Entering Kung Fu into a Sauce

Chapter 13 2 Flowing Martial Artists

Chapter 13 Second-Rate Warrior

Many people talk too much when drunk, and Niu Qianjin is one of them.

While he was rambling, he couldn't help recalling the scenes of practicing martial arts in Shaolin Temple, the dangers of walking in the rivers and lakes, and the process of mixing with the police in Xiangjiang.

Soon, Jiang Bao copied the Luohan boxing routine and Niu Qianjin's experience in his brain.While excited, he didn't feel sleepy, so he simply left the dormitory to find a place to practice martial arts.

There is a playground behind the patrol house, far away from the dormitory, very secluded.Jiang Bao came to a corner of the playground and practiced Luohanquan solidly dozens of times.

"Practice four-star fists, eyes, waist and feet, step in the body. The head must be upright, the momentum must be steady, and the hair should be loose and the shoulders should not be followed. , sneak up and kick Xian Qigong."

Relying on the basic skills of Tanzu, he quickly mastered Luohan boxing.

When he was sitting on the ground to rest, this message flashed in his mind: "Beginning with Arhat Fist, the realm remains unchanged."

The last time Tanzu entered the realm, he was a third-rate warrior.After practicing for less than a month, the realm is still third-rate.He wanted to improve, so he got up and continued to practice.

While practicing, Jiang Bao thought: "Based on my physical fitness, I must train hard for more than ten years to reach the current state of Coolie Qiang and Niu Qianjin. These ten years will not be easy! How can we narrow the gap with them as soon as possible? "

He stopped and pondered for a while: "Yes, if I can master Tanju and Arhat Fist well, and do amazing tricks when fighting with others, then I can make up for my shortcomings!"

With this thought in mind, his movements became distorted unconsciously, neither the pure pool leg nor the authentic Arhat boxing.

Previously, he still had concerns. When fighting with others, he feared that coolies would recognize him when he used his pool legs, and feared that Niu Qianjin would recognize him when he used Arhat fist.

Now it's all right, he has practiced "four different images", and no one can tell which kung fu he used.

At this moment, another message flashed in his mind: "Successfully integrated the Twelve-Road Tanju and Shaolin Arhat Fist, the combat power has been improved, and he has been promoted to a second-rate foreign martial artist."

"Upgraded! I'm a second-rate expert!" Jiang Bao almost cried out in excitement.

He was a third-rate martial artist just now, but now he has been promoted to a second-rate martial artist. Although he is still a martial artist, he regards himself as a master.

About 20 days ago, he stole the secret of Twelve-Road Pool Legs from Coolie Qiang's mind, and after only one night of practice, he received hints about the realm of Kung Fu in his brain.

This evening, he received two similar messages one after another.

"I wouldn't bring a system through it, would I? But, it doesn't look like it! Once the system is successfully stolen, it will gain a certain ability, and the realm is the same as that of the person who was stolen. I copied the legs and practiced hard. After more than 20 days, it is only a third-rate! Now it is my own effort to combine Tanju and Arhat Fist!"

When he was writing novels in his previous life, he also read systematic novels. To be honest, he didn't like this kind of novels.Now it was his turn to time travel, and he wished he could have a system.

It's a pity that everything can't go as he wished. Apart from being able to steal other people's skills, he still has to practice hard in terms of skills.

Some people may think that if the physical fitness cannot be improved, what is the combat effectiveness?

However, like Jiang Bao, by copying the fighting experience of two masters, he has the actual combat skills of masters.In actual combat, his chances of defeating his opponent naturally increased.

What is combat power?As long as it can kill the opponent, it is combat power.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, he went back to Niu Qianjin's dormitory and slept next to him.

"Leopard, Leopard, get up, get up!" Jiang Bao, who had just fallen asleep, was woken up by Niu Qianjin.

"Brother, go get busy, I'll sleep for a while!" Jiang Bao muttered.

Usually, he starts practicing in the middle of the night and has to sleep until after nine o'clock in the morning.It's only six o'clock now.

"No, get up and practice with me. Let me see which one you practice?" Niu Qianjin wanted to have a martial arts match with Jiang Bao.

"I drank too much last night, I want to sleep a little longer!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I drank almost all of that bottle of wine into my stomach! I even suspect that you kid is deliberately feeding me. Fortunately, there is nothing unusual about my body, and my money is not missing a penny!"

Niu Qianjin talked about this, and Jiang Bao couldn't afford it.

He got up to wash up, and then followed Niu Qianjin to the playground.

At this time, dozens of police officers were already practicing martial arts. Seeing that Niu Qianjin had brought a newcomer over, they gathered around one after another, wanting to learn a few skills from Niu Qianjin's side.

Niu Qianjin didn't shy away from others, first he warmed up, and then practiced a set of Arhat boxing neatly.

