Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 69 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 69

Liang You said, "Can you stay with me tonight?"

Lu Shen:? ? ?
This was indeed an embarrassing request. After Liang You said the first sentence, she didn't feel sorry for her. She continued: "It's scary here at night, I'm afraid."

If it was her, she would not show weakness so much, but now this is the original owner's boyfriend, if he wants to stay, showing weakness is obviously more effective, Liang You likes to do it in one step.

This show of weakness is really effective.

Lu Shen lowered his head, his ears turned red, but he said, "Okay."

Liang You breathed a sigh of relief, this broken hospital is really scary, she was very scared last night.

As for where Lu Shen sleeps at night, there is an accompanying bed in the hospital, just buy one and put it next to him for one night.

Lu Shen worked very late, and Liang You left him here, so he was embarrassed to go to bed first, so he waited for him all the time.

He didn't put down the computer until twelve o'clock, and his usually distant eyes looked at Liang You innocently.

Liang You: Huh?

She pointed to Lu Shen and said, "Go to the nurse's desk and buy an accompanying bed."

Lu Shen's eyes were not disturbed, but they were visibly darkened, and he said disappointedly, "Yes."

He came back from the outside after a while and said, "The nurse said there is no accompanying bed."

Liang You:? ? ?
At this time, Liang You didn't know that he could ask the nurse for a quilt, and he didn't have the option of making a floor quilt.

The only choice is for Lu Shen to sleep with her, or Lu Shen to go home.

Liang You pondered for five seconds, and finally thought: just take a nap, don't do anything, and he is a boyfriend, even though he is the original owner's boyfriend, but if he wants to engage in gossip, it is impossible for him not to develop with Lu Cheng .

Thinking of this, she looked up at Lu Shen, and grabbed Lu Shen's sleeve.She said, "Then you sleep with me."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lu Shen's mouth, and he said, "Yes."

It was already time to go to bed at twelve o'clock, and the hospital was already very quiet.

Liang You first went to the attached bathroom in the ward to wash her face and brush her teeth, because it was summer, and although she didn't want to take a bath when Lu Shen was here, she didn't like not taking a bath either.

After some intense inner struggle, she chose to take a bath.

Lu Shen originally continued to use the monitor to get off work outside, and left work early today. In fact, the work was not finished, but Liang You wanted to stay up late with him, so he had to turn off the computer. Originally, he wanted to read a few more documents while Liang You was washing.

But there was a loud sound of water coming from the toilet, and the sound of water didn't stop for a while.

When Lu Shen realized what Liang You was doing, he read the documents in front of him distractedly, and his attention was always focused on the sound of the water. He forced himself to concentrate, but failed.

Liang You took a shower from the inside, and changed into a new set of pajamas. It was a purple pajamas with short sleeves, and underneath was a pair of sports shorts, not far from the knees.

This was bought by Lu Shen for her. The whole is fresh and natural, with saturated and bright colors, which complement her fairer complexion and gentler temperament.

Her eyes were cloudy, and her hair was black but squishy.

Standing firmly at the door of the bathroom, she looks as beautiful as a lotus in water.

Lu Shen stared at her blankly, his mind went blank, only Lei Dong's heartbeat was very clear in his chest.

Liang You glanced at Lu Shen, pursed her lips and smiled at his stupid appearance, then she limped to find the hair dryer.

Her leg was injured, but she could barely walk.

The hair dryer was outside, and Liang You took the hair dryer to blow on his wet black hair.

Within 2 minutes, I felt someone behind me.

Her hair was blown by the cold wind, and she turned to look at Lu Shen.

Lu Shen's expression was very serious, and he said to Liang You in a serious tone, "I'll help you."

Liang You: ...

Why are you suddenly so serious, yesterday was very gentle.

But she saw Lu Shen's ears, which were obviously red.

She thought clearly: It turned out to be shy.

She gave Lu Shen the hair dryer.

Lu Shen helped Liang You move a chair, let Liang You sit, and he stood up to help Liang You blow.

The action of blowing Liang You's hair was very regular, he only touched Liang You's hair, and he didn't use a particularly strong wind when blowing, but a mid-range one.

Liang You said loudly, "Why don't you use the maximum gear?"

Lu Shen turned off the hair dryer and replied, "What should you do if you catch a cold?"

Liang You's heart moved for a moment, she thought: Huh?Why is he so gentle?

be honest.

Her affection for Lu Cheng in front of her has increased again.

She thought: I have assisted so many hosts in one breath a while ago, so I have to take a breather. The above does not approve at all, but there are policies on the top and countermeasures on the bottom. This Lu Shen, see you later, the most urgent thing is shallow Take a break from the world.

And deepening the relationship with Lu Cheng is good for Gouxuewen.

Then forget about Lu Shen.

After Lu Shen had blow-dried Liang You's hair, he asked Liang You a question, and he said softly, "Can I take a bath?"

Don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself, Liang You said, "Yes."

Lu Shen also went to the bathroom to take a shower.

It took him a long time to wash it out, and when he came out, his hair was wet.

He didn't bring a change of clothes, so he was still wearing the same outfit as before, but this time he only wore a white shirt.

His hair was wet, he was not as meticulous as usual, he was inaccessible, and more gentle. At this time, he showed more facial features than usual, making him look more handsome and wild.

The conclusion is that he is handsome, he was handsome before, but now he has changed his look, and after taking a shower, he is even more handsome.

Liang You looked at him and felt that he was just as dumb as Lu Shen just now. He was simply a super handsome guy with a beautiful face in the prosperous age. With his tall and cold temperament, plus his wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, he was simply a perfect handsome guy.

Liang You: ...

After Lu Shen finished drying his hair, he lifted the quilt and sat in by himself.

Liang You had reserved a place for Lu Shen before.

Although this room is a deluxe room, the bed is only slightly wider than a normal bed, so it is just right for two people to lie down, but it is a bit cramped.

Liang You: Embarrassed jpg, nervous jpg.

The strong wind outside was still howling, and the sound of the torrential rain was rampant. At one o'clock in the morning, Lu Shen went to bed and turned off the lights, and the corridor outside was still red, green and scary.

Liang You didn't regret leaving Lu Shen at all, embarrassment was better than fear, and the man in front of her, after two days of contact, she didn't think he was a person who would mess around in bed.

However, the atmosphere is always inexplicably wrong.

The lights had already been turned off, and it was time to go to bed, so Liang You said, "Good night then."

Lu Shen took a steady breath and said, "Good night."

Liang You slept on her back, this sleeping position felt a little strange to her, she slept on her side last night.

If they sleep on their sides tonight, the two of them will no longer have to put their hands on each other, but which side to sleep on is a problem.

With his back to Lu Shenshui, he seemed a little indifferent, asking someone to sleep with him, but he gave others a head.

Falling asleep to Lu Lu... Liang You thought, although someone else's boyfriend wants to develop, wouldn't it be good to develop rashly?
 I was rescued by the editor today, I am not decadent anymore, now I am thinking about the outline of the campus essay, the world is coming to an end

(End of this chapter)

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