. In order to match the atmosphere, she didn't make any expression, and looked at Mrs. Lu with a hint of bewilderment in her eyes.

Mrs. Lu was still very polite: "Come and take a seat."

She patted the place beside her very friendly.

Liang You sat down.

Mrs. Lu smiled politely at Liang You: "Youyou is from Yuyun Star?"

Liang You felt more relieved, how could Mrs. Lu know that she was from Yuyun Star?You must have seen the push that you paid for.

Liang You smiled harmlessly, and said ignorantly, "Yes, how does Auntie know?"

When Madam Lu heard this, her face froze for a moment, she hesitated to say: "Of course Auntie has somewhere to know."

Liang You:! ! !
Mrs. Lu's expression is very wrong!Just read the report! !

Mrs. Lu became serious. Although she was very kind, she also had an imposing manner. A serious look could overwhelm everyone.

The most important thing is that she looks like she is going to open her mouth to break up.

Liang You looked at Madam Lu expectantly.

Mrs. Lu said: "Youyou, Auntie saw some bad reports about you on Starnet."

Liang You looked at Mrs. Lu indifferently: "Yes."

Come, come, quickly reject me, quickly say that I am not suitable for your son.

Mrs. Lu said under this ardent gaze: "Now these media are talking nonsense, don't worry, Youyou, Auntie will not let you be wronged, I have already found Wang Guang, and asked him to suppress your news .”

Liang You: ...

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Lu showed a warm smile, staring at Liang You, as if staring at a work of art, her eyes were full of appreciation: "Auntie, the more I look at you, the more I like you."

Liang You: ...

Mrs. Lu said again: "Yesterday Auntie said to make you something to eat, but she forgot later. I remembered this today. Today, you and Auntie should go have dinner together."

Liang You: ...


So her money was wasted.

Plan a failed, but she quickly agreed and said, "Okay."

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will win every battle, so I have more contact with my aunt.

Still have to work hard, Xiaoyou.

It was five o'clock in the afternoon, it was a bit early for dinner, but Mrs. Lu took Lu Shen and Liang You to eat together.

The place to eat is a high-end hotel, the environment is very good, the three of them booked a box, and Wo Mo stood guard outside.

Mrs. Lu lovingly served Liang You food, and said, "Youyou, you are too thin, you should eat more."

Liang You pursed his lips and smiled: "Okay."

Mrs. Lu felt even more curious, this child has such a good temperament, gentle and gentle.

Excited, Mrs. Lu filled Liang You with vegetables.

Liang You: ...

It's all she doesn't like to eat.

She can only pick and choose to eat.

Within ten minutes of eating, Mrs. Lu's brain called.

Probably not that important call, Madam Lu answered it directly, without avoiding Lu Shen and Liang You, said: "Hello."

The other side didn't know what was said.

Mrs. Lu was moved with emotion and reason: "Old Cai, I am already a regular customer at your place, and I will give you the money next month."

Talked over there.

Mrs. Lu: "I won't break my promise. Don't worry, I'm just unlucky this month."

Liang You: Huh?Is this a debt collector?
After Mrs. Lu hung up the telegram, Lu Shen looked up at his mother and said, "Mom, are you out of money this month?"

Mrs. Lu glanced at Lu Shen: "It's bad luck, I lost all my cards."

Lu Shen said, "I'll send you money later."

Mrs. Lu shook her head: "No, you can use it yourself, you don't need it." She reprimanded Lu Shen: "Youyou is here, what are you talking about?"

She turned her head to look at Liang You, and immediately changed her face, becoming very kind: "Youyou, come, let's eat."

Liang You smiled a little deeper, and said, "En."

After dinner, Lu Shen asked Wo Mo to go back.

He drove his mother back, did not enter the house, and drove away again, with Liang You sitting in the co-pilot.

By this time it was already dark.

Liang You and Lu Shen used the formula: "Your mother likes to play cards?"

Lu Shen said in an easy-going tone, "Well, she is very addicted to poker."

Liang You asked tentatively, "Didn't your father give her much money?"

Lu Shen didn't think it was nothing. Liang You's willingness to know his family meant that he was willing to know him. He said, "It's okay to give, but it will be quantified."

Liang You asked again: "Then does your mother have another job?"

Lu Shen looked out the car window: "No."

He parked his car next to a street with street lights, and there were some shops beside him, shining brightly in the night.

Liang You had basically figured out the enemy's situation. Seeing Lu Shen park the car, he looked at Lu Shen suspiciously.

Lu Shen said to Liang You indifferently: "You wait here for a while, I will come back later."

Liang You nodded.

After waiting for a few minutes, Liang You saw that Lu Shen had returned with a few bags of things in his hand.

When Lu Shen opened the car door, he put the things in front of Liang You. There were several buckets of snacks and a small bowl of porridge inside.

Liang You looked at Lu Shen suspiciously again, didn't they just eat?

Lu Shen closed the car door, and didn't plan to drive away immediately. He looked in Liang You's direction: "Did the food at the hotel not suit your taste? I think you ate very little."

Indeed, but there are also reasons why Liang You is thinking about things, she hasn't felt hungry until now.

Lu Shen said: "I saw someone on the Internet saying that this place is delicious, you have to try it."

He took a paper box the size of popcorn, took out a small piece of meat with a bamboo stick, and fed it to Liang You's mouth.

Liang You was stunned.

He doesn't seem to have the habit of paying attention to food at ordinary times, probably because she is greedy, so he pays attention to it.

And he was very unassuming and doting on feeding her.

After being silent for three seconds, Liang You looked at the flesh around his mouth with a smile, and opened his mouth cooperatively.

The little crispy meat was fed into Liang You's mouth by Lu Shen.

After the first piece, Liang You didn't quite get used to it, and said, "Why don't I do it myself, you can drive."

Lu Shen paused while feeding the food, and said, "I'll drive later, I'll let you finish eating first."

Liang You looked up at him and saw Lu Shen's dark pupils. These eyes were warm. He looked at Liang You helplessly, and said softly:

"Youyou, I know you are amazing, you can do everything by yourself, but I am your boyfriend, and I need to be needed by you, do you know that?"

Liang You: ...

She looked at him quietly, without any emotion in her eyes, but she smiled and said, "Okay."

Lu Shen fed her the second piece of crispy meat.

When the feeding was over, Liang You kissed Lu Shen with a slight smile in her eyes. The chili flakes from the corner of her lips touched his lips, and then she left, very close to him. She looked into his eyes and said, "What should I do? like you very much."

But the bloody script has to go.

 deep really good
(End of this chapter)

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