"Papa papa!" Jiang Bao applauded with everyone.

"Brother, what kind of kung fu did you practice in your hometown, let's see along the way?"

Jiang Bao nodded, and practiced the kung fu he realized in the early morning.

"Hey, what kind of kung fu is this? It's a bit like Arhat Boxing, and it's also a bit like Twelve Ways Pool Kung Fu?" Niu Qianjin murmured.

The kung fu practiced by Jiang Bao is a combination of Arhat Boxing and Tan Leg.

Just this one sentence, you know that Niu Qianjin is an old Jianghu.

Jiang Bao explained with a smile: "The boxers in our hometown are all wild, no authentic martial art!"

Huaxia's martial arts are extensive and profound. To put it bluntly, there are all kinds of strange things.Jiang Bao's explanation barely made sense.

"Do you dare to fight with me?" Niu Qianjin asked with a smile.

"Little brother is bold, just want to ask for advice, big brother will stop here!"

Ever since Jiang Bao learned the pool legs, he wanted to find a master to compete with, but unfortunately he has not been able to do so.Niu Qianjin took the initiative to propose today that he already had an itchy heart.

"Okay, okay, that's it!"

Niu Qianjin nodded with a smile, then took two steps back, made an empty step with his left fist and right palm, and made a starting gesture of Arhat Fist.

Seeing that someone dared to fight Niu Qianjin, the people next to him stepped back and formed a circle.

Jiang Bao didn't make any gestures, and rushed forward directly, hitting Niu Qianjin's chin with his right fist.

"Good time!" Niu Qianjin shouted, and also punched him.

With a "bang", Niu Qianjin swayed slightly, but Jiang Bao retreated three steps in a row.

"My dear, how dare I punch him?"

At the moment when the two fists collided just now, Jiang Bao felt that he had hit a stone. Not only were his finger bones about to split, but his right arm was so sore and sore that he almost couldn't lift it up.

"I'm so stupid! The old cow is clearly on the same level as the coolie. He is a first-class master. Whether it is strength, speed, or fighting strength, he is above me. I am a second-rate warrior who has just been promoted. I am fighting against others. Didn't you seek death!"

Seeing Jiang Bao rubbing his fingers and shaking his arms, the onlookers laughed and cheered in unison: "Boss Niu is mighty!"

At this moment, Niu Qianjin shouted: "Brother, you punched me, now it's time for me to punch you back!"

Before the words were finished, Niu Qianjin rushed forward with great strides and punched Jiang Bao in the face.

He had already suffered a loss just now, how could Jiang Bao dare to take it hard now?On one side of his body, he distanced himself from Niu Qianjin, and kicked Niu Qianjin's waist.

Whether it is Arhat Boxing or Tan Leg, both belong to the Northern School of Kung Fu.The Northern School of Kung Fu pays attention to: "Hands are two doors, and you hit people with your legs."

Jiang Bao knew that he was not as good as his opponent in terms of fists, so he simply used his legs as much as possible.He has practiced the pool legs for more than 20 days, and he has a certain foundation. Now he is doing his best, but it is quite powerful.

Niu Qianjin's Arhat Fist is equally heavy on both fists and feet. Seeing Jiang Bao attacking with all his might, he decided to attack Jiang Bao on the spur of the moment.For a while, the playground was full of dust.

There is a boxing proverb that goes: "If you want to be good for Arhats, look for them in three ways."

The so-called three uprights refer to the three essentials of Arhat boxing, namely, the uprightness of the hands, the uprightness of the body, and the uprightness of the horse stance.As long as these three positives are achieved, both offensive and defensive can double the power.

"Okay, if you want to be straight, I'll make you crooked!"

Jiang Bao frequently attacked Niu Qianjin's lower body with his pool legs, causing his gait to deviate from the center of gravity.

The strategy was good, at first he and Niu Qianjin could attack and defend each other.However, after twenty strokes, his strength was exhausted, and he gradually lost the wind.But Niu Qianjin was in high spirits, getting braver as he fought.

He sighed secretly: "The gap between second-rate fighters and first-rate masters is so obvious!"

Seeing that Niu Qianjin was punching again, he twisted his waist and shook his hips, and kicked sideways, trying to be tough with the opponent's fist.


The sole of Jiang Bao's foot was hit by Niu Qianjin's fist, and he felt his whole body tremble, and even took a few steps back, numb from the sole of his foot to his knee.

As the saying goes: "Arms are not as strong as thighs."

Today, his thighs were no stronger than others' arms!

"Brother, I lost!"

 Some readers questioned, Jiang Bao has only practiced for half a month, what fighting power can he have?I don't deny that one force will drop ten times, but Jiang Bao has learned actual combat experience from the memory of two masters, how to achieve the greatest result with the least consumption, isn't it delicious?

(End of this chapter)

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