Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 75 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 75 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Remarks (76)
Liang You remained calm, with a kind smile on his face: "I believe in you, but I can't just trust your one-sided words."

"It's better to wait for Lu Shen to come back, and you confront each other."

Of course Lu Cheng didn't know that he had been given fake news, after all Liang You didn't remind him.

Lu Cheng felt that the confrontation caught Lu Shen by surprise.

He came prepared, but Lu Shen was unprepared. It's hard to say who will have the upper hand this time.

Lu Cheng looked at Liang You with eyes as beautiful as glazed beads, and said, "Okay."

Liang You greeted him and said, "Do you eat apples?"

Lu Cheng looked at Liang You's bedside, and there was a fruit basket there, obviously the apples he sent that day.

The inquired news said that Lu Shen was here all day, so he must know about the fruit basket, and he must also know that he had been here before.

Thinking of this, Lu Shen's gentle face had a look of anxiety, but he concealed it very well and hardly showed it.

He said, "Let me peel an apple for you."

Liang You did not refuse, but nodded lightly.

Not long after, Lu Shen came back from the outside. He didn't have anything in his hands. The soup that was stewed would not be delivered until the afternoon when it was completely stewed.

When Lu Shen came in from outside, he knocked on the door.

He had always done this before, and he did this because he was afraid that it would be inconvenient for a girl like Liang You to be inside, and he was afraid that he would bump into her.

Liang You said, "Come in."

Lu Shen pushed the door open and came in. The first thing he saw was the overall situation, and the next moment his eyes shifted to Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng stood up, as usual, he should still call brother.

No matter how bitter you feel when you live under the fence, you still want to swallow it yourself and put on a cute mask.

But he doesn't today because he's now a guy who got his girlfriend robbed.

He looked at Lu Shen with gloomy eyes, and faced Lu Shen who walked in a few steps.

He said, "Brother, why are you wearing my name?"

He is still used to building trust first.

Lu Shen didn't make any movement, his reaction was very cold, and he flew into a rage without being noticed.

He looked at Lu Cheng calmly.

The space of five or six feet between the two seemed to be in a big vortex at this moment, each with a strong aura.

Lu Shen was silent for a moment, then he said, "I'm sorry."

He didn't look at Liang You, as if he had done something wrong and didn't want to look.

Lu Cheng saw that he had a good opening, and there was a vicious smile on the corner of his lips, which disappeared in a blink of an eye, and he accused again:

"Liang You is my girlfriend, you have already broken up with her, why are you pestering her?"

The news he found was that Liang You and Lu Shen broke up, but he didn't know when they broke up.

Liang You is Lu Shen's bodyguard, and if his ex found another boyfriend, Lu Shen will most likely know about it.

So these words are obviously false, and Lu Shen may expose him in the next moment.

Lu Cheng is ready to be exposed, and he will adapt accordingly. This is the beginning of deceit and confrontation.

He is already like a fighting rooster, ready for a hard fight.

But Lu Shen looked at her and remained silent for a long time.

His gaze finally turned to Liang You, with a deep look, full of affection.

Then he looked at Cheng Lu, as if dropping an explosive on the ground, and said to Cheng Lu, "I'm sorry, this matter is my fault."

What he meant by this was: admit that Lu Cheng is Liang You's boyfriend.

Lu Cheng's aura froze in mid-air, and he looked at Lu Shen in shock.

He actually admitted his lie, what did he mean?
Or was it that after he broke up with Liang You, he didn't pay attention to Liang You's emotional state, and Liang You only remembered his own name after waking up, so he hit the right spot and really hit Lu Shen's situation.

Lu Shen really thought that Liang You loved him now, so he pretended to be himself.

he:! ! !

And Liang You watched the confrontation quietly, her eyes met Lu Shen's.

She thought: Maybe she made a mistake, the original owner is really Lu Cheng's girlfriend.

The situation is a bit complicated, but it doesn't matter if Lu Cheng is the original owner's boyfriend or not.

The important thing is that the situation is not bad for Liang You.

The original owner was Lu Shen's ex-girlfriend, and he came to have close contact with him. Lu Shen obviously liked the original owner. If Lu Cheng was his boyfriend, it would not conflict with his initial thoughts.

She can still start developing a relationship with Cheng Lu, and it doesn't matter if it's another Cheng Lu.

That being the case, she can lean towards Lu Cheng.

As for the bloody script, Liang You had already started thinking about it on the spot.

She thought of the goofy novel that Lu Shen had shown her before, wasn't it exactly: the entanglement between a woman and two brothers?

Liang You is the system, she just needs blood, and it is unnecessary for her to pursue new ideas.

She thought: It's bloody enough for a woman to swing between two brothers.

After this confrontation, Lu Shen left. Before he left, he touched Liang You's head without saying anything.

Instead, he said to Lu Cheng, "Protect her well."

Lu Cheng sneered with a gentle face: "You don't need to say it."

Two days later, Wo Mo took away Lu Shen's things and left the ward where Liang You was.

After that, the person who accompanied Liang You changed from Lu Shen to Lu Cheng.

Liang You was injured and had to recuperate in the hospital for a while.

Lu Cheng is not inferior to Lu Shen in terms of care, and even understands girls' thoughts better than Lu Shen. He would bring a rose to Liang You every time he came to the hospital.

He said he planted it himself.

Of course Liang You would not refuse his roses.

Lu Cheng probably just became a division commander not long ago. He is very busy. His busyness is different from that of Lu Shen. He needs to go to the military region to report every day, and only visits Liang You every night.

But he found Liang You a young girl to accompany him.

In this way, Liang You would have someone chatting and peeling apples during the day, and someone would accompany him to sleep at night.

The accompanying bed that the little girl bought at the nurse's desk.

Liang You said in surprise: "Isn't this one not for sale?"

The infusion nurse was also surprised: "No, this is always on sale."

Liang You remembered that Lu Shen told her that there was no escort bed that night with red ears.



That night, Lu Cheng still came to see Liang You, his eyebrows were very warm, he looked at Liang You in a sweater and said, "Shall we play games together?"

After Lu Shen left the ward, Liang You was able to surf the Internet again, and of course he could also play games.

Liang You said enthusiastically, "Okay."

Lu Cheng played well, but Liang You stumbled because he was not familiar with the game. Lu Cheng did not dislike Liang You, but took Liang You seriously.

When they were happily playing the third round, Lu Cheng's starlight rang.

Both of them were holding a physical display screen, and Lu Cheng looked at Xingdian and paused, as if he was thinking whether to connect it or not.

Liang You casually glanced at his display screen and saw that it was a girl's name. She handed Lu Cheng a step: "About work? It's better not to let me hear confidential matters."

Lu Cheng was kind, and said, "It's a colleague, I'll answer the phone first."

(End of this chapter)

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