Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 73 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 73 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Remarks (74)
After Lu Cheng returned home, he felt that Liang You's attitude was very strange, so he sent someone to investigate Liang You, and got two terrible news: Gao Tao sent someone to kill Liang You, and Liang You lost his memory in a car accident.

Lu Cheng had a headache, Gao Tao was his man after all.

The old marshal faction has always been afraid that after Lu Shen ascended the throne, his status would not decline, and they opposed Lu Shen.

The old marshal has been sick in recent years, and if he wants to step down Lu Shen, they naturally want to support the new master.

And this new owner is naturally the second son of the old marshal - Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng was young, younger than Lu Shen, and had little power in the army. On the surface, he was a lowly official, secretly accumulating strength, and lived without wind, rain, or threats.

After Bi Cun's death, although he lost a strong supporter, the old marshal sent not one or two people, and he was recently promoted to division commander by the old marshal.

Gao Tao has done such a big thing, and he is confident, it is impossible for Lu Shen not to pursue it.

Lu Cheng secretly scolded the idiot in his heart, and was ready to abandon Gao Tao.

However, Liang You's amnesia in the car accident only explained half of the story. Why Lu Shen used his own name is very puzzling.

But to investigate, it is natural to focus on Liang You's amnesia.

So Lu Cheng sent another person to the hospital to investigate, and sent a detective. The detective was a 50-year-old aunt who got in by cleaning the hospital.

The nurse in the high-end VIP ward was tight-lipped, and the detective went in for a few days without finding out anything.

That day, she was resting at the nurse's desk, and there happened to be a little nurse there. The little nurse went into the room where the nurse specially dispensed the medicine, and was on the phone inside.

"Brother, Mom has such a serious illness, you can't let me take responsibility alone, I just came out for an internship, what money do I have?"

The nurse's voice was so excited that the detective heard it right. The nurse happened to be the nurse in charge of Liang You.

So the detective made an appointment with the nurse at night.

She put a sum of money in front of the nurse.

The nurse was silent for a long time.

The detective added another sum of money: "Just tell me what you know."

The nurse finally gave up resisting and said, "The patient suffered amnesia in a car accident. When she woke up, she couldn't remember anything. She only remembered a name called Lu Cheng. On the first day she woke up, his boyfriend looked very ugly. The relationship eased a lot the next day."

"But her boyfriend is very strange. The patient's brain was damaged before, so I moved the software on her old brain to the new one. This patient is good-looking, and I usually like to talk to her Only then did I know that his boyfriend deleted her previous diary software, and also cleared her address book."

"More importantly, her boyfriend doesn't even let her go online, and the patient has almost no friends to visit. The only one is a man from not long ago. This looks like... like deliberately imprisoning the patient, Don't let the patient know anything."

The detective told Lu Cheng exactly what the nurse said.

When Lu Cheng heard that Liang You only remembered his name, he fell into deep thought.

He didn't just investigate these things, someone was also placed in Lu Shen's villa, and the news there was explosive: Liang You and Lu Shen had broken up.

Lu Cheng remembered that Liang You contacted him one night and asked him to go out to play, and his voice was sad.

Could it be that they broke up at that time?And why did Liang You wake up from amnesia and remember not Lu Shen's name, but his own?
Could it be that Liang You really likes him?

It's not like he hasn't heard of Liang You's famous name.

At that time in the army, she had a polite attitude, but she was not enthusiastic about herself. The two of them had contact like friends for a while, and it didn't seem like they liked him.

But who knows what's on a girl's mind?

What's more, Liang You is still a volatile person, maybe he loves one on the surface and thinks about one in his heart.

Lu Shen did not report his own name, but instead said his own name.

That was a real opportunity for him.

He called Liang You's telegram.

Liang You's Xingdian could not be connected, so he smiled and asked about Lu Shen's whereabouts.

Lu Shen goes out from 2:4 pm to [-]:[-] pm every day.

Lu Cheng chose to arrive at the hospital at 03:30.

Seeing Lu Cheng's visit, Wo Mo seemed to know something, as if he knew something, "Second Young Master, Miss Liang is resting inside, so it's inconvenient to see guests."

Lu Cheng said compassionately, "Understood."

Then he directly knocked on Liang You's door and said, "Liang You, are you asleep?"

Liang You remembered Lu Cheng's voice. She was still reading novels at this time, but she was a little bored.

Suddenly, I heard the conversation between the visitor and Wo Mo.

She remembered the voice of the person who came, and thought that this person could be used to relieve boredom.

This time is different from last time, Wo Mo is outside, this man can't abduct her.

"Let him in," she said to Womer.

Wo Mo stared at Lu Cheng, unwilling to open the door for a long time.After a while, the lock was slowly unlocked.

After Lu Cheng entered, Liang You was half lying on the railing at the head of the bed, with a pillow under the quilt.

The girl's hair was half tied up, her complexion was bright, her complexion was snow-white, she was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off her, and she had a relaxed smile on her face. Seeing Lu Cheng come in, she said, "You're here again."

Lu Cheng sat down next to her, and rarely responded, his eyes showed an unprecedented depth.

He fixedly looked at Liang You, saw her neck from her snow-white face, and finally relaxed a little.

He said, "Did Lu Shen treat you in any way?"

Liang You:? ? ?
Why does this person always speak strangely?
How did Lu Shen treat her?She has never met Lu Shen, is there anything else she doesn't know?The original owner actually had something to do with Lu Shen before?

With a thunderclap, Lu Chengping said, "Youyou, I'm Lu Cheng."

Liang You:? ? ?
What's the meaning?The look in this person's eyes didn't mean that he and Lu Cheng had the same name and surname, but that he wanted to condemn something.

Lu Cheng said flatly again: "I am your boyfriend, the one before is my brother, named Lu Shen."

Liang You:? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Wait, she doesn't understand the plot, what do you mean?
Lu Cheng looked into Liang You's eyes, there was no ups and downs on the surface, but he was gambling in his heart.

Liang You and Lu Shen broke up, she remembered his name, and Lu Shen pretended to be this name.

Lu Shen was acting as a thief, and he said that he was Liang You's real boyfriend, so what's wrong?
Once it is done, this is a good thing that benefits and does no harm.

Liang You paused, "You mean your brother pretending to be you? Why?"

Lu Cheng said: "Maybe he is not reconciled, he is your ex-boyfriend, and he always wanted to get back together with you, but you chose me."

"I've been angry with you before. I didn't know you were in a car accident. I just thought you were out of temper with me. I didn't expect him to be with you, let alone you in a car accident."

"The last thing I expected was that he would pretend to be me and be with you."

Liang You:? ? ?
She thought: I'm sorry, I really don't understand this plot.

(End of this chapter)

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