Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 8 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter Eight
When returning to the base, Liang You stood beside Lu Shen's spaceship.

Lu Shen's spaceship is the same as that of other soldiers. It looks like a green car. It can fly in the air and drive when it lands on the ground. It can only seat four people, with two seats in the front and back.

Liang You looked at the pilot, smiled lightly and said, "Change the position, I will drive this spaceship."

The pilot looked at Lu Shen, and Liang You also looked at Lu Shen.

Lu Shenzuo was in the second seat, rolled his eyes at Liang You, and said, "You trade with her."

After Liang You came up, she didn't rush to fly the spaceship. The aurora in the sky was magnificent and pure, and the nearby sand dunes were scattered with gunpowder and smoke. She felt that she should use the beautiful environment to refresh her sense of existence.

The two hadn't seen each other for seven days. A week ago, on the second day after the banquet, Liang You heard a system notification; the favorability score was -5, and the total favorability score was 3.

Liang You was a little puzzled, but decided to wait.

Then the day before yesterday, Liang You suddenly heard a notification sound: favorability -10, total favorability -7.

Liang You was startled, there are people in this world who can't stand being ignored, she wanted to save her precarious favorability all night.

But Lu Shen was not at the base, so she tried every means to meet him as quickly as possible, and finally met him now.

She put her hand on the operating instrument in front of her, turned her head to look at Lu Shen, and asked sincerely first: "If I said that my love for you has deepened infinitely just now, will you be troubled?"

Today, her long hair is tied up, and she looks more capable, but her pink cheeks are a beauty that hits people's hearts and makes no one feel disgusted.

Lu Shen looked back at Liang You with his eyes piercing the distance, without saying a word.

Seeing the success of the mission, Liang You said slowly: "The way you pointed a gun at someone just now is very handsome. To be honest, Young Marshal Lu, I have never seen a more heroic man than you."

Lu Shen was stunned for a moment, his eyes stopped on Liang You's face, and his expression remained unchanged.

With his demeanor like Liang Youshu, the less expression he has and the more calm he is, the more shy he will be, and his favorability will increase.

A faint joy welled up in Liang You's heart. The matter is still easy to solve, and the favorability will also return.

The notification sound did not meet Liang You's expectations, and it did.

Then Liang You heard the prompt and should say: Favorability -1, total favorability -8
Liang You:? ? ?
Liang You: ...

She admitted that she was overconfident just now, but she didn't expect to see each other for a few days, the relationship is unfamiliar, and even compliments will only arouse resentment?

Adjusting her glasses, she felt that she should make a big move.

A gun was silently pressed against Liang You's forehead, and Lu Shen said in a cold tone, "Miss Liang, I don't think I'm a person who is easy to tease. If you want to play such a boring trick, you can find someone else."

Lu Shen knew that Liang You was not real to him.

After returning from the banquet that day, he checked Liang You's scandal, and it was true. Some ambiguous photos in the newspaper made him feel depressed.

And she told herself that she would miss him every day on the front foot, and ignored him when she attended the banquet on the back foot, and she didn't even see him for seven days. It was obviously just for fun, and he didn't want to play games with her.

Liang Youzuo was very straightforward, and instinctively analyzed in his heart: With the relationship between Lu Lai Xing and Yu Yun Xing, Lu Shen would not shoot.She raised her eyebrows calmly and gracefully, and asked, "Just a tease?"

Lu Shen didn't intend to say it at first, but he did, with a cold tone: "Ten days ago, Ms. Liang said that she would miss me every day, but she didn't show up for seven days. Isn't that considered teasing?"

Liang You understood, it was because he was blaming himself for neglecting him, if he wanted to be warm, then he should tease him slightly.

One of her Green Tea Neptune hosts once chatted with her, physical contact is the most direct and powerful means of seduction, she decided to use this.

She tilted her head slightly, looked at the gun against her forehead, and stretched her hands upward at [-] degrees, touching the back of Lu Shen's hand which was as smooth as mutton fat jade.

Then, like playing a piano with her fingers, she went all the way inward, rubbing, and came to Lu Shen's wrist, and grabbed it.

There was a smile at the end of her eyes, and her tone was gentle and slow: "Miss me? I miss you too."

Sure enough, Lu Shen couldn't resist, his face was still expressionless, but his eyelashes couldn't reach him, and he blinked once, which was very innocent and soft.

It was like a bad wolf suddenly shrunk its ears harmlessly.

