Chapter 99

That day, Yun Zhi was speechless by Liang You.

During the daytime the next day, the English teacher had to hand in homework, and when the sixth period was over, Cheng Hang came to collect the homework.

Liang You was reading a novel with a book at the time, but of course she didn't write it, not at all.

Thanks to the fact that the original owner was a scumbag, so Liang You didn't do his homework, and the teachers didn't particularly care about it. At most, Liang You was punished to stand during the collective investigation.

When Liang You saw Cheng Hang coming to collect his homework, he immediately wanted to find fault.

After all, it is the system, she is here to complete the task, not to learn, she is very clear about it herself.

When she started to do things, she put her homework on top of her pile of books that were piled high.

When Cheng Hang came in front of Liang You, he said coldly, "Take homework."

Liang You took an exercise book.

Her action was beyond Cheng Hang's expectation, because he also knew that she would not hand in her homework.

In the next moment, Liang You raised her eyebrows, threw the homework book on the ground, and said firmly, "I won't hand it in."

There is a large audience, this action is very provocative.

Cheng Hang gave her a cold look.

Turned around and left.

In the evening, it was the evening self-study of the political teacher. This teacher was serious and rigid, and even for the evening self-study, no one was allowed to speak.

He also made Cheng Hang a disciplinary committee member, whoever spoke up would be registered.Whoever is registered must copy the book.

There are so many contents in political books, and obviously no one wants to copy them, so few people speak up.

Liang You didn't want to find work for herself, so she didn't speak.

It's just that when the evening self-study came to the second class, Liang You played a game and thought it was very good, so he couldn't help pushing Chen Yi and said, "Look at this."

She showed Chen Yi the phone screen, and Chen Yi smiled and gestured OK to Liang You, probably because she wanted to play.

Liang You felt that since he only said one sentence, he should be fine.

After all, many people spoke in the evening self-study.

But when the self-study was about to end that night, the political teacher came to the classroom and read the name of the self-study speech last night.

Liang You felt that if he said a word, he wouldn't be registered, but in fact, Cheng Hang put on small shoes for Liang You, and there was Liang You's name in them.

Liang You was a little angry.

Walked to Cheng Hang's seat and said, "Are you serious? I just said a word, you have to register. I thought you good students are very fair. I didn't expect you to be such a villain."

Cheng Hang has no expression on his handsome face, his eyelashes are long and curled up, his eyes are as beautiful as glass beads, but he has no emotion when looking at Liang You.

He said: "Didn't you speak? I saw it with my own eyes. How can this be called injustice?"

But obviously many people have spoken, such as Fan Jia, but her name is not on it.

Isn't this just discrimination.

Because Liang You didn't want to copy the book, he was a little angry. He glared at Cheng Hang with cat eyes, and angrily threw away the register book and left.

Chen Yi followed behind Liang You, seeing that Liang You was in a bad mood.

She offered to say, "Let me copy it for you, I can copy it."

Liang You's anger disappeared in a second, and he said slyly, "Come on, let's make a deal first."

Chen Yi said: "Then you have to agree to my conditions, I am not free."

Liang You sighed: "Sure enough, there is no true love in the world. Tell me, what do you want?"

Chen Yi: "Dear Allah God, please help me to score, I am so short of the king, I always can't win."

Liang You nodded.

Copying the text is copying five lessons.Chen Yi was copying Chinese class and math class. It took three lessons to copy.

And Liang You used these three classes to help Chen Yi play games.

Because of the winning streak, she not only became the king, but even helped her get a few stars.

When Chen Yi saw that his rank had improved, he smiled happily, and even wanted to kiss Liang You hard.

There is no politics class this day, so all the homework copied for punishment will be handed over to Cheng Hang.

Cheng Hang is the student with the best grades in the class, so the teacher also likes him the most.

When Liang You handed over the homework to him, his face was not good, and he said to Cheng Hang, "Here you are."

Cheng Hang gave Liang You a cold look, then he opened Liang You's homework book in front of Liang You, and took a look inside.

"You didn't write this assignment," he concluded.

Liang You: "Who said no?"

Cheng Hang said concisely: "Your writing is not like this."

Cheng Hang was finding fault, Liang You heard it.

She tilted her head, "What do you want?"

Cheng Hang said coldly: "I didn't think about it. I just checked the homework for the teacher initially. I will tell the teacher who did not write the homework by myself."

The political teacher is the dean of the whole school, and he specializes in catching bad students.

So everyone was afraid of this teacher, and Liang You didn't want to mess around in front of this teacher, because he might be caught cleaning the toilet.

It's scary.

So Liang You stared fiercely at Cheng Hang, and finally dropped a sentence: "You wait."

This is so hateful.

Although she usually finds faults, but she really just speaks harshly, and Cheng Hang is more cruel than Liang You when he tears up.

Liang You felt so angry that he was about to tear out his true feelings.

When she went back with her homework, she was already thinking angrily, should she score 150 points in one test, so that Cheng Hang can fully experience this feeling of anger.

Because he had to copy his homework, Liang You didn't play games in the afternoon.

When it was evening self-study, Wu Hao was waving at Liang You.

Liang You sat next to Wu Hao.

The scumbags are all sitting in a pile, Wu Hao is there, Fatty is there, Wen Ye is also there.

Wu Hao said, "Brother You, are you playing games?"

Wu Hao felt that Liang You's manipulation was not suitable to be called sister, but only brother, so he respectfully called him brother.

Liang You had finished copying homework and her hands were sore, but she wanted to play with others, so she said, "Okay."

Liang You invited Chen Yi to come over and play games together. Liang You felt that he was at odds with Yunzhi.

She is not a system that likes to do superficial kung fu, especially when all this is unnecessary, so Liang You didn't call Yunzhi either.

Yunzhi was seated on the other side, and it was not uncommon for her to be unaware of the trouble, but Liang You didn't call her, and she pretended to be very busy.

Wu Hao was a little dazed, seeing that Yunzhi was very busy, he really thought that Yunzhi was very busy, so he didn't call.

He called Wen Ye and said, "Brother Ye, do you want to come together?"

Wen Ye was cold and indifferent, he turned his head and glanced casually, his eyes didn't even glance over Liang You's body, and he said directly: "I won't come."

Wu Hao persevered: "Why don't you come, Liang can lead us to the top again?"

Wen Ye's white hair fluttered between his eyebrows, and he said impatiently, "If you want to fuck yourself, I want to sleep."

Wen Ye didn't come, Chen Yi showed regret, after all, he lost a general.

Wu Hao saw that the wilderness was not coming, so he called the fat and thin people.

Xiaopang wears a big gold chain, but in fact he is tall and mighty. He has a handsome face and belongs to the fat and good-looking type.

And the skinny guy is not bad, but his body is like a telegraph pole, very thin.

Liang You played games with them, and soon became familiar with these two people.

And Wen Ye slept the whole time, without opening his eyes coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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