Entering Kung Fu into a Sauce

Chapter 103 Thunder Tiger

Chapter 103 Thunder Tiger
It wasn't until Jiang Bao took the initiative to stand up that everyone knew what Jiang Bao looked like.

"Hahahaha, this kid wants to be famous and crazy!" Many people said in unison.

Someone even got involved with Ma Rulong: "Old Ma, did your subordinate deliberately dig a hole for you? If he loses, he will only lose one life. You will be miserable! We each bet at least two gold bars, If you lose all bets, how much money do you have to pay?"

Everyone in the audience said so, and Ma Rulong was a little hesitant.

He is not a warrior. Although Jiang Bao has seen Jiang Bao defeat Yan Tiexin and Toushan Kotaro with his own eyes, Yan Tiexin and Toushan Kotaro are both normal people. Can they compare with Dahei?
So, he asked Niu Qianjin: "Xiao Niu, how sure is Leopard challenging Dahei?"

Niu Qianjin didn't know about Jiang Bao's current strength, but he always supported Jiang Bao for no reason, so he said loudly: "Director, don't worry, Leopard has practiced 'Zhanyi Eighteen Falls', and he will definitely win against Dahei! "

Hearing what Niu Qianjin said, I don't know why Zhang Yi has eighteen fathers, Ma Rulong's confidence is a little stronger.

However, everyone is still reluctant.

Someone said: "Once Dahei comes out, the people we brought will have no chance of winning. If Jiang Bao has the confidence, let's compare with our people first!"

One person proposes, and a hundred people agree.Now, even Ma Rulong had nothing to say.

Niu Qianjin whispered to Jiang Bao: "Brother, it seems that you will not be able to fight Dahei today!"

"Why do you say that, Brother Niu? Are you afraid that I will be defeated by others?" Jiang Bao asked with a smile.

"No, what I mean is, after you have played a few games with others, your strength is exhausted. Who is Dahei's opponent?"

Jiang Bao smiled proudly: "Brother Niu, don't worry, I'll hit some of the people here tonight!"

As he spoke, he jumped onto the stage first without waiting for Niu Qianjin to stop him, and the old Niu gritted his teeth at him in anger.

The stage was more than four meters above the ground. Even though Niu Qianjin was a top-notch fighter, he could only jump with two feet.

"This guy is really a leopard, he can jump up the mountain so high!" Niu Qianjin muttered to himself.

Only Jiang Bao knew that during the time he spent with Ye Lanshan, he had learned some subtle lightness techniques from her.Although it is not an authentic lightness skill, it is much stronger than ordinary warriors.

Seeing Jiang Bao's agility, many people nearby thought contemptuously: "You kid can be invincible to Xiangjiang just because of his agility?"

Jiang Bao didn't care what everyone thought. He clasped his fists first, and then said loudly: "Everyone, I am Jiang Bao under the New Territories Police Station Chief Ma. I know, everyone doesn't like me, okay, come up and hit me!" I just like how you don't like me, and you can't kill me like a bear!"

His words offended everyone present except Niu Qianjin and Ma Rulong.

He didn't care, he ticked his fingers: "Don't be polite, just come up if you have the guts!"

"Quack quack quack quack!" A male duck voice laughed presumptuously.

Strange to say, with the laughter, the audience was suddenly silent.

Jiang Bao was stunned: "Who is this, who laughs so unscrupulously, but can shock the audience? Although he is full of energy, he doesn't have the lion's roar like the charter woman?"

While thinking wildly, an old man in a red tuanshou robe stepped onto the stage.The old man is over seventy years old. Although his head is full of white hair, he is in good spirits.

In this day and age, few people wear long gowns and mandarin jackets from the Qing Dynasty anymore, unless they are married or celebrating a big birthday, they only wear red to show celebration.

The old man was wearing a tuanshou robe. Obviously, he was today's old birthday man, the father of Chief of Police Lei Zong.

"Hi, old man!" Jiang Bao bowed to salute.

"Little Leopard, you are looking for death! What you said just now, you like us to dislike you, but you can't get rid of you. You have already annoyed my old man!" Old Lei's face was full of displeasure.

However, when he said this, his face softened a lot: "However, I like to see the publicity of young people. Today, if you can win three games in a row, I can let you live for a few more days and rest Rest, and next time I will fight with Dahei!"

Jiang Bao smiled and waved his hands: "Thank you for your concern, old man. Today I want to defeat all those who disobey me. I can't convince them, at least let them take their mouths!"

"You boy..." Old man Lei couldn't help being tongue-tied, "I really want to shoot you boy! If I, Lei Huo, hadn't restrained my temper and paid attention to convincing people with virtue these years, you would have died long ago!"

Jiang Bao was taken aback: "Thunder Tiger? Convincing people with virtue? Am I going to change the plot again?"

Fortunately, there is no Fang Shiyu here, and the plot is not out of Jiang Bao's control.

Seeing that Jiang Bao was obsessed with obsession, Leihuo said no more, and walked down the stage angrily. When he was about to step off the stage, he waved his hand: "The game begins!"

Jiang Bao laughed even more: "Old man, why didn't you say that the game is over?"

Before his smile faded, a man climbed onto the stage: "Little Leopard, my Lingnan Yellow Lion is here to meet you!"

The man's skin was yellow, and even his hair was a little yellow and curly. If I didn't know it, I thought he was born because his mother had a relationship with a foreigner!

This guy is so big that he can only climb up the stage on the stage.

Someone in the audience booed: "The lion eats the leopard!"

The Lingnan Yellow Lion's momentum was not bad, but after only one round, he was thrown down the stage by Jiang Bao with four or two strokes of Taijiquan.

This time, only one person cheered: "The leopard eats the lion!"

This is the voice of Niu Qianjin.

"I'll fly swallows to meet you!" A voice came from the crowd, and then someone jumped onto the stage.

Since this person is known as the "Flying Swallow", he still has his own uniqueness in his physical skills, at least he didn't step on a ladder.

However, a few seconds later, he also jumped off the stage.

Compared with the Lingnan Yellow Lion in front of him, he was not so embarrassed, because he didn't fall, but he couldn't bear Jiang Bao's punch and jumped off.

Another round to resolve the battle!
The audience was almost silent.

Next, a few more people came onto the stage, but Jiang Bao easily threw them off the ring.

Ma Rulong was triumphant: "Everyone who bet just now, go to Mr. Lei to pay the money! Lao Wu has five gold bars, Lao Fei has five gold bars, you guys, there are four, and there are three, don't think I forgot! Except Lei If the old man keeps half, I can win at least ten gold bars tonight!"

Jiang Bao, who was standing on the stage, also heard it, and cursed inwardly: "I thought Leihuo just liked to watch people fight, so it turned out to be a game of gambling! These people present have won and lost, only him, only Whether you win or not, you can still watch the show safely!"

At this time, I only heard Wu Tun say: "Ma, don't be complacent, my big black is not up yet!"

"Go to Dahei!" The people in the audience shouted in unison.

Hearing them say that, it seems that Dahei is a hard dish!
 In martial arts in the world, everything is invincible, and if you give money, you can break it!
(End of this chapter)

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