Looking at his reaction, Liang You thought that this must be a solid one. This wave of favorability must be high or low. She has a chance to win and has a good grasp of the situation.

She looked at Lu Shen without blinking, waiting for the system prompt.

The next second, the beep sounded.

In Lu Shen's slightly gentle eyes, the notification tone said cruelly:
Favorability -2, Total Favorability -10
Liang Youdun stayed where he was, unbelievable.

she:? ? ?

Where did I go wrong?The location is not in the flower field, how can I make a mistake so easily?

Lu Shen gave her an idea at this time, and he calmly denied: "I don't want you." Then he looked at Liang You lightly with his eyes: "I want to know why Miss Liang didn't show up for seven days, and I don't want to see Miss Liang change the subject .”

Liang You: ...

Liang You slightly felt the fear of elementary school students being asked by the teacher why they didn't hand in their summer homework, but fortunately, she thought of being asked beforehand, and she had already thought out the reason thoughtfully.

She argued with reason: "You are only at the base for three out of seven days, and I was afraid that you would be busy, so I didn't bother you."

Lu Shen thought: Liar, he has been tied up for so many days without frowning, but now he says he is afraid of disturbing him.

After a moment of silence, Lu Shen didn't say anything.

Liang You looked at the gun on her head, and then looked at today's poor performance. As a hard-working system, she felt that she could save it again. Anyway, she gave the reason, and this kind of conscious reason also Hard to fault.

She rolled her black eyeballs, pursed her lips and smiled, and started the third struggle of the day.

She looked directly at Lu Shen with a smile in her eyes, and said, "Hey, let me tell you a secret, okay?"

Lu Shen didn't speak.

But Liang You found out wittily that he did not deny it.

If you don’t deny it, you can, and if you can, you are very willing.

She pulled down Lu Shen's hand holding the gun against her head, without hindrance, leaned her body towards Lu Shen, straightened her spine, and brought it close to Lu Shen's ear, as if about to whisper.

Lu Shen's body froze, but he didn't stop him. His eyelashes drooped, covering half of his eyes, which was unexpectedly bewitching.

Liang You breathed into Lu Shen's ear, and whispered to him, "You can't point a gun at someone who cares about you."

She was very close at first, but after she finished speaking, her lips moved forward, and they seemed to stick to Lu Shen's white ears.

This is a big move, a man should be moved.

Lu Shen was indeed a man, the skin under his eyes suddenly turned pink, his face became paler, his eyes didn't move anymore, he was as stiff as if someone had cast a spell on him.

Liang You felt that this wave was stable no matter what.

But she didn't know how unlucky she was. Among the scandal photos of the original owner that Lu Shen saw, there was this one:
The original owner was sitting in the car and kissed the man's ear. The paparazzi's angle was so good that it was almost clear. It was 99% similar to the current scene.

So the second Lu Shen was teased so restlessly, he could remember it by heart.

So Liang You heard the notification tone:
Favorability -3, total favorability -13.

Favorability is a big move down the whole.

Sometimes you don't even know what despair is if you don't work hard. Liang You said that she didn't understand, but she was shocked.

Lu Shen pushed Liang You away, and said to add insult to injury: "Miss Liang doesn't meet my expectations for a significant other. There must be no shortage of suitors for a person like Miss Liang. It's better for us to meet less often in the future."

He has given all the opportunities that should be given, and now his patience is exhausted, and he doesn't want to see her usual tricks in love anymore.

She's just having fun.

Liang You struggled three times and was defeated by Waterloo. At this time, she was already in trouble. She stepped into her comfort zone, and angrily pulled out the quotations from the boss: "I have never tasted the feeling of being rejected, man, you know Didn't know you were playing with fire?"

"What am I supposed to do with you? What's going on in your little head?"

Lu Shen's eyes seemed to move, and he paused for a while, under the condition that Liang You did not report any hope.

She heard the beep: favorability +2, total favorability -11
Liang You:!!!
Her eyes lit up, so, this set of Ba Zong eating Ba Zong's quotations?Will he also eat the boss's behavior?She felt like she had found a new direction in her life.

The majestic Young Marshal Lu issued an order to evict the guest, and said mercilessly, "I've finished talking, you should go down."

Liang You was reluctant, but she was a dignified system. She got off the spaceship, closed the door of the spaceship, and said domineeringly to Lu Shen: "Oh, are you satisfied with what you see? I will disembark this spaceship myself. of"

(End of this chapter)

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