Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 79 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 79

Liang You turned his head, like a snow-white little white rabbit, looking at the old marshal.

Liang You had never met the old marshal, but she had seen the old marshal in the news, so she knew it.

Although the old Marshal had never met Liang You formally, Mrs. Lu had mentioned it a lot. Of course he knew that this was his eldest son's girlfriend, but now that she and Cheng Lu appeared, he didn't know why it was so.

As soon as they are old, the entanglement inside is not unclear.

Lu Cheng brought Liang You to appear at this time, no doubt showing his strength and increasing his weight.

Although the old marshal wanted Lu Shen to inherit his position, he was also willing to see the performance of his second son. After all, his second son was still young, so of course he had to give him a chance.

It's not that Liang You doesn't know what it means for Lu Cheng to bring her here, but these are harmless to her, and she is willing to stand by Lu Cheng's side if needed in the early stage of the plot.

In the final analysis, the old Marshal and Liang You had similar attitudes, they were both at a close distance, and they didn't care about infighting.

At this moment, Lu Cheng stood up. He was grilling meat, his face was a little dirty, and there was a black stripe on his tall nose that was not too long or too short.

There was a faint black light in his eyes. When he looked at the old marshal, he was a little embarrassed and said, "Father, this is my girlfriend, named Liang You."

The old marshal smiled kindly and said, "It's a beautiful little girl. Is your father in good health?"

The people present may not know that there is such a little princess in Yu Yunxing, after all, their eyes are on the interstellar, even if they see the outer interstellar, they know Liang Yi's name, but they rarely know the name Liang You up.

And the old marshal asked in such a proficient tone, and it was Lu Cheng's girlfriend, and those who had a wink already knew about it.

Liang You actually didn't know how the original owner's father was. After all, she hadn't even made a phone call. Of course, she just replied politely: "Very good."

Madam Lu also saw the conversation between Liang You and the old Marshal.

She looked at Lu Shen, who was looking at Liang You.

Mrs. Lu was so angry that she died, and she became angry again.

She found an opportunity and pulled Lu Shen aside: "I said I haven't seen Youyou for so long, you can't even see Youyou when you go to the office, and you lied to me that Youyou went out to play, okay, you Did you break up with Yuyou?"

Liang You is not in a very good mood today, to be precise, he has not been in a good mood since a few days ago.

So he held an expressionless face, and responded lightly: "Yes."

Mrs. Lu became even more angry: "Hey, tell me what you did? I think Youyou has been wanting to break up with you all the time, so reflect on yourself!"

She was robbed of her husband by Lu Cheng's mother when she was young, and now she is robbed by the younger generation, she looks uncomfortable.

But she thought Liang You was a good girl, and her son was careful with that child.

Liang You and Lu Cheng were together today, and she also saw her son's eyes on Liang You intentionally or unintentionally, so it was obvious that he didn't want to break up.

That was his fault.

Lu Shen didn't answer this sentence, but said to Mrs. Lu: "Don't worry, mother, I will get Youyou back."

The old marshal sat here with Liang You for a while, and then returned to the main table to continue to accompany Zhang Tian and Zhang Qing.

And the people at the table next to Lu Cheng were also talking, this position was indeed far away from the old marshal.

As twilight came, the people who were illuminated by the star-point fire were not clear, so everyone talked a little freely.

Beside Liang You, there are two people holding wine glasses,
"Lu Shen estimates that with these few hurdles, the relationship with the North District has been dealt with, and there will be another district."

A somewhat burly fat man laughed mockingly: "Lu Shen, who has been in the army all year round, is asked to engage in diplomacy. It's hard to say whether he can do it or not."

The person at the beginning picked up the words and also laughed: "That's right, he doesn't need to give him advice. These days, he has fallen into several somersaults, and he is proud of himself. He looks like he is right every day. I want to see what happens to him." When will a somersault fall?"

The voices of the two were not loud, but rather low-key.

Lu Cheng also heard the sound and looked over.

These are the two generals in Lu Shen's camp. During this period of time, he was doing things for Lu Shen every day. He was a little happy to see the results, and even less hostile to these two generals.

Liang You had no idea.

It's obviously a military novel, but now it's too peaceful, and the villains of these two people make Liang You feel that Lu Shen may come to slap them in the face in the next second.

She felt that her thinking was too templated, after all, not all novels had to be slapped in the face.

She shook her head, sobering herself up, not to make everything so fictional.

But the next moment, strangely enough, Lu Shen appeared.

X also stood behind the two gossiping generals.

Liang You immediately sat up straight, and sat firmly on the front line of eating melons.

Holding the wine glass in his hand, Lu Shen was tall and tall, with a calm and calm expression.

As soon as he appeared, the two generals rounded their eyes and opened their mouths with exaggerated expressions, and they looked like hell, what kind of unlucky expression is this.

Liang You thought: Why are the two of them so restless?
And the fat general thought: My expression is not bad, right, I deserve the money the young marshal gave me.

The young general thought: Is my exaggerated expression too exaggerated, or can I improve it next time?
The two generals have been found by Lu Shen to act in several scenes.

Lu Shen asked them to find fault with him, to frame him, to make his plan come to nothing, and to let them accept being slapped in the face.

The two generals seriously suspected that Lu Shen was mentally ill.

But there is no way, he has money, so the two generals expressed their willingness to bend for money.

No, this is the little scene of today.

The fat general stood up immediately, and Lu Shen asked them to refer to the novel, the fat general is very talented.

He looked at Lu Shen lively and wretchedly, with the embarrassment of being caught in his eyes, and his face was also very pale because of entering the scene.

He said: "Less... less... less... less... handsome."

A whole tongue is not straight fear.

The skinny general began to shake his body to show that his legs were shaking, but the strength was a little too strong, so his body was also shaking.

Liang You watched silently, and she thought: Could they be a little too timid.

Lu Shen quietly glanced at the two of them, and they also realized that they seemed a little too exaggerated.

The fat general quickly flattered and said: "Young commander."

Lu Shen sat down, still holding a glass of wine steadily in his hand.

The fat general didn't mention what happened just now, he just worked hard to pick up vegetables for Lu Shen. Just now, he and the skinny general grilled a piece of meat, and it's still fresh and hot.

Under the heartbroken eyes of the fat general, Lu Shen ate and ate.

The fat general's eyes were even more painful and remorseful.

After Lu Shen ate, the skinny general began to take out the paper and handed it to Lu Shen respectfully.

Lu Shen didn't say anything.

The skinny general slapped himself on the face loudly, and said regretfully, "Young commander has fallen into a tumble because of me these days, how dare I have such a stinky mouth?"

Liang You looked at it suspiciously: Isn't this a military novel?Why is there such a daily slap in the face?
(End of this chapter)

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